posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 01:14 PM
I don't care if someone is gay, lesbian, or Bi-sexual. I do have a problem when people think that spending a lot of money to change their sex is
going to solve their problems. I don't have a problem with tomboys or guys that are feminine, everyone is different, it actually makes society more
interesting as long as they do not try to shove their ways down people's throats....that also goes for people trying to shove only straight down
people's throats.
Like I said, the medical and pharma industry that profits from sex changes and promoting freedom to alter who we are is whom I have a problem with.
It usually costs over a hundred grand to do a sex change, a change I do not think is necessary. Who cares if the guy you know likes acting like a
girl and talking to women like a woman talks to women. I know lots of people who are not testosterone driven, in fact I think part of our problem in
society is by people who are driven too much by sex hormones. Changing your sex with hormone treatments and operations does not fix everything,
except they feel better because they falsely believe that they are better off. If they are rich, and want to change their sex, go ahead, but I knew a
few people who started to do that and all they accomplished was turning poor and in debt.