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100% Pro-LGB

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posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 12:01 PM
I’ll go on record here and say I’m absolutely, positively, 100% pro LGB! I think it’s time I add my voice of support to this persecuted, previously silent part of the population. Someone needs to take a stand, so I say…let that someone be me.

I say we pressure the White House to bathe that symbol of our nation in our own special lights. Not just the White House, but other iconic buildings and constructions in America—the Empire State Building, Mount Vernon, the L.A. Municipal Building, Mount Rushmore….Maybe even start a Pride Parade.

What’s that? Oh you thought I meant that LGB…. I’m sorry. I should clarify: I mean Let’s Go Brandon!

Miscommunication is a HUGE part of what’s wrong in the U.S. these days. You couldn’t get a better definition of ‘miscommunication’ than the lickspittle press changing “F— You, Biden’ into ‘Let’s Go Brandon’. That doesn’t even make any sense! It was an appearance by Biden! Who the hell is Brandon!?
Maybe when the MSM comes back to its senses and stops acting as the Fourth Arm of the U.S. government and once again just reports the facts, the current unrest we’re suffering might just tamp down a little. Just a teensy bit. Is that too much to ask?

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Thoughtcrime

I was about to ask if the Transexuals and Queers have been dumped from the LGBTQ consortium.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: carewemust

You know what’s funny—funny ‘Ha Ha’, not funny ‘Queer’?

When I was a teenager, calling another boy ‘queer’ was stupid and hateful. And a SURE way to start a fist fight. But now, Gay people are using it to describe themselves”.. I suppose it’s like how Black people say calling each other the N-Word takes the sting and stigma out of that word, it’s no longer the sole province of racists. But I can’t help thinking if it was wrong then, why isn’t it stupid and hateful now?


posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Thoughtcrime

Society changes. My brother-in-law laughed at a suit I was wearing last month to a funeral, because the jacket had a slit in the back. (It is a suit from 1995. So what?)

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: carewemust
Now I am aware that my current suits are out of style.
I don't know whether to thank you... or curse at you.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Thoughtcrime

...You couldn’t get a better definition of ‘miscommunication’ than the lickspittle press changing “F— You, Biden’ into ‘Let’s Go Brandon’. That doesn’t even make any sense! It was an appearance by Biden!

The original meme was born at a NASCAR event after the crowd began cheering 'FU Biden' while the winning driver was being interviewed on live TV, Biden wasn't there.

Who the hell is Brandon!?

Brandon Brown, the winning driver.

Why am I having to explain this? 🤔


posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 01:14 PM
I don't care if someone is gay, lesbian, or Bi-sexual. I do have a problem when people think that spending a lot of money to change their sex is going to solve their problems. I don't have a problem with tomboys or guys that are feminine, everyone is different, it actually makes society more interesting as long as they do not try to shove their ways down people's throats....that also goes for people trying to shove only straight down people's throats.

Like I said, the medical and pharma industry that profits from sex changes and promoting freedom to alter who we are is whom I have a problem with. It usually costs over a hundred grand to do a sex change, a change I do not think is necessary. Who cares if the guy you know likes acting like a girl and talking to women like a woman talks to women. I know lots of people who are not testosterone driven, in fact I think part of our problem in society is by people who are driven too much by sex hormones. Changing your sex with hormone treatments and operations does not fix everything, except they feel better because they falsely believe that they are better off. If they are rich, and want to change their sex, go ahead, but I knew a few people who started to do that and all they accomplished was turning poor and in debt.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I was a fag hag back in the late 1970's and you never use
the term Q,at least not in my crowd at the time.

(post by MiddleInsite removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Thoughtcrime

I was about to ask if the Transexuals and Queers have been dumped from the LGBTQ consortium.

Let's Go Brandon Te Quiero!
edit on 3112021 by Tulpa because: Spilling

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

And yet you keep posting on them!

I am 66 years old and am looking forward to
my second childhood.How old are you by the

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 04:26 PM
I think the very vast majority of people accept the LBG community, but when certain sections of that community use it to sledge hammer people then that gives the a bad press.
By the way I have an awful lot of LGB friends, my brother is Bi and strangely my father accepted that in the early 1950s, which I wouldn't think he would.
Quite a few times Myself and my wife have been with my brother when he used to live in Spain and we've been to a few "gay" bars and really enjoyed ourselves. The thing we learnt from that was as long as you accept them for who they are and they know that you are just another person.
I could tell you a few stories of our outings.
edit on 3-11-2021 by crayzeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Thoughtcrime

There was a time when the press was the Fourth Estate of government and thus beholden to the people's wish for truth.

Now it is part of the executive branch IE the royals.

posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Thoughtcrime

Now that was funny.


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