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Rittenhouse trial is being set up for unrest

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posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 03:51 PM
i just wanna preface any further comments with this: i was an Occupy Wall Street democrat. i supported the protests (mostly) and all that. after i saw that the movement was being hijacked, i distanced myself from it and branched out, politically. i was a Bernie supporter until that old coot had the audacity to say "... if you're white, you don't know what it is to be poor. you don't know what it is to live in the ghetto."

after that, i accepted that he had forsaken me and moved on. politically speaking, i'm damn near homeless. the Left left me, and the Reps are feckless losers and hand-sitters. didn't vote for Trump in '16, didn't vote for the president at all because i didn't think either deserved my vote, but Trump was easily the most conservative president in recent memory. no questions asked. i don't like the bombing raid in Syria, and ending the accountability for drone strike operations is a serious no no, but he gets mostly good marks on policy. oh, and the bump stock thing was bad, too.

so perhaps we aren't too different, you and i. i get the impression you're a younger cat, but it's hard to tell with you bleeding-heart progressives.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: game over man

I am "triggered" by you guys trying to crucify a young man who had nothing but the best of intentions and turn him into something he is not.

You aren't happy with the law so you try to pretend certain parts of it don't apply to him. The law doesn't care what political persuasion you are, it applies equally and universally. In this case it clearly is not. There have been outright fabrications (ie: Kyle shining a non-existent laser scope on someone) to those intentionally ignoring the video in front of their own eyes.

You either see only the gun, or only the fact he was not supporting the mob of Joe Biden's voters and therefore the entire law goes out the window. Regardless, the very ability for us to have this dispute is in fact what constitutes reasonable doubt. Under these circumstances, an acquittal is the only appropriate conclusion. You can't prove something beyond a reasonable doubt when reasonable doubt exists.
edit on 11/7/2021 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: seckua

My daughter was a Bernie supporter at one time, I think she lost interest when she saw him driving that half million dollar car. No ill will to you, and I apologize for using vague terms like "democrat" or "leftist" there are a few of our other esteemed members here I make this mistake with too

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: seckua
a reply to: game over man

-they covered it and lightly criticized it when it started showing up in the polling; Don Lemon said as much. members of Harris' staff raised money for the rioters. Schumer, Pelosi, Newsom, etc ALL dismissed the chaotic nature of the riots out of hand. you must be out of your tree because multiple governors/mayors flat out denied assistance from the federal government, citing the obvious "we don't want help from a fascist dictator".

-notice how BLM starts to rear its head the year of an election? for example, where are all the large protests and demonstrations now? of course, there are minor ones, but you won't see much of them until late '23, and then every young black person killed by police will be marked a Saint. BLM is just a Democratic money laundering scheme.

-settle down, buster. my son is ~1/4 Native, and while i may not have the deepest knowledge of their culture or history, it's not because i wish it so or don't care.

but let's say that was the case... if the riots last year and the tearing down of historical monuments (confederate or otherwise) taught me anything, it's that America shouldn't celebrate the losers.

I just remember for at least a week every media outlet said terrorists overtook 10 blocks of Seattle which was belly aching hilarious living here reading that. CNN definitely participated in that. But I know what you mean when they downplayed the year of rioting explaining why the people were so mad they were rioting, sure yeah talking heads on the left did that when the polar opposite was said by the right.

I am wondering what is going on with BLM protests in my area myself. You claim it's a conspiracy because of democratic funding, I think it's covid related. Once things started opening back up, less people attended protests. Which highlights white privilege and the fakeness with protestors when everything was closed and there was nothing to do. There's still protests happening in Seattle. Free Palestine protests happen all the time for months now and there was just recently a Climate Justice Protest.

Well your son is 1/4, so if he has children with a non native his kids will be 1/8 and it will just keep getting less and less. If he doesn't know about his culture then he won't be able to pass down the oral history to his kids. Sorry to say you don't care. We owe so much to the indigenous people on this continent it's mind blowing. There is so much everyday language, food, culture and inventions we use from indigenous people they should be held in such a higher regard on that alone on top of the genocide they experienced...but sadly they're just the drunk casino owners that people have no respect for.

When I say BLM protest I'm not referring to the non profit organization that is linked to right wing conspiracies. I'm referring to protests that are for the lives of black people killed by the police. Writing/saying BLM is way faster.
edit on 7-11-2021 by game over man because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
a reply to: game over man

I am "triggered" by you guys trying to crucify a young man who had nothing but the best of intentions and turn him into something he is not.

You aren't happy with the law so you try to pretend certain parts of it don't apply to him. The law doesn't care what political persuasion you are, it applies equally and universally. In this case it clearly is not. There have been outright fabrications (ie: Kyle shining a non-existent laser scope on someone) to those intentionally ignoring the video in front of their own eyes.

You either see only the gun, or only the fact he was not supporting the mob of Joe Biden's voters and therefore the entire law goes out the window. Regardless, the very ability for us to have this dispute is in fact what constitutes reasonable doubt. Under these circumstances, an acquittal is the only appropriate conclusion. You can't prove something beyond a reasonable doubt when reasonable doubt exists.

Oh absolutely trying to crucify him and any other counter protestor showing up to protests with AR-15's to cause fear and intimidation like they got something to prove or feel proud of themselves. He was completely brainwashed that law and order (trumps tweets) had broken down, and society was on its last leg, and Kyle was going to save the day. His interview and things he was saying confirm that lunacy.
edit on 7-11-2021 by game over man because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 05:51 PM
you make a lot of claims but rarely, if ever, provide any evidence... why is that?

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 05:58 PM
i can't seem to find the entire interaction between him and that journalist on site, the streamer guy, but what i am able to see does not indicate anything that you're saying.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: JBurns

I am "triggered" by you guys trying to crucify a young man who had nothing but the best of intentions and turn him into something he is not.

Best of intentions don’t involve a gun and protecting places that didn’t ask you, in a town you do not live in!
For those that don’t know Antioch is across the border but it really isn’t that close. We’re talking a good 30-40 min.
I honestly believe people have a right to protect themselves, homes and businesses. I also think that younin’s looking for trouble are going to find it!

That being said, there are so many elements to this case, and we all know this isn’t really about Kyle.

edit on 7-11-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

they didn't ask the guys to leave, either. it was wise of them to keep plausible deniability.

this part is so old and beat to death already. he doesn't live there, but it's close enough that him working and having friends there is expected. also, fun fact, Antioch is ~20 miles from Kenosha. West Allis, where Grosskreutz lives, is more than twice as far away... 40+ miles

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: seckua
i can't seem to find the entire interaction between him and that journalist on site, the streamer guy, but what i am able to see does not indicate anything that you're saying.

Too long to quote but here's a link to someone with the same thoughts, link they do a play by play of what I'm talking about. The full daily caller stream was played in court. So you'll have to watch one of the 3 hour YouTube videos and I'm sorry I don't have a timestamp.

Anyhow after the interview with Kyle, the daily caller doesn't stop streaming, he keeps it rolling. Balch shows up and Balch and Kyle go to help someone and the daily caller follows and keeps streaming and Kyle and Balch are yapping away as they walk down the sidewalk talking about their EMT background and military credentials and why they're there. It would be mind blowing if they were dumb enough to say we're here because of Trump to restore law and order but it's obvious they were there because of this false sense of reality they're cops and society is falling apart. This whole, "we came to protect businesses" is such a joke, but people are buying it.

That whole group are all militia types ready for "civil war." That's why they didn't bring anything to actually protect businesses, just assault rifles, ready for war. Imagine if a bunch of them had a loud speaker, super effective at protests. Or any other equipment other than assault rifles lol. It's honestly so stupid.

The footage continues on with Kyle yelling medic, (he had a summer lifeguard job, not an EMT) and a group of people say, "oh BS you're a medic now, earlier in the day you were in the truck pointing your gun at us." Kyle walks away and the daily caller approaches these guys and after a few exchanges happen, McGinnis points his phone to the ground to respect their privacy to not be on camera and he chats with them and they repeat what they just said to Kyle.

Everything I talked about is a good portion of McGinnis cross examination, not sure by which lawyer, but it's in there.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: seckua

this part is so old and beat to death already. he doesn't live there, but it's close enough that him working and having friends there is expected. also, fun fact, Antioch is ~20 miles from Kenosha.

I just want to give you some insight as I live here, and have lived very close to where Kyle lived in Illinois.

West Allis is A LOT and I mean A lot more local than Antioch. Antioch is still considered Illinois, and West Allis is considered the greater Milwaukee area. Nobody would think twice about a West Allis person going to Kenosha, Racine, etc even if it is slightly farther in distance. Antioch is in a completely different state.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 07:18 PM
He'll be found not guilty here. That may just embolden him though.Especially as he has a fan club now. He beat up a girl, wished he could shoot random people and then shot 3 people 2 weeks later. He will implode again sooner or later most likely.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: game over man

"Kyle walks away and the daily caller approaches these guys and after a few exchanges happen, McGinnis points his phone to the ground to respect their privacy to not be on camera and he chats with them and they repeat what they just said to Kyle." they repeated these claims on camera, or it is alleged that this is what they said?

anyone truly concerned about the riots last year causing American civilization to collapse is pretty silly, but they certainly had an impact. but, uhhhh, your suggestion to use a loud speaker? that's simply more property for these degenerates to break. there's nothing wrong with owning and properly operating a firearm, which Kyle seems to have a good grasp on.

you keep saying things are obvious, and i keep failing to see them as obvious. i'd be willing to accept that Kyle was looking for a little action and go more than he bargained for.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

i didn't say what people considered to be local or any of that. people are lying by omission when they just say "he was from out of town" or "he crossed state lines" to be in Kenosha. factually accurate, contextually misleading.

you know that, though.

people question the motives of Rittenhouse and say nothing of Grosskreutz. and none of that changes the fact that if Kyle was wanting a mass shooter event, he had every opportunity.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: frogs453

that whole fight situation is ridiculous... on Kyle's part and on the fight in general. i suppose i'm sexist in that i would hesitate more to hit a woman than a man, but even that has it's breaking point.

either way, i'm inclined to disagree with you, but neither of us is clairvoyant. i just don't see how the jury could come to a guilty verdict on the evidence shown.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: seckua

I may agree with you on a situation where a woman hits or attacks a man(and I'm female), he can certainly defend himself. However, in the video he runs and jumps the girl. The argument did not involve him until he inserted himself in it. Which along with the other CVS video, it seems as if he thinks it's his responsibility to be involved in situations that have nothing to do with him. No, can't say what will happen, but we see his tendency towards violence and now he's considered a "hero" by many.
edit on 7-11-2021 by frogs453 because: Grammar

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 08:04 PM
no doubt Kyle acted brashly and foolishly.

that CVS looting video, though... if i had a dime for every time i heard someone say they'd "do (X) if..."

i understand what you're saying, though. more than anything, it shows his immaturity, not his tendency to be a murderer. true power is restrained and used as a last resort.

with any reasonable interpretation of the evidence, he'll get the chance to mature outside a cell.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: seckua

We can all say things in the heat of a moment that we don’t truly mean.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 08:09 PM
absolutely... that's why i don't think him talking about shooting looters is indicative of a killer in the making.

posted on Nov, 7 2021 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: seckua

i didn't say what people considered to be local or any of that. people are lying by omission when they just say "he was from out of town" or "he crossed state lines" to be in Kenosha. factually accurate, contextually misleading. you know that, though.

What I know from living here and there is that it is not misleading.
People from Antioch do not often visit Kenosha. I think it is actually the opposite, more people from that part of Wisconsin travel to Northern Illinois for work, shopping etc.
It is really weird to hear of someone living in Lake County Illinois working in Kenosha. There are a lot more jobs in Illinois. (It’s changing recently due to Amazon etc. but historically that is true.

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