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Rittenhouse trial is being set up for unrest

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posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Imperator2

originally posted by: vonclod
Witness under cross exam, talking about Rosenbaum, threatening to kill him, and Kyle, if he found either alone.

I thought this portion was incredibly damning for the prosecution. An eye witness is telling the jury that the deceased man had made direct threats about killing one of them - kyle included - if he caught them alone. This coupled with the deceased hiding behind a car to ambush him, chasing him across a parking lot and lunging at him to tackle him or take his gun.

Unless they can show something that has not been presented that portion of the charges should 100% be not guilty.

Oh ya, all that stuff too..I dunno, when someone threatens your life, not once, but at least twice, and then chases you, as you are trying to retreat, and you end up shooting..I don't understand how that is not self defence.

ETA I agree about the prosecutor, so far, most of what I have seen presented, just solidifies self defence.
edit on 4-11-2021 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 06:44 PM
And yet the cities still go on burning.
One has to wonder if and when are they going to realize they can NEVER appease these people, NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO.
There is no peaceful end to this. They have made that known the entire time.a reply to: panoz77

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: vonclod

The prosecution lost all credibility when it was revealed that they, along with the FBI, hid a video showing Rittenhouse attempting to help an antifa guy who have been injured, followed by another antifa guy shooting at Rittenhouse and chasing him.

A thousand "good jobs" don't make up for a single "oh crap"

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:03 PM
ok, i've been a lurker on ATS for years and years, and have been pushed to the point of digging up my account info multiple times, but reading this thread was the tipping point... i'm gonna go through here and respond to each one i take issue with; my goodness, the level of intellectual dishonesty in here is staggering.

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Jubei42

Rittenhouse fled from his assailants an adequate number of times and distance. eventually, he was knocked to the ground and attacked, having every reason to legitimately fear for his life.

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: frogs453

what laws did he break just by being there... especially ones that were not already being broken by some/most at this particular scene at this particular time?

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: game over man

you have absolutely no way to validate this claim.

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: game over man

simply being in possession of a firearm IN NO WAY threatens anyone's first amendment rights. authority figures did NOT have the situation under control, evidenced by cars being set on fire and having their windows busted out... along with local businesses.

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: game over man

he went to Kenosha, where he is an active participant in the local community via employment and friendship, to clean up the aftermath of the "protests" and to defend property where needed.

do you have ANY evidence to support the claims of his "mission" or initiation into a white supremacist militia? i'll wait for this

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: Jubei42

spoken like someone who has never owned a business or been an active, contributing member of a community.

shameful, really.

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: game over man

pretty please offer one shred of evidence that supports your claims. not an opinion on whether or not the Proud Boys are white supremacists, but that Rittenhouse was in any way involved with them prior to that night in Kenosha.

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: game over man

- he has as much right to "be there" as anyone else in the situation
- what laws?
- there is absolutely no indication that he escalated anything; if anything, he attempted to enter the proximity of the protestors/rioters by yelling "friendly! friendly" and offering medical assistance. he fled from people attempting to attack him (Rosenbaum), and after that, while attempting to gain the attention of police (who were doing SUCH a good job of containing the situation /sarc), he was knocked to the ground by a mob, battered multiple times, and legitimately feared for his life.
- it is unclear if he called 911 or not
- continuing to run when? perhaps he could have continued to flee from Rosenbaum, but perhaps he was winded. oohhhh, you mean continue running when he was knocked to the ground and battered by kicks and a skateboard. gotcha.
- when Rosenbaum attempted to grab Rittenhouse's gun, he forfeited his "unarmed" status. fact.
-soooo.... should he have continued to run or "fled the scene, twice"?

you are INCREDIBLY intellectually dishonest.

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: game over man

you mean the 2nd amendment rally/protest where the attendees left the area cleaner than they found it, and definitely DIDN'T storm anything? i think that may have been an event where the only violence came from antifa-type counter-protestors.

"they" planned to kidnap a politician? you mean the group that had as many FBI agents/informants as it did unwitting participants?

i can see that your research is about as deep/broad as your intellect... pardon me while i jump over that puddle.

as for Blake... he had violated a restraining order, RAPED HIS ESTRANGED LOVER, and assault/battered police officers, while ignoring their commands with a KNIFE IN HAND, and attempted to get into a vehicle that contained children which may or may not be his. what about that trauma? how do you think the woman WHO HE RAPED AND WHO CALLED THE COPS ON HIM feels seeing this trash being championed by swaths of the country?

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:41 PM
turns out the prosecution was lying about that... it shows Rosenbaum ambushing Kyle and chasing him. surprise, surprise.

a reply to: frogs453

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:45 PM
need to do some "research" here, because the gun was bought, used, and stored in Wisconsin and never crossed state lines.... NOT THAT IT EVEN MAKES A DIFFERENCE. why are all of you lefties so concerned about "crossing state lines" with or without a fire arm.... as an aside, how do you feel about the southern border situation?

a reply to: game over man

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:53 PM
there is absolutely no guarantee that the sling will remain intact and attached to the gun if enough force is applied when attempting to remove it. the QD bearing could slip or the MLOK brackets could break, or the strap itself could snap. you wouldn't HAVE to remove/cut the sling. just because the rifle is slung doesn't mean it is permanently attached.

"totally ignorant", indeed.

a reply to: game over man

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:56 PM
where's the evidence that Kyle went after Rosenbaum? also, you're stating it as though Kyle wanted to kill anyone... "impactful kill" please, man.

a reply to: game over man

posted on Nov, 4 2021 @ 11:58 PM
Dominick is testifying against Kyle because he is facing 2 weapon-related charges that carry a total of 12 years, potentially.

did your research reveal that?

a reply to: game over man

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 12:05 AM
Kyle lived, like, 20 minutes from Kenosha... i'm willing to bet some of you wait longer than that in line at Starbucks for your triple mocha double espresso low fat no whip with extra sprinkles.

i don't think Kyle is a hero, but he certainly acted in self-defense. funny how you can get attacked at an antifa/BLM riot and end up shooting pedophiles and violent criminals.

posted on Nov, 5 2021 @ 12:57 AM
I'm just gonna leave this here.

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