posted on Nov, 3 2021 @ 09:02 AM
originally posted by: anonentity
I wonder if revelation is so deep in our psyche that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. This old guy has done a bit of numerology simple enough for
all to understand, Guess what Bill gates is in it. I am trying to work out the probabilities of such a random name like conovirus would put out this
number. It really is a bit freaky
Another interesting video, yes i believe that the whole Corona virus thing isn't that bad and people are making it out to be worse than it is. Now
about the zombie thing, I find it hard to believe, I also found it hard to believe that there are fetal tissue in vaccines and now I know that there
really are, so this could be a real thing? Sometimes I often wonder how many people are vaccinated when I go out and if I am going to get anything
from them. Will these people snap, and start acting odd. Yes these things have run through my head. I also think are they just going to drop dead due
to a blood clot or heart failure? Time will tell I guess.
Also no snark here but my husband and I have discussed how much better it would be to deal with zombies, than a controlling government, amd
restrictions. I also wonder if this vaccine is really the mark of the beast, because in Revelation it talks about people accepting the mark, and then
end in the end people will be arrested and taken away and it's either you take the mark or you're going to die or be beheaded, a lot of will choose
death over the mark. You have to wonder why people want death over taking this mark, and maybe it's because of the side effects? I could be wrong and
this is leading up to the mark. One other thing,i don't if anyone has noticed but people are acting after taking the vaccine. They get real angry if
other people don't take it and they cut off people in life if they say they are against the vaccine. They callthem crazy Qanon people or conspiracy
theorists. Things are getting real crazy and scary fast.