posted on Nov, 1 2021 @ 08:00 AM
Young people are our future, but what have they done for society so far? Us old codgers have paid income tax, property taxes and sales taxes for
decades. We contributed to Social Security and Medicare for decades before getting a penny back (I recently turned 65). Most of us never get anything
back for what we gave to workers comp.
We've bought houses, cars, food, clothing, furniture, electronics, electricity, gasoline, fuel oil, natural gas, etc. We paid sales taxes on most of
these things, but just as importantly, our purchases provided jobs for people who produced, transported and sold them.
The money we earned and placed in banks, stocks, 401Ks, etc., was used by bankers and financiers to fund all kinds of things that make our lives
Most of us who stayed out of trouble, worked hard, stayed in school and delayed gratification had little need of social welfare programs like food
stamps, Section 8 housing, public housing, WIC, Medicaid, earned income tax credit and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (AKA "welfare"). We
helped pay for all those things.
We raised our kids at great expense and inconvenience, occasional heartache and worry, and lots of love and support.
I suspect ungrateful, inexperienced Millennials, Gen Zs and Gen Alphas will sing a different tune after they've slogged their way to retirement age.
When I was an ignorant, ungrateful youth and young adult, I had no idea how good I had it or how much my parents sacrificed for me. If only they were
still alive so I could sincerely thank them and apologize for my ingratitude and the stress I put them through!