posted on Mar, 28 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Off_The_Street
The difference between the deists and the UFO believers is that the latter, although they too believe by faith, expect people to buy into their
particular theology as a "fact" when they have exactly the same evidence that the God-buffs have -- absolutely none.
Are you being sarcastic?? So you're trying to say UFO believers try to push their theology on people, but religious people do not? Funniest thing
I've heard all day. Thanks for that.
Heh, you should take a walk through downtown Boston (where I'm from) in the summer sometime. I cannot walk more than 50 feet through the commons
without some religious nut trying to convince me I should take Jesus as my savior and go to church more regularly and if I choose not to, I'll be
going to "hell."
Most UFO researchers and believers I've heard from are NOT this fanatical, which makes your post rather stereotypical and hypocritical. The serious
Ufologists out there base their statements on the facts, and EVIDENCE (
Not proof. I've noticed you confuse the two many, many times here).
That's something that hardly even exists in religion and I'll take facts and evidence over faith any day of the week.