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Biden: Police, Emergency Responders Should Be Fired if they Won’t Get Vaccinated

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posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: starshift
We need an America 2.0.
They are intentionally looking to create mega chaos as this trickles out into food shortages, more riots and lootng runs once the herd gets wind that its all running out. Fricking communist.

All of this ads up to horrible chaos.

The communist recipe to get people to demand totalitarian 24/7 nanny government involved in every aspect of your lives, down to your personal health decisions - just to end the chaos.

Yes, I think the last 8 months prove chaos is the ultimate goal, making life as miserable as possible. But that is what Biden supporters voted for and that is what they are getting.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 02:20 PM
i mean i understand why Democrats are saying and doing stuff like this, but they seem to forget they only make up half of the adult population and mostly younger people, the majority of people doing vital things that keep society functioning and the economy running are not Democrat s , thus such policy will have severe consequences that could destroy their party, because in the end Americans are about money not political ideology when it comes voting time, there's a reason most voters are independents.

posted on Oct, 23 2021 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

I still don't understand how they think that government destroying government services and agencies through government mandates is going to prove that capitalism is broken and we need more government to fix what government is blatantly screwing up.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

This is how the Democrats plan to Build Back Better!

This is what Biden supporters want and how they want the nation run, and what they voted for.

Violent crime has increased 30% since the Democrats have taken control of the nation, meanwhile police forces are rapidly dwindling through retirements and police quitting because they feel hated and loathed, meanwhile the Democrats celebrate the possible firing of hundreds of thousands more police who for whatever reason don't want to be forced to have something injected into their bodies. (I'm vaxed, and find this horrific policy)

The police aren't allowed in California to arrest anyone who steals or does less than $1000 of damage during a robbery or destruction of property. Again, something Biden voters must applaud as part of Build Back Better.

Parents who object to what is happening in their schools have now been deemed by the Biden administration to be domestic terrorists if they get upset at school board meetings. The best example is the Father of the girl who was raped and sodomized at school and got very upset the school refused to do anything about it because the rapist was a transgender - "girl" with a penis - in the girl's restroom. He was called a domestic terrorists by liberals and Democrats for getting very angry at the school board for the school's lack of caring and refusal to act. Again, a part of the Build Back Better that Biden voters wanted and voted to have happen in the USA.

Immigrants are flooding the border by the hundreds of thousands without any background check for criminality, pedophilia, sex predatory behavior in their country of origin. Biden is secretly flying these people all over the nation in the dead of night without the knowledge of local law enforcement or politicians. This is how Democrats plan to Build Back Better the USA.

This is what Democrats voted for and wanted, and want more to come just like it the next 3 years.

posted on Oct, 24 2021 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

If Biden chokes on his ice cream, will he turn away the first arriving emergency responder, if he/she is not vaccinated?

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
a reply to: ketsuko

Violent crime has increased 30% since the Democrats have taken control of the nation, meanwhile police forces are rapidly dwindling through retirements and police quitting because they feel hated and loathed, meanwhile the Democrats celebrate the possible firing of hundreds of thousands more police who for whatever reason don't want to be forced to have something injected into their bodies. (I'm vaxed, and find this horrific policy)

The police aren't allowed in California to arrest anyone who steals or does less than $1000 of damage during a robbery or destruction of property.

Or maybe Biden wants to attempt to establish a dictatorship. When Hitler established his dictatorship, he had his SS kill all SA. Then the SS took control of the police in the country.

Maybe Biden is attempting something similar. Maybe Biden wants to fire 40% of the cops in different cities so he can create some new government division to control the cops under his command.

posted on Oct, 25 2021 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

Joe can # off. Who does he thing he is, an elected POTUS? Not hardly.

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