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Aliens Sexuality

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posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by _Uforia_
Is this where hermaphrodites originated? through asexual alien races?

No. Snails exist for a long time also...

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 08:30 AM
My understanding from the alien races is that all known races in all the known universes are people, males and females, have sex pretty much the same way we do, and both for pleasure and procreation. We cannot have sex outside of our own race the same as we cannot breathe the same air- it is biologically impossible to survive in that physical proximity. Contact between races is "effected" through technologies, including dimensional, as well as natural abilities such as out of body.

The individuals who travel from their own worlds to their neighboring worlds are the professionals of their races, representing their worlds in their positions in the organizations that network our races across the galaxies. There are no renegade aliens wreaking havoc, as humans would project based on our own nature.

A few races have in the past, and not anymore, used human genetics and humans to create respective hybrid races, which was done for their own use by their own needs for survival, not ours. There were two races who we call "The Greys" doing that recently. However, the practice has been stopped completely by the efforts and demand of the organization of Earth's visiting races as of April 2000.

Advanced races have a respect for the unit of family, for every one of their own people, and for all life that some races, like us, are still developing.

[edit on 4/2/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
My understanding from the alien races is that all known races in all the known universes are people, males and females, have sex pretty much the same way we do, and both for pleasure and procreation.

That's because all known races are right here, on Earth. And what you said is because we all descended from a similar ancestor, and so are inclined to be the same. No reason why Aliens can't be, any thoughts on the subject are probably because it's easiest to imagine things we're familiar with.

Advanced races have a respect for the unit of family, for every one of their own people, and for all life that some races, like us, are still developing.

Good to hear! Wouldn't want any Aliens with the hots for my wife coming down and paying her a visit!

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 04:12 AM
Always as a personnal opinion I think it is unlogical to asume that they would be clones, As that is not proven in any way. I do not think that a species that has been here for so much time would in any way have been created from scratch genetically. Or even so! thinking that one unit can reproduce itself would be unverifiable, but who knows! Look a civilisation doesnt start up without genetic bagage. Maybe theire is something with the genetics that we have they needed to understand, But I do not think they do not have gender.

Sexuality has always been a means of creation. The only reason that it is that much fun is because it is implanted in us for the survival of our species. Im not aware of many species with only one sexual device. Im sure it does exist, But I do not feel that is the case with these grey aliens people are always talking about.

There must be others than me, people who have lived the experience of seing an alien in front of them, that have an idea of its origins or even contacts. Of course sexual reproduction of this creature is not on your mind when your trying to think what you are going to do next in an encounter.

But I feel that there must be some females or males in that species. One thing that I find curious is the lack of brest or even hair. (Hows about the belly in some way?could it be an organ??)

If these things have mouths and eyes they must eat somewhere. ok with pills now we could probably survive....Evolved in some way. Hows about their feet and their hands. These things can tell us about the way these creatures live day by day, and by any means also give us the anwsers we need. Our ressemblance with these beings is very very close. I wonder what it is that makes us so different yet physically very simillar.

Just a thought or two .....

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 04:50 PM
I think an intergalactic, interracial marraige would be nice.

I bet sex would be great. They say sex is 90% mental anyway.

Oh, but you know what? There would always be the tension right, My wife makes a better living than I do. Or, My wife is better educated than me, Or, My wifes family doesn't like me, They think she married below herself.

Yea, it probably wouldn't work.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 06:25 PM
Or, you know, "My wife is only visible in the x-ray spectrum and can't survive in an oxygen environment."

All kinds of new marriage problems.

At any rate, wouldn't happen, as I stated, I see no reason for our base pairs to match up, or for them to even use a base pair system.

[edit on 4/8/2005 by Amorymeltzer]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 10:05 PM
This post is getting better by the second
Guess Ill head back to work !


posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 02:21 PM
Who's going to argue against sex for pleasure, apart from religious orthodoxy? Aliens are both sexual and non--we can all see that it varies with the "species." Through years of interactions with aliens, I've learned that the universal standard of communication and thinking is higher brained non-sexual, even among sexuals, frankly.

This has been impressed on me in a variety of ways. At times, certain aliens have almost toyed with me by using psychotronic technology to initiate a stimulated response, physiologically, only to make an educational lesson about how such responses divert clear-headed thinking. Those abducting aliens may try to use such technology to hijack control of our planet, to marginally debase it, then impose their own paradigm. How "debased?" See the Monarch Project, CIA related to Operation Monarch, black budget narco dealing. To stump human control of human affairs plays into their hands. To do so in terms of low-order ideas of sexuality would merely provide a teaching example of what's wrong with humans. You can imagine the propaganda it makes, even among sexual aliens.

The most advanced aliens appear to be predominantly non-sexual, certainly in their judgement. They've dimensioned their thinking and their technology further away from tactile, physical sense of themselves. How do they reproduce? I don't know.

Want to have sex with an alien? They probably don't want to have sex with you. Our kind is seen as dim-witted, embarrassingly so. We are scary, if not brutal, to them. Would you want to have sex with a hairy primitive? Doubtful. Like our moderator, here, I'm sex positive, but I see that we need to evolve the human awareness of human impulses. Why do males commit most sex crimes and kill more than do females?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by Tomorrow

I am thinking of aliens possibily being asexual. Maybe evolving out of the primative male- female and into an asexualness. Perhaps because they don't reproduce as we do, they don't need the whole mating thing.

Personally, I resent the idea that "male-female" reproduction is a primative function. Without sexual reproduction there is no genetic variation, which makes a species less adaptable. If an asexual species' environment or other circumstance changes too rapidly then that species will not have time to evolve the necessary attributes to survive those changes.

Our species has so many different variations and possibilities. Just look at how many types of people there are. But the aliens... they're all the same.

Sexual "male-female" reproduction is far more advanced.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by freddieb
They say sex is 90% mental anyway.

With a bunch of people I know, yes... lmao! Now, who said aliens had sex or who said they had no sex? Impossible to decide: we don't know yet that they exist... We just and only strongly suspect them...

Btw, I'm a "believer"... But hey, that's like talking of a disease that doesn't happen to exist... Conjectures, and only that.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 05:39 PM
i think aliens's sexuality may like germs . they don't need to made a baby by themself. they may only seperate themself, just like bacterias.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Tomorrow
If the theroy about the Annukki coming to earth a long time ago and splicing some of their D.N.A. into Neandrathal or Cro magnon is true then
I am wondering if this is the beginning of bisexuality.

I am thinking of aliens possibily being asexual. Maybe evolving out of the primative male- female and into an asexualness. Perhaps because they don't reproduce as we do, they don't need the whole mating thing.

Yes I know this is a crazy theory but notice during a lot of abductions
ther seems to be genital probing. Perhaps they are checking progress
of evolution.
Anyway my question is ...What do you think the Aliens sexuality is?

To answer your question. Aliens are most likely like worms, they are both ways, so to speak.

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