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Russian Monarch In A Wheelchair... Lets Talk About It!

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posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
I'm curious about these threads you've been making.. A lot of my own experience suggests something similar will occur with a popular leader who will operate outside of the current system of political power, and that his rise will be commensurate with the sort of 'black swan' event that i've personally predicted through the use of the prophetic insights which come to me in my dreams.

I'm interested to know what system you have been utilising to glean information on this future ruler? I would suspect that CRT (coordinate remote viewing) or similar may have been at least one of the tools you've used - is that accurate speculation? If you have not used remote viewing, I suspect that if you did, you would be able to gain further insights into the prospect of the rule of this person, and perhaps even to gather insight about paranormal/supernatural states of being, for example the dreams & OOBEs of this person (though I'm guessing, as to whether it is possible to gain insight into these supernatural experiences using remote viewing or a similar discipline. It would certainly be interesting to find out if it were indeed possible to do so.

Please continue to post threads on this subject, I find it deeply fascinating.

One thing which occurred to me, is that this ruler will refer to the need for the native Europeans to stand up for their rights in the face of deliberate cabal-led strategies to place large amounts of economic migrants from third world countries into the European states, who arrive with a total disregard for traditional moral values practiced by Europeans - they rape & steal & even kill with impunity. I'm not saying that this is necessarily a race issue alone, I'm saying it's a culture issue, and all true Europeans, no matter their skin colour, must adhere to their European values yet firmly resist the efforts to diminish European culture & moral outlook by forced assimilation of these under-civilised monsters (they have a game known as Tarharrhush - can't remember the spelling - but it basically means 'the rape game', in which they will work as teams to go out & rape as many native girls as they can find, competing with each other for the most 'points scored').

These are abominable people, and if they show no interest in integration & civilised morals, they should be firmly & even fiercely resisted, no matter what the ruling class decree about tolerance & empathy. It's a scam, globalists are deliberately trying to degrade the quality of European culture by pushing for massive quotas of these uncivilised migrants to be taken in by the various nations of Europe.

I decided to post a thread as a 2022 log about him and my observation which are more reveals about him.

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: Eyenadav
I don't have specific questions at this moment but I like to read about him, just interested guess I'll just wait for you to have more dreams or info to share when it's time

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

originally posted by: Eyenadav
Hey WanderingmrM, you made me really curious towards this person you are talking about I really would like to know more about him and the dreams you have about him and sometimes I keep looking at your topics to see if you shared more about it..

What would you like to know about him?

I decided to combine things into a monthly Log for 2022 about the Tzar, so you will be able to find it here:

Quiet an update for the month of January and some very interesting revelations indeed!

posted on Jan, 25 2022 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: pureclover

I decided to do a full log thread for 2022 about him and what I get about him, so you can find some interesting stuff and speaking of flags it is very interesting:

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