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Has anyone ever tried to lure a ufo/aliens to them?

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posted on Oct, 15 2021 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

There are certainly other ways to contact & summon ET's --- I've tried a few other methods --- maybe with minor success --- though with a couple of them, I don't dare to delve into at this moment in time. And I'm not talking about using laser pointers of any sort.

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

Yeah sure it works. Used to do it for a hobby back in the youth

Preferably find out where the energy lines / ley lines run in your locality. Then locate the major energy hub where these lines originate from. Preferably somewhere in the middle of nowhere away from large human settlement, these things do try to avoid humanity. This will be your location for your CE.

Get yourself a torch and name it the communicator, preferably a dynamo torch (mine's made in Canada but at least 25 years old) as that replicates the inner workings of a ufo orb, but any torch will do. Aim it slightly above the horizon facing North North West. Ok the flash sequence is key here to making contact.

Illuminate your communicator with a single flash, then dark again for a second, now a second flash, then another go dark again for a second, then a final third flash.

So it's a 1 - 2 - 3 sequence of flashes all a second apart.

Maybe take a twenty second break or more, then try the communicator again.

If you do start seeing a tiny light in the very far distance, aim your communicator at it and repeat the above. Please remember that these ufo orbs are actually quite timid and do take alot of coaxing down. Can take 20 minutes from initial contact to be close. Anything from that point is possible, let the fun begin.

* Please note all I am stating is how to make contact with ufo orbs and from there on to motherships. I am in no way recommending this to you as when CE occurs it can be totally and utterly out of this world and quite a shock to the mind. You could even disappear for good who knows? But the above certainly works

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
a reply to: ancientlight

Yeah sure it works. Used to do it for a hobby back in the youth
……..But the above certainly works

I’m always interested when gizmos to attract and contact E.T.’s are mentioned…..

So let me try to understand……

….. “as that replicates the inner workings of a ufo orb”…. And you know this as fact, how?

…..” Illuminate your communicator with a single flash, then dark again for a second, now a second flash, then another go dark again for a second, then a final third flash. So it's a 1 - 2 - 3 sequence of flashes all a second apart.”………. And you know that they respond specifically to this sequence, how?

….” Please remember that these ufo orbs are actually quite timid”…… And you know this as a fact, how?

Since you are well acquainted with your own method that you’ve probably achieved over time through trial and error….. can you provide any pictures whatsoever of any contact from your own personal encounters? (not to be plagiarized pics off the www). I would think if your endeavors, at your youth, was a “hobby”…..then who doesn’t take pictures of what they do in their hobbies for their own reflective memories?

ATS always strives to get honest unaltered raw proof from its members.


edit on 16-10-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 01:31 PM
yes read the story of the VRIL ladies in the late 30's post ww2

they supposed to have psychic contact to the aldebaran indentities
not for nothing that pioneer 10 is heading for aldebaran !!!
guess Werner von Braun had some fingers in that destination couse in ww2 developping the V weapons he worked closely with Hans Kammler
the leader of the vril project !
and construction of the famous HAUNABU's sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja0sb2x8_zAhWCyaQKHeNvAWsQ6AF6BAgNEAM#v=onepage&q=vril%20ladies&f=false

a reply to: ancientlight

edit on 16-10-2021 by ressiv because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2021 by ressiv because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 01:36 PM
The real question should be why would you want to lure an
alien/UFO to you? They have a tendency not to play fair,they
lie and are extremely dangerous.

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1


“as that replicates the inner workings of a ufo orb”…. And you know this as fact, how?

The amber orange type ufo orb has a swirling lava like substance swirling around their insides. Many on ATS have noticed this when having a CE with them. From trial and error I discovered that by using a dynamo torch the fluctuations in the output kind of replicated the fluctuations of the inner workings of an amber orange type ufo orb.

” Illuminate your communicator with a single flash, then dark again for a second, now a second flash, then another go dark again for a second, then a final third flash. So it's a 1 - 2 - 3 sequence of flashes all a second apart.”………. And you know that they respond specifically to this sequence, how?

The three flash sequence must mean something to them, maybe that's how they communicate with each other, one, four, two etc flash sequence stops them in their tracks, they pull back. It has to be a three flash sequence. Also note the communicator only works with the amber orange type, not whites, yellows, red, angel angle grinder, green types etc.

” Please remember that these ufo orbs are actually quite timid”…… And you know this as a fact, how?

They just are. In my opinion they generally keep their distance from humanity. I have no idea why, but one can guess from watching us destroy this beautiful planet called Earth. When gaining contact they don't come straight to you, they keep their distance on the horizon. It took us twenty minutes to coax the pair of amber orange types down. A very slow process. When it comes to white types then they have different personalities. Very playful, these dudes love playing tag with each other. You can find them having fun in valleys, along river courses. So beautiful when watching them play. Same with other colours, usually travelling in pairs. Not too sure about the red type, they are different, they have some kind of red search light flowing from them scanning around as if looking for something. We used to call the red's the lighthouse type, the beam was similar.

On pictures, yes one would expect them. My initial sightings were around 1991 and after, in those days we never had cameras. We saw the ufo orbs every now and then. Then nothing for a decade. Then they returned in 2006 big style while on a night hike. What started as my friend with me ridiculing my ufo stories as we hiked a trail, I said I'd show him the old way of making contact. Holy smoke that started the whole thing. The two amber orange types were followed by an agle grinder angel type ufo orb, then around 24 same coloured pairs of orbs in a perfect circle above our heads, golf ball bullet orb that stopped 12" in an instant in front of our eyes, red types scanning the ground, then a massive radiant white slab of light mothership that zoomed over us four times roaring like the sound of a massive elephant and crop sprayed us with a candy floss type substance that descended slowly from above that we later found out was something called Manna, literally G-ds food in the bible an after effect from something they called Merkava, G-ds chariot. Some say this substance is the radioactive discharge of a mothership when it leaves our dimension and moves to another. It was all too much to take any phone footage of, my friend did suggest it but I thought it might upset them. It was too mental to think about recording the CE, I was really concerned about the situation leading to possible abduction and preserving our lives to consider upsetting them. Who knows abduction may have happened. When the scene calmed down everything disappeared, it was an instant how it happened. Everything suddenly still and normal.

We did take footage 5 days later of more ufo orbs. They weren't doing much, it was 5 in the morning, they were just lurking around a fdield. I have lost the actual 29 minute footage on a early camera phone of them, I asked Gortex a few weeks ago if he still had it but said no. I'll see if I can dig out the 2 minute footage of an amber orange type ufo orb as we made outr way back. It's a real ufo orb showing all its bright illumination. Stay tuned if I can get it from Dailymotion still

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I await the 2 minute footage with baited eyes 😳

……”Also note the communicator only works with the amber orange type, not whites, yellows, red, angel angle grinder, green types etc.”…..

To clarify….do you mean using an amber orange filter or amber orange screen of sorts, attached to the front lens of a torch (communicator)? Typically, from olden days, torches as you know used yellow filament incandescent bulbs, nowadays there more apt to have white light LED’s. Even by now there may be torches with interchangeable colored bulbs/LED’s.

Or did you mean that the orange Orbs also have communicators (light beams? like the red orbs) themselves which also emits amber orange light for communicating back?


edit on 16-10-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

To clarify….do you mean using an amber orange filter or amber orange screen of sorts, attached to the front lens of a torch (communicator)? Typically, from olden days, torches as you know used yellow filament incandescent bulbs, nowadays there more apt to have white light LED’s. Even by now there may be torches with interchangeable colored bulbs/LED’s.

Yes it was the same torch as used "from olden days, torches as you know used yellow filament incandescent bulbs," exactly that. No filters needed back in the day just old style yellow filament incandescent bulbs and these worked a treat when contacting the amber orange type ufo orbs. I'll give the Canadian manufacturer a big thank you too, the torch still works a treat

Or did you mean that the orange Orbs also have communicators (light beams? like the red orbs) themselves which also emits amber orange light for communicating back?

Totally different ufo orbs. Amber orange types are more like fire, they have a liquid type substance swirling around their insides. Just like lava. Yet never seen one with a light beam.

Red type ufo orbs have just a constant output illumination, basically the same as the white types, yellows, greens, silvers, etc. Only difference is the light beam. Totally amazing to experience while at the same time they seem to be looking for something. Scanning the ground and sky with a movement I can only describe as a little excitable.

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 05:44 PM
I wouldn't trust Steven Greer about anything.

Unless he told me he was on steroids.

edit on 10-16-2021 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I don't think I would want to be alone in the middle of nowhere, somewhere, as a woman.
In a small group , yes absolutely. Then I would love to try this.
I should perhaps look into local ufo meetups etc

posted on Oct, 16 2021 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

Just for fun, why not ? Nothing much exciting ever happens in my life, and I would perhaps see aliens (or whatever they are)

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

I don't think I would want to be alone in the middle of nowhere, somewhere, as a woman.
In a small group , yes absolutely. Then I would love to try this.
I should perhaps look into local ufo meetups etc

Totally 100% know exactly where you're coming from

Take someone with you. It's better doing it together. Doing a CE on your own, I'm not sure I could handle it.

It's not that it's scary, it's just so out of this world that it can freeze you in your tracks. Have fun and remember, this stuff is something that will make you a better person as it will completely and 100% open your mind

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 05:07 PM
Lure? NO.

I have tried to call "them". I have tried to attract them to me. I have not been sucessful. When I was a yewt, I used a flashlight to flash prime numbers into space. That was a waste of batteries.

posted on Oct, 17 2021 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

Grays are a gateway very vicious best to think of them as lords of death hoping you'll conquer it... however in their innocence they don't know what death is being cause of it and not seeing life as anything other than a harness they have light inside of them and black eyes meaning if it is 12:00 noon sun directly over head to them it is a full moon at 12:00 midnight directly over head.

Enlightenment is a curse when it is just halfway across like the promise of the rainbow the "ark" or mother-ship speaks of where it becomes hues and shades instead of light and darkness.

They see you on the inside as their god hoping you can lead them to their mother... and vice versa on the flip.

I say death dealer because karma of the reaping to eat is always occurring.

7 days fast usually cures halfway across.

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