a reply to:
You will eventually retire from your whole incarnation, no matter what - they can't stop THAT retirement, so you're going to have a happy ending, even
though you have the most clichéic avatar imaginable - a carnivore murderer-animal that is mandated to be 'cute', because so many women keep them as
'pets' (which is horrible in so many levels to begin with, not to mention weird and unnatural), so they have something to 'baby'.
The whole 'baby' thing is odd too, by the way. Women want to 'baby' everything, because it's their biology - women are good at taking care of bipedal
entities when their body's age on this planet is between zero and two years old. After that, women start doing harm to the development, if there is no
father figure in the picture, because women don't understand the importance or even the concept of 'discipline' (they think it's something aggressive,
and everyone and everything should just be loved and cuddled without rules, boundaries or limitations).
So we have this 'baby' thing in the vocabulary, women want to call anything and anyone they like (let alone love) 'babies'. It's like men calling
anything they like or love 'vaginas' (probably one of the different words, though, but I want this post to be civil).
However, since most men are simps, men don't think about these things, and they want to get laid, they do anything and everything women want, so men
also started calling women 'babies' (even though it makes even less sense). So now everyone calls each other 'baby'. "Hey, baby, I need to run to the
store, do you need anything?", etc. Kind of weird and sickening, but that's the way of this world.
It's the same kind of phenomenon when they had that trend to make the middle part of jeans and pants a bit brighter, so your legs look thinner.
However, men didn't realize the reason and importance of this for women, so men started wearing those pants, too, because 'they're trendy' and
following trends eventually leads to the bedroom. At least that seems to be the thinking (not that there is much of that in this world).
Men don't benefit from physical body or appearance modifications or improvements the same way women do; to women, their looks are their sexual power
over men. The better a woman looks, the more men she can lure, the more options she has for reproduction, free drinks, free rides of _all_ possible
kinds, etc. Men routinely buy 'pretty women' all kinds of things, from food, drinks and smaller things to video games (witnessed this yesterday) to
cars and even houses (at least in many divorces woman has gotten the house).
It would be nice if we could some day elevate ourselves from roaming in the mud with naked bipedal entities, lift our gaze towards the limitless
Universe and see something a bit more worthwhile, stop calling each other babies and having 'pets', especially the carnivore kind that you have to
murder innocent animals just to keep alive (but who cares if some unknown cow or turkey gets a knife in the eye, as long as your carnivore 'baby'
looks cute, right?), and become HUMAN instead of this obsessive reproductive behaviour of half-animal monsters.
Sorry for the rant, but I think we are in the right area for that, and also, I am actually a bit curious; WHAT made you think that out of all possible
personality-describing or 'cool' or possibly thought-provoking avatars, a stock image of a carnivore animal is what you need? Again, I am just
curious, just asking, because I genuinely want to know your thought process, as I can't understand it at all.