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Those with substance-use disorders face a greater vulnerability to COVID-19

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posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 10:31 PM
One would think that, but it still doesn't explain why there are so few dead homeless addicts. Many of the homeless, especially on the West Coast are drug addicts, so why haven't they been decimated by COVID? No one has been able to explain that.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 11:33 PM
Junk food diets are bad for proper immune system function, especially highly processed junk food. Lots of pharmaceuticals can mess up the immune system, some make it not identify pathogens quickly resulting in an immune system going berserk when the infection gets bad in the body creating a storm, and others lower the immune response directly by various means. The medical industry will use misapplied evidence to show this is not a problem to keep people taking the meds. Also if a med gives a side effect, they have another pill to fix that problem and then another to fix the new problems leading to unknown immune and metabolic system complications when people are taking twenty pills a day.

This stuff is well known by people who understand how the bodies systems work but people do not accept that they are causing their own problems. Everyone is different, most people do not pay attention to how a food and meds interacts with their body if it does not give a side effect within a few hours. Sometimes the effect of the meds on the metabolism do not show up for months or even a couple of years. If you mess up the B12 and folate pathways, it can take two years before you start getting sick. Certain Foods and meds will interact with the metabolism to cause side effects if consumed on a regular basis for long periods of time. Six months after making a major dietary change or going on a med is common in respect to side effects resulting in negative health reactions. People cannot comprehend what they changed six months ago is causing their problem, initially they felt better so they think it is not possible, I see that a lot in people who went on meds, Statin side effects can easily start at six months or more.

posted on Oct, 12 2021 @ 11:35 PM
This is my forty thousandth post. Boy, I think I spend too much time typing on the keyboard.
edit on 12-10-2021 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: Uphill

As the size of the older adult population (those older than 62) and the number of younger people with complex health conditions have increased in the United States, polypharmacy has become a growing problem. Polypharmacy has negative consequences for patients and the health care system . For example, patients taking more than four medications have an increased risk of injurious falls, and the risk of falls increases significantly with each additional medication, regardless of medication type.

The more drugs (prescription and/or recreational) you take the more likely you are to die......period.

posted on Oct, 13 2021 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: Britguy
Want to continue your nasal narcotic intake but are afraid of COVID?

Well worry no more!

Get the new patented Pfizer Cokeinator inhaler. Combine your favorite Colombian nose dust with Pfizer’s first of it’s kind nasal applicator which adds their patented anti-COVID atomized vaccine to your favorite snort.


Get yours now, only $750 + local taxes. Includes refills that will last approximately 2 weekends hard partying.
(coc aine not included)

Next they’ll probably corner the market in combined Acne / anti-COVID technology with their new Zitbegone facial scrub (Patent and FDA approval pending)

The possibilities for further pandemic related enrichment are endless!

Good one

Made me laugh out loud

It is a shame to see, very sad, have known quite a few decent people who got swept up in drug abuse. But hey, at least some states are legalizing all of it so we can see the destructive cycle played out on a loop

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

rickymouse and everyone, my ATS focus today will be on the new book from US neurosurgeon and medical reporter Sanjay Gupta, MD: World War C. Placing the OP in the ATS Diseases and Pandemics forum in a few minutes.

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Uphill
Would you mind posting a link when it is up please?

posted on Oct, 14 2021 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Uphill

Shouldn't it be substance ABUSE disorder. I mean just plain use isn't
really a disorder.

Right? IDK

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