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Is the vaccine more dangerous than the virus itself?

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posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: DaRAGE

A few questions.

So coronavirus disease was a SARS coronavirus but now it’s an HIV protein coronavirus because they added the ACE2 receptor to the virus. Care to explain that? Are the ACE2 receptor and the spike protein the same thing?

How do antibodies break up and clean up proteins into smaller molecules?

So the vaccine makes your immune system suck against coronavirus? But not at first but then it sucks against other pathogens and then it sucks against coronavirus? Curious how that works, especially because of where T and B cells are sourced from.

And then you have AIDS, what an outstanding and great explanation, this sounds like an episode of South Park.

A much better researched conspiracy theory about coronavirus would focus on the S1/S2 cleavage site, priming virion target receptor binding via furin cleavage. EndoU activity to hide double stranded RNA from cell antiviral pathways. ExoN activity to significantly slow down or stop SARS-CoV-2 attenuation during pandemic spread. Plus there are a few others that could work.

But instead we focus on HIV envelope protein being magically incorporated even though it lacks reverse transcriptase and integrase activity. Or the vaccine wiping T cell and B cell responses in circulation, including maturation in the thymus and spleen, even though they can respond to millions of antigen targets each day, oh and also somehow wiping the stem cells they are sourced from.

Loving the material on this site lately. Very entertaining.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 10:38 PM
I’m thinking the contagious cold I had before tests were available in February 2020 was COVID and it somehow changed my allergies. I now experience allergic reactions around people now and they often are coughing. It’s a mild allergic reaction and considering that most people I meet do not have COVID, an allergy to COVID is a whole lot better than my former allergies to ragweed and other things that grow all over the place.

Last week at work though I suspected 2 people at work had COVID because my allergy symptoms kept flaring up anytime they were around. I kept quiet because I don’t believe people believe me and I don’t care to be proven right and end up on the national news or a lab rat.

I also got vaccinated and had a much worse reaction to the shots than the cold I had in 2020.
I don’t think the vaccine shots made me any more immune than I already was. I still get the same kind of allergic reactions around certain coughing people same as last year. I even got the allergic reaction around one person not coughing who I knew had been vaccinated. I’m wondering if there is a COVID allergy test. I had no allergy symptoms at all outside next to all the ragweed and goldenrod.

I do not believe the vaccines are going to kill everyone. I read the smallpox vaccine actually did kill people and I was given it when I was just a little kid over 50 years ago.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: orionthehunter

You know, I’m trying to break down what you’re saying. I’m also in a cheeky mood so I’m trying to not be sarcastic. Are you saying you’re allergic to COVID virions? I guess we’re all kind of allergic to them…. Or just that you have noticeable allergy symptoms around others? Maybe their symptoms make yours more noticeable at times?

I’m getting allergic to certain masks, especially those cheap ones from China. It stinks because we have to wear them for all surgeries and our in vitro and ex vivo work plus all the time everywhere else.

You did mention you were older and it could be a signaling problem with complement pathways and granulocytes. Granulocytes are cells, originally developed to fight parasites, they release inflammatory signals and respiratory bursts that damage pathogens. Without parasites they get kind of bored and decide to go after other things or at least try to respond to them like they are an invader and they aren’t, like pollen. Complement is a pathway that signals these types of cells to come beat up a pathogen while also poking holes in the membranes of those pathogens. It eventually leads to adaptive immune responses like you see with vaccines.

Sometimes when we get sick or hurt these pathways don’t turn off correctly, or signaling gets out of whack, increasing or decreasing in sensitivity. They can also become self sustaining, then you get allergies, arthritis, and other issues.

There isn’t an allergy test for COVID, we just get sick, but if you are worried I would check with your primary care person to see if everything is okay.

posted on Oct, 8 2021 @ 11:37 PM
One thing that makes me question the vaccine is some responses to side effects.

If you say the vaccine can cause thrombosis they say covid-19 can too.
If you say the vaccine can cause heart problems they say covid-19 can too.

The common denominator between covid-19 and the vaccines is the spoke protein itself. If the spike protein causes damage to internal organs then the vaccine is introducing toxins into our bodies. Whether or not it travels in the blood stream has been answered in lab tests and found at least with moderna that “extremely low concentrations of S1 (a subunit of the spike protein) in 11 of 13 healthy vaccinated individuals and the full spike in 3 of 13,”.

Then you need weigh that against the true fatility rate of covid-19. If we take india as an example. The yearly death rate from covid-19 has been less than yearly death rate from influenza. A doctor from WHO stated that 10% of worlds population are showing antibodies to covid-19. Given we know the total deaths, its not surprizing that the death ratet also rates similar to influenza. The only difference is covid-19 spreads more rapidly which stresses the medical infrastructire over the shorter term.

Its not a pandemic by any stretch of the imagination which raises questions as to why all the lockdowns. Why all the unmandatory vaccines you dont have to take unless you want keep your job.

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