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Supply Chain Problems Short term or Not

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posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I’m in southern California and we’re aware of the ships offshore, unable to unload supplies. One Costco store no longer has toilet paper.

And for a few days, I’ve watched as the bottled water supply has dwindled leaving few brands on the shelf. Today, I went to buy MORE bottled water, and another person was buying only large cases of water, and I took almost all of the Arrowhead bottled water, noting that the large containers were not available. I left seeing mostly only store brand ‘drinking water’.

These scenes are similar to last year when the shut downs first emptied our stores of some products; and that situation did not last too long.... but THIS time.... it just feels worse, considering all the other problems of mandates from biden and our horrid governor gruesome, gas prices, job losses and tensions.

But, there are a LOT of people receiving government assistance here, and they just don't seem overtly concerned about anything... which is ok for now.... until the bread and other dry goods disappear from the shelves.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: TomCollin
My Westcoast suppliers now have Help Wanted notices on their websites. I can never reach them by phone any longer. I am having to email then wait two or three days before they answer the email. I can normally get a quote out in 1 or 2 hours,,,,2 and 3 days is unheard of. They tell me they have no customer service agents to cover the phones so I also think it is a combination of issues. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday that is a manager for Green Bay Packaging at the sawmill division and he was told they didn't have workers to offload the ships.
mikell mention being on a phone call with the supplier laughing.....I've experienced similar experiences with the mfgs in China. I've had them lie about not receiving my orders even with emails that prove it then act like they could care less about the $35,000 order I just place or the other $500K that I will not be spending with them for the rest of the year. It's insane!

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

It sure seems they have looked at every avenue to kill small business in the US....

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
It feels that way for sure!

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 07:38 PM
This (possibly faked-up) worker "shortage" is patterned like the old gas shortages in the early 1970s.

Just "slow the flow" and shut off the valves and whaaala ya got higher prices and panic 🤣🤣🤣

Watch for government ration booklets soon !!!! Then the joke's on the Public panic mongers 🤣🤣🤣

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 07:46 PM
i live in the upper midwest and was shopping at several stores this past weekend. I went to an Aldi and another local grocery store and there were no shortages on anything and was surprised by some of the prices of pork and beef. I got a few roasts on sale and was happy about the price.

The Target i went to had several half full or empty shelves. Things like spices, granola bars, some bottled water etc were slim or completely empty. i do most of the grocery shopping and have noticed just about everything has gone up a little in price but mostly beef.

I also went to a Cabelas and another farm supply store looking for ammunition and other stuff. I was at the farm supply store last weekend and they had almost no ammo and the stuff they had was junk or obscure calibers. They said they just got some in and not much was left. Cabelas had a good amount of ammo in most calibers but had a ton of nato .556. the guy at the counter said they just got most of it in a few days earlier and before that had basically none.

I’ve been stocking up on food for over a year and my wife thinks i’m crazy but i think things could get pretty ugly this winter. I think Christmas will be pretty bleak for many people.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 07:51 PM
Maybe what I call the "Amazon model" is playing havoc with the system? I'm still amazed how I can place an order for anything ranging from Vitamins, to a Laptop Computer, before midnight today, and it's on my front porch before 6pm tomorrow. Amazon is prolific here in the Chicago suburbs. Trucks everywhere.

All the food, hardware, Walmart, Target stores in this area are well-stocked though. The only shortage I saw last week was at Costco. They were out of toilet paper. (Worker there said everyone is stocking up for the winter.)

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Some companies demand vaccinated workers only. They were already short, and now have even fewer employees.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: carewemust
There are 14 Amazon Warehouses in Illinois. &ia=places&iaxm=places

None of our groceries stores are having terrible issues but I think it's coming. Those containers need to be on their way back to be filled back up again.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: xuenchen

Some companies demand vaccinated workers only. They were already short, and now have even fewer employees.

Demanding vaccinated workers may very well be the "valve" !!!!!!!😎

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Maybe what I call the "Amazon model" is playing havoc with the system? I'm still amazed how I can place an order for anything ranging from Vitamins, to a Laptop Computer, before midnight today, and it's on my front porch before 6pm tomorrow. Amazon is prolific here in the Chicago suburbs. Trucks everywhere.


Here it's been taking up to two weeks sometimes. I used to get everything in a day or two.

posted on Oct, 3 2021 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It appears that the main shortage that seems to be occurring is in energy. Usually, the fuel supplies for the winter months are in the storage containers at this time of the year, but apparently, they are not filling up fast enough. You also have the production centers in China going down to short production weeks because of the lack of coal to feed the generators. Europe is in a similar position, Coal prices are around 140 plus a ton. There is also a shortage of silicon metal for chips. so it does look like this will get worse and not better. If the use of carbon fuel usage is being wound back politically, this won't end well.

posted on Oct, 4 2021 @ 08:56 AM
It’s 100% intentional

They’re trying to tank the global economy and In turn the CCP

There is not supply chain problem, there is only intentional supply chain crippling

COVID19 was a fraud to begin and manage the managed decline, once the CCP falters and it’s housing bubble pops the CCP will be facing huge unrest

The Chinese people remain happy if the economy is good and party confidence high, when it’s financially implodes I’d imagine we’re going to see both the west and CCP create new systems “decoupled”

Hence the build back better great reset agenda

posted on Jan, 12 2022 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Suppliers restrict availability which enables them to charge more money.

The shortage of goods, brings increasing inflation.

The Biden administration does not understand what is happening, even though it is occurring right before their very eyes.

-Worst administration ever-

edit on 1/12/2022 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

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