I'm currently reading a book based upon the 'Genesis 6 conspiracy', the celestial battle between good & evil, the fallen angels, the Nephilim
giants, the Fall of Mankind in the Garden of Eden, and much, much more besides. In fact, if you know anything about my posting history prior to the
COVID-19 era (a subject which has claimed most of my focus over the past 18 months), then you will know that this lengthy, detailed & very
well-referenced treatise is basically right up my street.
Genesis 6 Conspiracy - chapter by chapter
Just to note that the chapter summary doesn't do justice to the tremendous quantity/quality of research & references which the author, Gary Wayne,
elucidates in the main body of material in the book itself. It is extremely well-referenced, and much of the source material is truly fascinating.
One issue which is dealt with quite extensively throughout, is the matter of the corruption of 'true Masonry', inasmuch that 'the Craft' was
originally held to be a system of works, lessons, instructions & wisdom/ philosophy which was ordained for the understanding & useful purpose of
Mankind, being originally taught to the patriarch Adam (spouse to Eve), apparently consisting in part seven 'sacred sciences'. Examples of the
sciences include geometry, astronomy, rhetoric & 'number' (other forms of mathematics).
This was basically a system of godly wisdom, the 'quick start guide' for the development of a technological society by which Humankind would be able
to discern, infer & intuit everything which would prove necessary for the progress of civilisation through all stages divinely appointed as
waystations on the route to full enlightenment, such as was possible despite the Fall, which had trapped all of Mankind in the gravity well of
unrighteousness/sin. God had a plan for our redemption, which at that time was still shrouded in mystery (counterintelligence reasons) - but we
received 'out of the box instructions', to give us a head start towards a better state of living for all people everywhere.
There was just one problem..
The lineage of the Patriarch Adam & his consort, Eve, was not the only lineage of humanity - 'others' were already in existence at the time of
Adam's creation, with Adam's role being very specific as the symbolic 'Rex Mundi', the firstborn lord of the House of Israel, the covenant people
set aside for God's purposes, for all such as would be born in that bloodline from Adam's DNA.
The problem was the 'Others', who were not in the Adamic bloodline. But it wasn't even really they themselves who were the problem - they were
under the control of the offspring of the fallen angels (with Azazel as commander of the 200 Watchers, seraphim who rebelled as a unit in the War in
Heaven, then to perpetuate that rebellion), they chose to corrupt the bloodlines of the human race, to violate the natural order of the Cosmos & bring
ruination to the Earth, via the Nephilim children they sired). The Nephilim were giants - tall, strong, powerful & naturally violent, otherwise
referenced in Sumer as the Annunaki. Over the course of seven generations from Adam they subjugated all the kingdoms of the Earth, under the tutelage
of the fallen angels who were their fathers. The Nephilim were apparently quite stupid, became deluded by their own perceived grandeur, incited
widespread debauchery, murder & abominations (including cannibalism/ abhorrent sexual abuse), and basically resisted all attempts by the prophets true
to the original divine Masonry to bring them back to a righteous mode of living.
While all this was going down, Lucifer's plan, far more subtle than that of the Nephilim and perhaps even their seraphim fathers, was such that under
the protection of the Nephilim, a human secret society would be formed - really a Gorgon-headed hydra of multiple interlocking secret societies -
known as the serpent brotherhood. They inculcated secret rites, ceremony, initiations, sacrifice, infamously using symbols to systematically hide the
illicit 'secret knowledge of Heaven' from the public/ lower level initiates, only offering the keys to that knowledge to the elites of each local
region, luring them in with a heady combination of promises:
Curiosity would be sated; prestige would arise from membership; connections to the elite of society; magical powers; wealth & sexual/ drug-induced
gratification in the ultra-liberal orgies which often accompanied the rituals. This was a very calculated perversion of the original divine Masonry &
the seven sacred sciences which were supposed to be the foundations of human history.
Corruption of Astronomy led to the speculative practice of Astrology, soothsaying & inappropriate methods of divination, worship of the sun, moon &
stars, etc. Corruption of geometry led to systematically hidden & deliberately idolatrous architectural systems for the building of the cities of the
ancient world. Corruption of number led to abusive & oppressive systems of finance which ran contrary to the benevolent system founded on the
principle of the Jubilee, later recorded in Hebrew scripture.
Basically any aspect of the sacred science or the original & holy Masonry issued by God to Adam, passed on faithfully through the lineage of Seth,
would be utterly corrupted under the influence of Lucifer (leader of the rebellion in Heaven), the fallen Watchers (Seraphs, like Lucifer) & the
lineage of the 'Other' humans noted in Genesis 6 (these could perhaps have been the Neanderthal race, eventually systematically destroyed by Homo
Sapiens/ the cataclysm referenced as Flood lore amongst all peoples throughout the ancient world. The lineage of Cain, the son of Adam who killed his
brother Abel & was driven out into the wilderness by God for his crime, was also beholden to the corrupting influence of the serpent brotherhood, and
became perhaps its most fervent human ambassador, in open rebellion against God, working with the Nephilim and the spirit powers/ rulers (Archons)
Now the reason I've gone into all this detail, is to highlight and draw attention to a very important factor which everyone who ponders these
mysterious events of the antediluvian world should be aware of:
The true Light of life can NOT be found in the secret societies with their layers upon layers of hidden symbols, allegorical tales, strange rituals &
cunning interactions. The truth of the spiritual life is manifestly simple & straightforward, and indeed it can only be thus, because the Truth is
designed to set men & women from all walks of life totally & absolutely free from all negative influences, whether internally as the root of shame,
fear, bitterness, the psychological effects of past trauma (etc), or externally, in the operation of magical curses against your person, the assault
of human persecution, the malicious action of demonic spirits, difficulties of life of all sorts, financial, health issues, unforgiveness between
family members, and so on.
The Truth of life is manifestly simple, and is of far greater power than the corrupted science of the serpent brotherhood in all its modern guises -
those charlatans who deceive their own compatriots so completely that if they were suddenly revealed as the liars they truly are, the world would flip
on its axis from the fallout of that event.