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The real reasons for Healthcare providers shortage?

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posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 11:52 PM

Guys this is a huge cover up of facts and a big case of throwing truth down the memory hole.

Why is there a shortage of healthcare providers? Not because of too many patients. Not because some healthcare providers don't want to take the vaccine, but early failures by OSHA and hospital systems leading to mass death of healthcare workers. This is the information the media and government WANTS you to forget. They never report about this anymore and never attributed too many deaths to this cause but logically think about how many healthcare providers and their families were needlessly exposed to the life ending virus because OSHA changed their regulation so that PPE could be reused and trash bags could be used as substitute gowns?

We should treat the virus as airborne. We see health care workers in China covered from head to toe. That’s what we want. I want to look like I’m about to go to Mars.

Instead, we were given one gown and were told we could only have that one gown for the entire shift. The gown we were given, the blue gown, is plastic and doesn’t cover our backs.

All of us have patients with COVID and patients without COVID. So if I treat a patient who is confirmed or expected to be COVID, we need to take the gown off before treating a patient who does not have COVID. Since we only have the one gown, we started wearing trash bags over it to try and preserve it. This just shows how desperate things are in the hospital right now.

For any other nurses across the country where the disease hasn’t hit yet, I will just say that those trashbags could be your future. You can’t be quiet about your working conditions. You have to speak up. In New York, we are at our breaking point and things just started.

End of part 1.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 11:53 PM
Part 2:
The lack of proper testing and abhorrent conditions at overrun triage tents out in the freezing weather in New York at the beginning exposed and killed many:

To back up... I had some concerning symptoms that started the previous Sunday at about 10 a.m. but escalated severely by Tuesday night. I was “approved” for COVID testing only because I had these symptoms and, perhaps, due to my age.

I had the test on Thursday. I was told to call when I arrived, and then wait in my car for someone to call me in. The test was only supposed to take a few minutes. But when I arrived and called, I got a recording that said the office had moved. I made more calls, waited, called again. Almost two hours passed before someone finally tested me.

I was told my results would be ready within 24 hours. Friday came and went: no results. Not Saturday, not Sunday. On Monday I finally got the good news that I was negative.

However, due to the “new” protocols, I had been permitted to work the previous day—exactly seven days after my first symptoms, and 72 hours after I stopped running a fever.

I would have waited, but the Emergency Room sounded desperate, with many, many sick calls, so I agreed to go in at zero hour of my release from isolation: 10 a.m.


I floated around at first, but the newly designated COVID-Positive and Persons Under Investigation for COVID unit, awaiting their test results, was in dire need of a nurse; the three nurses there were holding over 30 patients. I took a few patients from these nurses (I took the Spanish-only speakers, as none of the other nurses spoke Spanish) and a few new patients, but I did not have the nine or 10 that they had.

There was only one tech (an advanced nursing assistant who can also perform electrocardiograms and urine tests and draw blood) for the entire unit.

We had to beg for an N-95 mask. I received one N-95, and one yellow gown and a face shield. That was my “par,” my full complement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), for the day. I was given a paper bag to store my N-95 and gown in when I went to break or was not using the N-95 (when charting or using the bathroom).

We all wore surgical masks when not wearing the N-95. I procured a head cover and booties.


The nurses in the triage tents were so cold that they were shivering, even in their coats. Many started having cold and cough symptoms.

They said that everyone from the nurse manager to top administration had known that it was too cold in the tents since they were first set up, but they couldn’t figure out how to help, apparently. With the freezing weather over the weekend, the situation had deteriorated. I was horrified—I found out that another nurse had been calling everyone over the week to no avail.

As of Monday morning, there was still no heat.


I can’t even begin to describe the infection-control nightmare that exists in the Emergency Department. COVID-positive patients are side by side with people waiting for their test results (PUIs)—(as there are only two isolation rooms)—separated by curtains or nothing at all due to volume. Patients are waiting 24 or even 36 hours for beds.

Garbage was everywhere. I took the bins out of the one room that a COVID-positive patient was in and cleaned the room myself, removing trays, empty juice cups, trash, and stuff I couldn’t recognize. The housekeeping staff member—the only one—switched the bags for me and I returned the bins to the room.

In the West (Critical) Zone, there are COVID-positive, intubated, dying, and sick not intubated patients, mixed with who knows what. Nurses sometimes do and sometimes don't wear gowns; docs the same. People of unknown status are being intubated at intervals next to patients who are also of unknown status, separated by curtains.

I swept the floor with my bootie-covered shoes and used my gloved hands to gather up the trash with that I found all around the patients. Many sinks had either no soap or no paper towels. Most sinks had only ice-cold water.


None of my patients had pillows; one 87-year-old man was lying in stale urine-stained bed, thankfully dried up and covered with a sheet.

My patients had not eaten except for turkey sandwiches, hardly any liquids, nor had they bathed. I gave them our heated warm wipes and bathed the older man myself (who had a low oxygen saturation, a preliminary danger sign, until I placed oxygen on him). I found his teeth in his jacket pocket and fed him from a warm tray.

I delivered trays to the hungry as much as I could and warm blankets to the shivering febrile patients in the same manner—but not to all, because I couldn’t, didn’t have the time. I ordered fruit and juice from the kitchen, as many patients were begging for these things—it seems to be helpful with this disease.

I translated a bit for the docs; phone use was a problem due to droplet/airborne/contact contamination. Many patients didn’t have armbands, also due to contact contamination concerns.


We sent an older woman home who was PUI but no results because she looked and felt better.
I instructed her to engage in self-isolation at home and that we would call her when we got her results.

She said she lived with her daughter and six grandchildren in a one-bedroom apartment and her room was the living room. She couldn’t imagine how she could be isolated. She begged us to let her stay, to protect her family. Admission for social/borderline medical reasons is no longer permitted, due to the pending influx of deteriorating COVID patients. I told her at least not to cook until we knew her status.

I was so sad about this situation. But her story was not the only sad one.

I could do all of this because I only had about six or seven patients at a time, compared to the other nurses who had nine or 10 prior to my arrival. That number rose, of course, with the influx of new patients—no COVID beds available.

I was told this was "the best day yet.”


Upon sign-out, we received a shipment of gowns and N-95s. The night shift, upon seeing the supplies acted as if Santa Claus arrived.

There were squeals of joy as nurses asked, “Can I have two gowns, really? Oh, how wonderful!”
It takes so little to make us happy.

We have no place to change our clothes and bag them, so I had to put my coat on over my uniform. Most staff who live in houses say they disrobe outside their homes and bag their clothes—then shower and change. They try to disinfect their cars. I live in an apartment so can’t do that.

I heard comments like: “Well, most of us are going to get it and some of us are going to die. That’s the way it is.”

These statements broke my heart. The way our patients are suffering broke my heart. There’s got to be a better way.

Here is another article talking about the trash bags as PPE:

A photo is circulating online showing Mount Sinai Health System nurses using trash bags as a form of personal protective equipment (PPE) after a nursing manager died of the coronavirus on Tuesday.

Did that nursing manager die because they had to use a trash bag instead of real PPE?

this is a conspiracy site. I am just bringing this stuff out of the memory hole.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 11:57 PM
These stories of the elderly starving, lying in beds of their own urine in the freezing cold and healthcare workers developing respiratory symptoms treating patients in the frigid New York winter are startling and everyone should remember this.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: Chalcedony

Doesn't this apply to the Alpha strain, which seemed quite deadly compared to the Delta. So you are saying most of the healthcare workers died last year?

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Yes. It has been claimed by MSM consistently throughout the pandemic even since the beginning that there is not a shortage of PHYSICAL SPACE for patients but there is a STAFFING SHORTAGE. not enough staff for all the beds. Too many patients assigned to one nurse, etc. This could be due to mass deaths at the beginning of healthcare workers and the numbers of workers have not rebounded yet. Like I said it... conspiracy site why not go way out there?

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: Chalcedony

Hi... Health care worker here...

Theres always been shortages... WE are not dying by the masses... we are over worked and underpaid

Factually many would rather flip burgers then deal with caring for 30-40 people with 2 staff... also dealing with families blaming us for the shortages when its just that very few want to have to deal with the kind of stress we do

Its not lack of proper equipment in most cases... its lack of staffing

In Ontario they're fast tracking the PSW course and offering a 5k bonus to those that play... problem is no one ever gets that 5k bonus... gotta read the fine print... you have to have full time employment for 6 months before getting that bonus... and it takes upwards of 3-5 years to get full time in any facility unless you get lucky and find a newly opened place... which are rare.... basically a government Con to get more people into the field

SO ya... I don't know whats going on down south in the states... but IF they're using garbage bags as PPE, people should be looking at management and the stock holders of these "for profit" healthcare providers stealing the money needed... which honestly wouldn't shock me at all

edit on 2-10-2021 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: Chalcedony

It's a good reason for a shortage, but it would have to be backed up by good evidence. Even anecdotal reports from surviving healthcare workers. I have heard plenty from nurses saying the vaccine killed their friend.If I was working in Healthcare and it looked like people were starting to fall, I would just get a job anywhere else. If I had some savings find a far-off place for a long cheap vacation. I was wondering if the lack of drivers was an effect of die-offs. It.s early enough to surmise but not to prove much.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: Akragon

What is PSW? also seems silly to have a shortage and need to fast track people but then not offer full time. Do they have to work at multiple hospitals or is it like... you are scheduled a certain amount of hours but expected to stay and do overtime without being actually "full time".or are there like "peak" times of day when a lot of people are scheduled then less coverage for other times or days? I dont really know how anything works in Canada but I am interested.

Us non healthcare workers appreciate you.

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: Chalcedony

Not to pour water on your OP, but when I see things like the following I have to question the agenda and accuracy of the story as a whole...
(from your link)

LN: Some right-wing politicians and corporate mouthpieces are calling for the government to have people return to work. Given how bad things are already, what do you think will be the result of prioritizing the health of the market over the health of human beings?


LN: Right-wing politicians and media outlets like Fox have been saying that health care workers like you are alarmists,...

These are not statements from those being interviewed, but rather statements from the authors themselves.

Last time I checked most of the labor unions who represent these workers are solidly 'left wing' supporters and voters, yet they want to blame it all on "right wing" politicians and media. Additionally, last time I checked, the virus itself doesn't really care whether you're 'left wing' or 'right wing' when it decides to infect someone. Thirdly, and probably most importantly, as long as people try to turn this virus, and the treatment thereof, into a left vs. right issue then no solutions will be found. They won't. Lastly, the viewpoint of the linked article is from that of New York, a solidly 'left wing' state, with solidly 'left wing' leadership. If the situation is so dire, why don't they DO something about it??? The entire State is under their care and custody!

I feel genuinely bad for these healthcare workers. It's a shame that their State, and their leadership, and their representatives won't look out for their wellbeing. They have no one to blame but themselves, NOT the "right wing". And that truly is a shame.

This story, and others like these, would have a lot more impact if the media reporting these things would take the politics OUT of this whole debacle, and would be honest with themselves, and would take responsibility for their own actions rather than trying to blame things on others.

Honestly, does anyone really believe that ANY "left wing", OR "right wing" politician is going to actually get up off their fat ass and DO anything, besides line their pockets and talk smack??? Really???

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Chalcedony

PSW = Personal support worker... In the states you call them "nurses aids"

We're basically nurses but we don't deal with medication... we are the ones that do all the care, the washing... feeding, personal care, monitoring of wounds, behaviors, and family issues... etc etc etc....

Full time work is only obtained by those that have put in their hours over many years unless you happen to get lucky... yes you can get much more then full time hours as a part time... but the "position" is required to get the bonus

Anything over an 8 hour shift is overtime, and they have to pay us for said hours... unless its specified in your contract

Dude... theres so much bullsh!t happening in the media... fear Fear FEAR!!!

Health care workers are not dying by the masses... very few actually... and very few patients are dying compared to the case count which is ALWAYS made public....

This many cases today... on every station.... be afraid of the covid!!

Even at my home... its said theres been over 15 deaths due to covid... in reality theres been one... I've talked to the registered staff about it... they have nothing to do with it

"They"... label any death that happen to have covid as a death by covid...

They're pushing an agenda.... and i don't believe its been revealed yet...

but its looking pretty obvious... Control

It was mandated yesterday that all health care workers in Ontario must be vaxed...

so i will take their Poison

and continue on...

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: Chalcedony

Here again, the linked article presents a skewed view of reality, but then the article concludes...

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) have warned that the hospitals have a lack of medical supplies to treat the growing number of patients in the city and the state. Both leaders have said this could lead to the hospitals being overwhelmed and unable to care for all of the patients streaming in.

Does anyone have any idea how much money it costs to charter a private helicopter to fly de Blasio and Cuomo around???? For even a single flight??? Just one flight would buy a whole LOT of medical PPE and supplies (the essence of article), but I don't see either of those two making any sacrifices in their lavish lifestyles (besides perhaps Cuomo playing some extra grab-ass). Yet, the article goes on to conclude...

Cuomo requested that President Trump order companies to manufacture medical supplies earlier this week. He also said Wednesday the state needed 30,000 ventilators; it currently has 11,000.

Well, Trump got those ventilators for Cuomo...and they sat in a warehouse unused! The USN aid ship that Trump sent was almost immediately misused (through incompetence of the NY medical workers), and went largely unused anyway. It was eventually removed because it wasn't needed.

Now, both of these articles are dated. They were all written in March of 2020, fully 19 months ago. Some of the players in this article are no longer even in power (i.e. Trump and Cuomo). Yet, THIS is the reason for all the woes of healthcare workers???

Or, is this just another example in a never ending stream of examples of partisan hit pieces???

I fully support medical workers and staff, but partisan politics is not the way to get them the help they need!

Sorry, but slanted stuff like this makes me angry.

edit on 10/2/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

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