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Study on effectiveness of Ivermectin, Flonase to treat COVID seeks 15,000 people

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posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 06:23 PM
It's still unclear to many how effective these medications actually are against covid. This study should go a long way towards proving if there is any benefit or not.

The study is led by the Duke Clinical Research Institute and they are looking for 15,000 participants to test the effectiveness of ivermectin, fluticasone, and fluvoxamine for treating mild to moderate covid. The study is open to those over 30, who have tested positive for covid, and have at least 2 symptoms of covid. People can participate from anywhere in the U.S. Enrollment is available by phone or internet and medications are shipped at no cost to the participant.

More information can be found at the article including the link to the study sign up page.

Study on the effectiveness of Ivermectin, Flonase, to treat covid

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: tamusan
It's still unclear to many how effective these medications actually are against covid. This study should go a long way towards proving if there is any benefit or not. It's not unclear at all. Do some basic searches on the web and you will come acorss tons of studies proving how effective Ivermectin is.

The study is led by the Duke Clinical Research Institute and they are looking for 15,000 participants to test the effectiveness of ivermectin, fluticasone, and fluvoxamine for treating mild to moderate covid. The study is open to those over 30, who have tested positive for covid, and have at least 2 symptoms of covid. People can participate from anywhere in the U.S. Enrollment is available by phone or internet and medications are shipped at no cost to the participant.

More information can be found at the article including the link to the study sign up page.

Study on the effectiveness of Ivermectin, Flonase, to treat covid

Ivermectin has been used in people for more than 50 years with BILLIONS of doses administered. It 100% works in humans and is as safe a treatment as they come.

There are tons of Ivermectin studies from all across the world showing how effective it is at killing covid.

The fact this is being administered by Duke University tells me the "data" we will see coming back will be an attempt to diminish Ivermectin as a viable alternative to the snake oil unproven "vaccines".

Time will tell.

edit on 30-9-2021 by Type1338 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: tamusan

I just volunteered. I popped positive for the virus last Friday. Mild symptoms, plus I have taken ivermectin in the past for giardia, so I know I can tolerate it. Thank you very much for the post.

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: tamusan
Just watch...
It'll come out all peachy and will justify increasing it's marketable value from $3 a pill to 3 pills for a $100...miracle drug!!!

After how many months of ivermectin insistence pointing out misinformation by the media?

posted on Oct, 1 2021 @ 08:15 AM

The science is already in, It is already known that it works and works pretty damn well too. Especially as a prophylactic. Same with HCQ. Is it perfect? Obviously not, but considering the other alternatives are 'stay at home and hope it doesn't get worse' is clearly not working out to well.

In order to beat the virus, you need to obliterate transmission of the virus. Which is what it does. This 'pandemic' would have been over a year ago had governments listened to front line doctors. But it's never really been about public health has it, it's been about paying out billions of dollars to vaccine companies and government control over your choices.

So far, the vaccine has only accomplished two things. 1) It may make you exhibit less symptoms but does not decrease your viral load, making you a superspreader without realizing it and 2) Mass vaccination campaigns are forcing the virus (which already mutates at a high rate) to evolve into more variants that are going to become vaccine immune very very quickly. As seen in multiple countries all over the world where vaccinated individuals make up a higher portion. I should add a third too 3) The vaccine itself is killing people including children, or they're developing permanent disabilities.

Some of the top minds in vaccinology, virology and immunology in the world are sounding the alarm on this. The vaccine for the alpha strain is not going to protect you from the delta, zeta, mu, or whatever other strain has evolved thanks to these programs. We need to employ the use of early treatment protocols and prophylactics in order to obliterate it entirely.

Here is a letter from Geert Vanden Bossche, worked for GAVI and the Gates Foundation, Literally one of the top in his field: Link
edit on 10/1/2021 by MaplePatriot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2021 @ 12:08 AM
LOL... Agree with many of you. NOW... Duke is doing this study to prove what many of us have been saying for a while about these drugs. If you look back at my posts in the early days of CV, I posted lots of medical journal studies about how good Prozac (the brand name of the third drug in this study) was showing to be effective at preventing the cytokine storm of CV.

I mean, there are TONS of medical journal articles regarding studies showing how effective it is/was. All you have to do is search "prozac as covid treatment." And those articles have been there since 4/2020!

HOWEVER... like the other drugs... 30 days of Prozac (the generic) is $5 for 30 days, with insurance.

I take a very low dosage as part of my fibromyalgia treatment and had CV without symptoms earlier this year (despite being slightly overweight/50+ etc.). (Only found out I previously had it after an antibody test administered several months later, in response to a rash that my dermatologist recognized as 'post Covid rash.') Based on the medical studies/journals about its efficacy in preventing serious illness, I have a very strong belief that the Prozac I take, could have been what prevented me from showing symptoms...


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