So, I'm playing Call of Duty Mobile, watching Tucker Carlson in the background, and I see this craziness come across the television screen. I about
fell off the couch laughing. I immediately went to Amazon and checked it out.. I'm still not sure if its supposed to be a joke or not. Fauci is all
ripped and shirtless in most of the images, and one has him sitting on a throne of toilet paper? You should go see for yourself. The reviews alone are
worth the trip. Hilarious!!! I ordered one, and a Jason Mamoa coloring book ( don't judge me lol ). Unlike the Mamoa coloring book, I intend to color
"Doctor" Fauci like the devil and use the pages as Halloween Decorations.
Hmm does it come with prison bar decals and a bonus "prison jumpsuit Orange" crayola?? We'll if it doesn't we will see it in person anyway soon
enough, mark my words that he will be one of the first major arrests.
Nice find though lol its funny as hell!