posted on Mar, 26 2005 @ 08:23 AM
i dunno how to show it but i was playing around teasing my little coisin by hoaxing u.f.o footage, i was focusing on lights in a room and turning the
lights of, and shaking the phone about, but i decided to take it outside to film the skys, and i saw summin on the screen, but i could not see it with
my eyes, i carried on filming it but my hand was shaking so it was not clear, i zoomed in on it and it was a circle like thing, i showed it to family
members and some looked at it and did not beleive me and thought it was one of my hoaxes, but others stared at it in shock, i was allowed to save it
but i dunno how to show it to you lot, i cant judge myself if it looks fake or not, but i know it isnt because i filmed it. it looks cool, how will i
show it to u?