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Insulting buzzwords (autist, troll)

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posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:50 PM
I want to remind everyone that this is the RANT forum, so I will use a bit harsher language than usual, perhaps. I will let off some steam. Don't judge me, please.

Ok, we have all been there - we're chatting somewhere, everything is going fine, then suddenly a clash happens, and these insult-buzzwords start flying.

"She/he is just a troll"
"Some types of autism is not always easy to detect"

Now, I probably have a blind spot somewhere. From my perspective, I am trying to be humorous, but trying to use a sophisticated way of expressing that humor. I am asking some pragmatic question or presenting a neutral viewpoint to a matter, that should spawn respectable, good-willed, light discussion in the tone of humor and fun for everyone.

For some reason, this ALWAYS, inevitably, turns into me being called a 'troll' and 'autist'.

From my perspective, I can't see ANYTHING about my comment that would indicate either thing. (It should be a 'troller' anyway, not 'troll' - are people really so stupid they don't even know what the insults they use are actually supposed to mean? Trolling is a form of fishing, so when someone is 'trolling for reactions', it means they're 'fishing for reactions' - it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the mythical creature called 'A Troll' - it's just a coincidence, but people can't seem to understand this no matter how much it's explained)

All I am saying, is that something reminds me of something else, so it's hard to focus on discussion on more important things. I try to word it in a more interesting way, because I don't want to bore anyone, so instead of saying 'important things', I may use some old philosophical construct, parable or allegory to exemplify my point, and then exaggerate that by tying it to societal perspectives through a certain group's eyes, etc.

People don't seem to understand what I mean, and try to detract me, by adding that is that the only thing I am supposed to be reminded of by that name, when there was also this other thing. I just say that the other thing is better remembered from something else, and what I mentioned is the main thing that name naturally reminds everyone of (sorry for lack of detail, I want to retain my anonymity, just in case).

Suddenly the first insult flies - I am called a 'homo'. Now, as 'human being' is 'homo sapiens', should I even be offended? Also, considering how popular, fashionable and promoted things like 'homosexuality' are these days, does this even make sense as an insult in 2021? In any case, I wonder about that, ask about it, then many others chime in and start calling me a troll, and then insulting 'what a lazy troll attempt' what I said was.

I am confused and puzzled by the logic - and I would genuinely (and should I add, 'unironically', as everyone seems to use that word these days) like, wish and want to know the logic behind 'that discusser is not a troll, that discusser is a troll' (er)..

Where does it come from? WHAT flicks the switch? What turns an innocent, fun-filled, humorous discussion to a dark, deep psychological diagnosis all of the sudden?

Yes, this is when people started talking about 'autistic'.

Is it some kind of inbuilt or self-created reaction that if you use someone type fast enough, you can't think of them as normal, healthy, capable, wise, intelligent human beiong, but you have to instantly start to bring them down below your own level?

Someone even told me they can't understand my point - they were talking about prices of certain products, I was talking about effectiveness of those products, and they mentioned that another product would be cheaper than the one I mentioned, and I said that for my point, they're interchangeable, so you may use that one just as well.

It's almost as if they expected me to talk about the financial side as well, while I didn't care about the financial side for my point, so that's why they didn't understand what I was saying - but I thought I was being thorough, precise, clear and worded things in a simple and understandable way, so to me, it was not only confusing and mystifying as to someone not being able to understand by point, but also that they would think I am somehow stupid because they can't understand my point.

I mean, what kind of logic is that anyway'? THEY can't understand (so they lack intelligence), and that somehow means _I_ am stupid? Yes, they did call me stupid, I forgot to mention that.

At this point, at least seven people had called me either a troll or autistic, and even some that seemed friendly at first, whom to I tried to explain my explanations and wonder why people started insulting me so suddenly, started saying how 'lazy a troll attempt' it was, and I said of course it looks 'lazy', because it wasn't any 'troll'(ing) attempt whatsoever, and I had to correct their usage of 'troll' as well.

What I'd like to know is - WHERE does this come from, and WHY is it always these two words?

Sure, there was 'homo' and 'stupid' amids the other ones, but invariably, if people suddenly start to hate you (and don't ask me why, I don't insult or curse, and I get muted and hated whenever I dare write anything in any realtime chat, so it's a mystery to me, all I want is to have a neutral discussion or humorous conversation, so maybe people just misunderstand me?), WHY do they choose mainly 'troll'(ing) and 'autistic'?

My own theory is, that 'troll' is said because it takes the wind out of your sails, it completely diminishes that ANYTHING you say has ANY value, and no one should ever take anything you write seriously, because your motivation for writing is MERELY TO CAUSE A REACTION, so you should be ignored.

Imagine if this was used in political debates or something... instant destruction of your opponent. Nothing someone says can have any value after people think they're "just trolling", because no matter if they have a good point, or they word it nicely, or if they curse or insult, nothing they say have any value, because their motivation (that the others can't really know to be 'trolling' anyway) is deemed to be 'to cause a reaction', and not 'to gain information' or 'to have a conversation'.

I don't have evil motivations, I never troll, I don't want to cause reactions. I want to have good, fun, adult (not in THAT way) conversations, throw in some jokes, but eventually, delve deep into meaningful topics and thoroughly process the core of them, or I want to gain information or satisfy my curiosity. Whenever I ask a question, people don't answer it, but they start insulting me instead and ASSUMING all kind sof 'motivations' that are not true for me.

I would like to know WHY people do this, WHAT triggers them into doing so, why they think it's OK to use 'autistic' as an insult, why they think it's LOGICAL to use that as an insult, etc.

Ok, let's try to unravel 'autistic'.

There has always been a component in the 'insult arsenal' (that used to be much wider back in the day, now it's basically two words, because 'they are the most efficient', I guess), that aims to diminish what someone is saying by attacking their intelligence or wisdom.

People have called each other dumb, stupid or crazy in some form or another probably for millennia - whether it's apt or not, doesn't seem to matter. People call intelligent people stupid, mentally healthy people crazy, wise people dumb. It doesn't seem to matter for some reason (it would to me).

I HATE these word limitations..

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:55 PM


posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

I have to write another rant some day about the word limitations, I can't understand the reasoning for it, as I am going to write all I have to say anyway, so why make me have to do it in multiple posts instead of one? WHO BENEFITS?!


So historically, people have wanted to hone and sharpen these 'insult-weapons' as much as possible, always seeking the most potent weapon. At some point, it was the C-word, and then came the R-word. (For some reason, racial insults are still more powerful, because most people don't even dare use them)

This meant that instead of calling each other 'stupid' all the time, they had could call each other the C-word. Ooh, what power! The R-word was even better, because it instantly implies that there's something wrong with your brain, so you can't understand anything so nothing you say has any value.

After awhile, those words started losing their power - they're still used sometimes, but they seem more like 'tired politically incorrect slurs' than insults anymore. It almost feels uncomfortable to use either of those now, and the user of such words would probably feel worse than the insulted party.

A new word was needed, so someone decided, why not use a clinical term, 'autistic'. (Of course, this is often used in the form 'autist')

So basically, 'autist' is the new R-word - same meaning, same implication, and same deflating of anything you say, because you can't understand anything anyway, because there's clinically something wrong with your brain, so nothing you say has value.

'Troll'(er) and 'Autist'(ic) are both not only used wrong, their origin long forgotten, the meaning not understood, etc., but they're just freely and openly thrown to anyone someone doesn't like, and when ONE uses it, everyone ELSE jumps in and like little lemmings of ignorance, these mindless morons march on, hurling the T- and A-words to some innocent entity only trying to spark an interesting discussion.

It's not just my innocence versus the reaction that baffles me, it's that I can't ever predict it, I can never see or understand _WHAT_ I said that was so bad, when all I said was something innocent, humorous or pragmatic and possibly trivially true, spiced with some kind of humorous though, etc.

I never have any intention of hurting anyone, I never want to insult anyone, I never want to bring anyone down, I just want to have a fun conversation, and it's always _I_ that get muted, kicked, banned or called a 'troll'(er) and 'autist(ic)'.

What bothers me maybe the most, is that it's always THESE two words - neither of which is applicable. They make an 'autism' diagnosis without analyzing the content of my message that might actually prove it'd be impossible for someone actually autistic to write all that, they make a 'troll(ing)' accusation without seeing that what I am saying could never be considered a 'reaction provocation', and it's almost as if they don't even CARE whether their insults are accurate or not.

It's almost as if they know they're not accurate, but they use them anyway, because they don't have real arguments against my points, or they just want to erase and delete any influence I might have, because my thoughts are 'dangerous'.

Not dangerous in the orthodox way, just dangerous to their own psyche in some way or another. Perhaps they feel diminished by someone that can produce a large amount of text in short time, that might even make sense or make a good point - I don't know. I am simply trying to grasp at straws here, trying to see it from their perspective, trying to put myself in their place, to try to see WHAT could provoke me to suddenly start hurling insults when no one has insulted me.

The only motivation I can come up with is that they feel SOME kind of threat, so I _HAVE_ to be silenced instead of debated or discussed. Maybe they think they're a bunch of cunning linguists, but I am a master debater. (Just kidding, this joke is from an Austin Powers-movie)

I wish I could understand where they come from, why they decide to so suddenly, out-of-the-blue start hurling these two words and 'diagnosis' at me even though I never said anything insulting, and what triggers them, so I could at least predict such behaviour in the future, and knowing what triggers this reaction, I could AVOID doing it or saying something like that.

It's just always such a surprise and shock, because I am not feeling hateful or insulting, I don't want to provoke anything besides normal discussion, and so on - that I can't anticipate sudden hatred, toxicity, insults or bad attitude towards me. Where does it come from? What triggers it?

I guess I will never know, but damn is it annoying - I am being innocent and trying to add 'fun' to people and have a great discussion, and just SUDDENLY everyone starts hating on me. I would understand it if I was being hateful and trying to make people mad or saying insulting or evil things, but I don't do that, I don't want anyone to be mad at me, and yet they start insultiong me anyway.

I don't get it.. I really, really don't get it.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic


Aspirin should not be given to anyone under the age of 12.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Wear it with pride. Why would you even care? People are mostly only inches away from monkeys, you gotta expect them to fling poop if they perceive a threat real or not.

The ability to understand and discuss is in decline, be happy about it if you still can reason.
Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Try to be diplomatic in your approach and not abrasive. By the way whether you are autistic or not; I think autistic people are awesome. There is no sugarcoating with them; it is laid out exactly how they feel. Admirable quality if you ask me.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 10:50 PM

PS: never give someone on the internet that kind of power over you. It could be a 10 year old kid who’s picked on all day and runs to the internet to dish some back. It’s just not worth it.
edit on 21-9-2021 by TexasTruth because: Devine intervention

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

You appear to express yourself well, reflecting on your posts ITT.

Some individuals are really toxic, and it's hard to tell who sometimes. They would rather tear someone down than entertain debate or express their perspective in a friendly back and forth.

It's challenging to know the scope of your frustrations, I get the impression you notice this more in real-time chats. You may be older or more mature than some of the others. Lots of people have been experiencing prolonged stress and isolation since the pandemic started shutting things down, that probably plays into this too.

I find someone calling another autistic especially childish. On the financial side you mentioned earlier, there is a saying "The poor man pays twice." It is basically saying the quality is better than quantity.

You could just be one of the more sensitive souls out there, I imagine you may be putting more thought into understanding these people than they even do themselves. Envy is bitch, try to avoid vampires to preserve yourself. They aren't worth the trouble.

edit on 21-9-2021 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: musicismagic


Aspirin should not be given to anyone under the age of 12.

So no aspirin but vaccines are fine.... amirite?

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

You seem to be overly concerned over what people think about you. Humans are overrated.

My dog loves me more than she loves any human alive. My cats think I'm OK in small doses, and my goldfish is starting to warm up to me.

What most humans think of me is very low on my Things I Care About list.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Not everyone is like you, Shoujikina. Motivations that are completely foreign to your way of being are common. The impulse to harm is prevalent among many folk. Given the anonymity of the internet, that impulse is given free reign. School yard bullying is common if you ask me. I get it all the time around here. It's almost like there is a list, a print out that many have and they just pick and choose which insult to toss out. Sometimes they can almost be perfect copies of insults found in other threads.

It may be that some are attempting to goad you into abrasive replies, so that they can go deeper into themselves to find an even more insulting come-back. You have been here a number of years. Does it seem to be increasing to you?

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: musicismagic


Aspirin should not be given to anyone under the age of 12.

So no aspirin but vaccines are fine.... amirite?

No such ruling has been made on it in my country, but if it turns out to be innocuous, why not?

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Just keep doing you, and doing it the best you can.

Anything anyone says always says more about themselves than anyone else. If someone resorts to petty and childish name calling, it's because they hate being called petty and childish names... because it hurts their feelings... because they can't handle anyone thinking poorly of them.

So they do it to others thinking others will hate it just like them... because they think it will hurt someone's feelings just like them... because they think others can't handle anyone thinking poorly of them.

Just do you, and do better when/if you know better.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Well, I think the obvious question here is...

Are you really a...Autistic Homo-Troll?

JUST kidding!

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