a reply to:
I have to write another rant some day about the word limitations, I can't understand the reasoning for it, as I am going to write all I have to say
anyway, so why make me have to do it in multiple posts instead of one? WHO BENEFITS?!
So historically, people have wanted to hone and sharpen these 'insult-weapons' as much as possible, always seeking the most potent weapon. At some
point, it was the C-word, and then came the R-word. (For some reason, racial insults are still more powerful, because most people don't even dare use
This meant that instead of calling each other 'stupid' all the time, they had could call each other the C-word. Ooh, what power! The R-word was even
better, because it instantly implies that there's something wrong with your brain, so you can't understand anything so nothing you say has any
After awhile, those words started losing their power - they're still used sometimes, but they seem more like 'tired politically incorrect slurs' than
insults anymore. It almost feels uncomfortable to use either of those now, and the user of such words would probably feel worse than the insulted
A new word was needed, so someone decided, why not use a clinical term, 'autistic'. (Of course, this is often used in the form 'autist')
So basically, 'autist' is the new R-word - same meaning, same implication, and same deflating of anything you say, because you can't understand
anything anyway, because there's clinically something wrong with your brain, so nothing you say has value.
'Troll'(er) and 'Autist'(ic) are both not only used wrong, their origin long forgotten, the meaning not understood, etc., but they're just freely and
openly thrown to anyone someone doesn't like, and when ONE uses it, everyone ELSE jumps in and like little lemmings of ignorance, these mindless
morons march on, hurling the T- and A-words to some innocent entity only trying to spark an interesting discussion.
It's not just my innocence versus the reaction that baffles me, it's that I can't ever predict it, I can never see or understand _WHAT_ I said that
was so bad, when all I said was something innocent, humorous or pragmatic and possibly trivially true, spiced with some kind of humorous though,
I never have any intention of hurting anyone, I never want to insult anyone, I never want to bring anyone down, I just want to have a fun
conversation, and it's always _I_ that get muted, kicked, banned or called a 'troll'(er) and 'autist(ic)'.
What bothers me maybe the most, is that it's always THESE two words - neither of which is applicable. They make an 'autism' diagnosis without
analyzing the content of my message that might actually prove it'd be impossible for someone actually autistic to write all that, they make a
'troll(ing)' accusation without seeing that what I am saying could never be considered a 'reaction provocation', and it's almost as if they don't even
CARE whether their insults are accurate or not.
It's almost as if they know they're not accurate, but they use them anyway, because they don't have real arguments against my points, or they just
want to erase and delete any influence I might have, because my thoughts are 'dangerous'.
Not dangerous in the orthodox way, just dangerous to their own psyche in some way or another. Perhaps they feel diminished by someone that can produce
a large amount of text in short time, that might even make sense or make a good point - I don't know. I am simply trying to grasp at straws here,
trying to see it from their perspective, trying to put myself in their place, to try to see WHAT could provoke me to suddenly start hurling insults
when no one has insulted me.
The only motivation I can come up with is that they feel SOME kind of threat, so I _HAVE_ to be silenced instead of debated or discussed. Maybe they
think they're a bunch of cunning linguists, but I am a master debater. (Just kidding, this joke is from an Austin Powers-movie)
I wish I could understand where they come from, why they decide to so suddenly, out-of-the-blue start hurling these two words and 'diagnosis' at me
even though I never said anything insulting, and what triggers them, so I could at least predict such behaviour in the future, and knowing what
triggers this reaction, I could AVOID doing it or saying something like that.
It's just always such a surprise and shock, because I am not feeling hateful or insulting, I don't want to provoke anything besides normal discussion,
and so on - that I can't anticipate sudden hatred, toxicity, insults or bad attitude towards me. Where does it come from? What triggers it?
I guess I will never know, but damn is it annoying - I am being innocent and trying to add 'fun' to people and have a great discussion, and just
SUDDENLY everyone starts hating on me. I would understand it if I was being hateful and trying to make people mad or saying insulting or evil things,
but I don't do that, I don't want anyone to be mad at me, and yet they start insultiong me anyway.
I don't get it.. I really, really don't get it.