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Covid Questions.

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posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 07:30 AM
Did the regulators at the FDA know that all previous coronavirus vaccines had failed in animal trials and that the vaccinated animals became either severely ill or died?
Yes, they did.

Did they know that previous coronavirus vaccines had a tendency to “enhance the infection” and “make the disease worse”?

Did Dr Anthony Fauci know that coronavirus vaccines had repeatedly failed and increased the severity of the infection?
Yes, he did.

(See here: Fauci on ADE)

Did the drug companies conduct any animal trials prior to the FDA’s approval that would have convinced a reasonable person that the vaccines were safe to use on humans?
No, they didn’t.

Did they complete long-term clinical trials to establish whether the vaccines were safe?
No, there were no long-term clinical trials.

Did they conduct any biodistribution studies that showed where the substance in the injection goes in the body?
They did, but the data was not made available to the public.

Do the contents of the vaccine largely collect in various organs and in the lining of the vascular system?
Yes, they do.

Do large amounts of the substance accumulate in the ovaries?

Will this effect female fertility and a woman’s ability to safely bring a baby to term?
The drug companies are currently researching this. The results are unknown.

Does the vaccine enter the bloodstream and collect in the lining of the blood vessels forcing the cells to produce the spike protein?

Is the spike protein a “biologically active” pathogen?
It is.

Does the spike protein cause blood clots and leaky blood vessels in a large percentage of the people that are vaccinated?
It does, although the blood clots are mostly microscopic and appear in the capillaries. Only a small percentage of vaccinees get strokes or suffer cardiac arrest.

Should people be made aware of these possible bad outcomes before they agree to get vaccinated? (“Informed consent”)

Did the FDA know that Pfizer had “identified vaccine-associated enhanced disease, including vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, as an important potential risk”?
Yes, they did, but they did not demand that Pfizer fix the problem.

Did the drug companies vaccinate the people in the placebo group after the clinical trials in order to conceal the difference in the long-term health outcomes between the two groups?

That is the conclusion a rational person would make.

So, they nuked the trials?


Did the FDA largely shrug-off its regulatory duties and abandon its normal standards and protocols because

a– It wanted to rush the Covid vaccines into service as rapidly as possible?

b– It knew the Covid-19 vaccine would never meet long-term safety standards?

We don’t know yet, but the adverse events report strongly suggests that the Covid-19 vaccine is hands-down the most dangerous vaccine in history.

Is the FDA rushing the “boosters” without proper testing?

Yes, it is. Here’s a clip from author Alex Berenson’s latest at Substack:

“Pfizer basically hasn’t bothered to test the booster AT ALL in the people actually at risk – it conducted a single “Phase 1” trial that covered 12 people over 65. The main Phase 2/3 booster trial (beware efforts to cover multiple “phases” of drug research at once, you want it bad you get it bad) included no one over 55.

No one.

As in NONE.

Have the boosters been modified or improved to meet the changes in Delta variant?


Is there any additional risk in taking a booster-shot after already taking two experimental gene-based vaccines in less than a year?

Considerable risk. Here’s more from the Doctors for Covid Ethics:

“Given that booster shots repeatedly boost the immune response to the spike protein, they will progressively boost self-to-self immune attack, including boosting complement-mediated damage to vessel walls.

Clinically speaking, the greater the vessel leakage and clotting that subsequently occurs, the more likely that organs supplied by the affected blood flow will sustain damage. From stroke to heart attack to brain vein thrombosis, the symptoms can range from death to headaches, nausea and vomiting, all of which heavily populate adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines.

As well as damage from leakage and clotting alone, it is additionally possible that the vaccine itself may leak into surrounding organs and tissues. Should this take place, the cells of those organs will themselves begin to produce spike protein, and will come under attack in the same way as the vessel walls. Damage to major organs such as the lungs, ovaries, placenta and heart can be expected ensue, with increasing severity and frequency as booster shots are rolled out.” (“Open Letter to the EMA and European Parliament“, Doctors for Covid Ethics)

To many questions and not enough answers in my opinion.

Our Government, the media, the FDA, and the CDC are bought and paid for by Big Pharma. They are making billions risk free. I hope that I am wrong but it's a hell of a risk to take to force vaccinate people against their will. Threatening a person's livelihood is evil and those playing that game need to have their agenda shut down.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 07:55 AM
Fauci, Faust.

Faustian, Faucian?

Just a coincidence?

Faust made a pact with the devil. He traded his soul for power and earthly pleasures. Anyway, a book titled "Faucian Bargain" was published recently.
edit on 21-9-2021 by ColeYounger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 08:11 AM
In my opinion what is happening right now is caused by the lack of answers which has revealed just how much we lack a basic education as a population.

On the one hand you have the authorities coercing folks into getting jabbed.
The main tactic that are using the "appeal to authority" logical fallacy to convince people to do so ie trust the science, im from the Government etc.
On the other hand you do actually have extreme views (on both sides - divide and conquer) developing because of the lack of information (allows people with a hidden agenda to hi-jack movements) and leaps having to be made to fill in the gaps.

Until people arm themselves with an understanding of basic logical fallacies, asking more questions is not going to do anything other than cause more confusion due to lack of answers and tactics being used, ultimately resulting in what we are seeing, nothing happening.
People don't like to act until they have enough information, we don't like to be wrong so how do the authorities counter that? Overwhelm you with every kind of information, fear tactics, propaganda and the like, especially when the public is compromised intellectually and emotionally as it only allows more control whilst the general population sit in an almost hypnotic state...

My thoughts on it are quite simple. This needs to be simplified right down to its core. The only question that must be asked is, why should I get this vaccine?

A vaccine is to be taken to help improve your immune system and is therefore a personal health decision.
Getting a jab for any other reason such as; freedom of movement, freedom to go to concerts or events, freedom to work, freedom to claim a benefit to survive or similar then you are not making a health decision.

I also think it is important for everyone to remember that this is not the system falling apart so to speak. This is the system that we have lived with revealing its true face. This is just getting started.

We are not, have not been and will never be free.

edit on 21-9-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin

My biggest worry is the lack of long term study, first time I’m aware of that safety protocols have been bypassed. Essentially the worlds population is now the study group, what could possibly go wrong.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin

My biggest worry is the lack of long term study, first time I’m aware of that safety protocols have been bypassed. Essentially the worlds population is now the study group, what could possibly go wrong.


And now they want to put our children into the maze.

I can see people being afraid of losing their jobs, their comfort, and their things, especially if they have children.

I have trouble understanding why those same parents will take the chance of sacrificing their own health and lives for their children, would take the risk of possible harm to the health and lives of their children. Especially with a virus with such low risk issues with children.

I would never tell a parent if they should give, or if they should withhold medical treatment for their child.

I think they should be given enough facts to be able to make the right decision for themselves and their children.

To me, there just is not enough data, and there is definately not enough honest information being presented to make that decision.

edit on 21-9-2021 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Phone locked up while inputting. Forced to submit before ready yo post.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin

My biggest worry is the lack of long term study, first time I’m aware of that safety protocols have been bypassed. Essentially the worlds population is now the study group, what could possibly go wrong.

Its a valid concern.
Look at whats happening with pfiezers anti smoking drug..Its been on the market for over 10 years,FDA approved,and only now they find its carinogenic and has been pulled from the shelves.

But we are told there can't possibly be any long term effects of these new,experimental,never before used MRNA tweaking vaccines,and anyone who voices concern is told they are a crazy tinfoil hat wearer.

NO ONE CAN KNOW the long term effects-unless they have a secret time machine.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin

An excellent breakdown of questions that far too many are not asking.

Our Government, the media, the FDA, and the CDC are bought and paid for by Big Pharma. They are making billions risk free. I hope that I am wrong but it's a hell of a risk to take to force vaccinate people against their will. Threatening a person's livelihood is evil and those playing that game need to have their agenda shut down.

The unholy evil system you are describing is known as Rockefeller medicine. They own the entire industry, they created it, going all the way back to the AMA.

We have entered into their great culling, this is why all of your questions are not answered and we are given fear and propaganda in place.

Made this meme today to concisely describe this reality.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin

My biggest worry is the lack of long term study, first time I’m aware of that safety protocols have been bypassed. Essentially the worlds population is now the study group, what could possibly go wrong.

Its a valid concern.
Look at whats happening with pfiezers anti smoking drug..Its been on the market for over 10 years,FDA approved,and only now they find its carinogenic and has been pulled from the shelves.

But we are told there can't possibly be any long term effects of these new,experimental,never before used MRNA tweaking vaccines,and anyone who voices concern is told they are a crazy tinfoil hat wearer.

NO ONE CAN KNOW the long term effects-unless they have a secret time machine.

I would like to echo every word here.

It blows my mind that people vehemently promote these "vaccines" with ZERO long term safety studies to point to.

Comparing it to pfizers Chantix is on point.

Even doing that, people will get that glossy eyed zombie look and go back to defending putting their loved ones at risk.

(post by TheGodSavior removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin
These guys are answering some of your questions

edit on 21-9-2021 by puzzled2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin

Did the FDA largely shrug-off its regulatory duties and abandon its normal standards and protocols

Looking at all the recalled drugs and class action lawsuits over the last 20 years or so. I am surprised to learn they have standards and protocols.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Look at whats happening with pfiezers anti smoking drug..Its been on the market for over 10 years,FDA approved,and only now they find its carinogenic and has been pulled from the shelves.

Chantix should have been pulled from the market no later than 2010. It drove people crazy, some committed suicide. Now they find it causes cancer and it gets pulled from the market.
Chantix time line

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin
These guys are answering some of your questions

I watched about 5 to 7 minutes of this video and so far that dude is just parroting the official narrative...

So when do they actually start "Answering Questions" instead of just vomiting the propaganda of the whackcine?

I'll happily F.F. to there (and most likely debunk their Scientism and Graphs as well)

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: BenjanonFranklin

Should people be made aware of these possible bad outcomes before they agree to get vaccinated? (“Informed consent”)

They do make you aware of these possible side effects. You even have to sign a paper...twice...saying you understand the risk

If you don't agree, don't sign, don't get the shot

I had zero side effects. My arm was a little bit sore, felt like I spent the day cutting a tree down or mending the fence
edit on 9/23/2021 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2021 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: PaPaTaco

Didn't say they would give you answers you would like.

Perhaps the information from The-True-Story-of-Ivermectin-in-India

Is more interesting to you.

Or you may like Ivor

If you like to have a website of doctors to browse try - World Council for Health launches with publication of at-home Covid treatment guide

posted on Sep, 24 2021 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: XXXN3O

I just talked to two -shockingly- brainwashed sheeple that work in the 'health industry'. They were both convinced of two things; 1) Media has no reason to lie 2) No one's independent research can be trusted.

Trying to convince them even of a possibility that media might be hiding things or has an agenda was so futile, I am still fuming, although we thankfully abandoned that debate pretty quickly.

The sheer, mindblowing 'I am brainwashed and proud of it'-type appeal to authority (the fallacy number 12 on the list) was so strong with the two bimbos that not even Jesus Christ himself could have convinced them that they _might_ be wrong - not that they are, just that they might. No room for even slight independend thought. It's really shocking how deeply people believe the lies and how easily they're convinced that 'corona killed their friends, so it must be deadlier than the vaccine' (but DID corona really kill their friends, or did they die WITH corona, etc.. but I didn't start on that path, because it would've been futile, useless and fruitless).

I am so thoroughly shocked, my hands are still shaking and I feel like my soul has been invaded with toxic, polluting lies, I feel like I got injured in some weird way and need to cleanse myself of their ridiculously idiotic bombardment of sheer stupidity, if that can be called some kind of energy (it's hard to explain).

I thought 'reasonably intelligent people' that I have known for years, would -automatically- reject these childish lies and this transparent manipulation, laugh at the weakest and most evil president USA has ever seen, and we could discuss like adults about the truth.

How can someone that I would normally have respect as someone 'bright' or at least 'not too stupid' suddenly be so 100% convinced of something as credible as 'the moon is made out of cheese'? It just doesn't make sense, so it shocks me. I never would've thought these people would have been THAT adamant about the truth of the 'believe in the science' (yes, they spewed this mantra, too, if you can believe that - I almost can't).

I thought there would've been at least SOME critical thought in there somewhere. They probably don't even realize that the rhetoric about 'mandatory masks' in public transport is just that; rhetoric. It has no power of law behind it. Also, the way it's worded, it wouldn't even matter even if it did (which is probably why it is worded like that, so they can't be sued).

Has anyone ever noticed how they say it? It's always something like 'masks are mandatory' or in another language, in even more passive way ('A mask-obligation exists' - english doesn't work this way, so it sounds more plausible in english).

In any case, the wording basically says that some kind of rule exists "in public transport". It doesn't say "passengers HAVE to wear masks", it doesn't say "Failure to WEAR a mask is punishable by 300 dollar fine or 12 days in county lock-up". It doesn't say "You can't lawfully enter a bus without weaking a mask on your face".

It doesn't specify, and we all know, legal system ALWAYS specifies so you can't misunderstand it. But this couldn't be more passive and vague rhetoric; it's like saying 'a mandate exists in public transport', without specifying what that even means. Mask mandate could mean the BUS has to wear a mask, for all we know!

It could mean it has NOTHING to do with passengers, it could mean passengers only have to CARRY a mask, not wear it, it could mean they have to wear it, but not on their face, so even on a wrist would be good enoug - well, you get the idea and can expand from here easily.

It could mean ANYTHING, which is why it doesn't mean anything specific.

By the way, this statement..

We are not, have not been and will never be free.

I respectfully disagree. Please let me explain before you think I am wrong.

We are free, because fundamentally, we have human rights, we are freemen-on-the-land. However, we have forgotten that, and we have basically 'imprisoned ourselves' by voluntarily signing all kinds of applications, registrations and forms that perform the joinder that ties our free self to the imprisoned, government+corporate-owned 'strawman' that only exists on paper (and computers). It's a dead entity, a legal fiction with tons of obligations. WE do not have those obligations, unless we choose to take them on. So FUNDAMENTALLY we are free, but we have enslaved ourselves, so in PRACTICAL REALITY, we are not free.

However, we can think of this from a more Cosmic and Spiritual viewpoint, in which even imprisoned englightened Zen master is free and not bothered by incarceration. If you have a rich inner life, you can be happy and free even while externally imprisoned in some ways.

This planet is very 'prisony', it has multiple layers of incarceration, so freedom becomes 'relative'. Even the wealthiest people on the planet are prisoners of gravity, JUST to give one example to realize what kind of viewpoint I am using here.

We can be internally free while externally imprisoned. Also, one incarnation usually lasts only for a short while, cosmically speaking. This means we are free before incarnation, we're free after incarnation, so what's a little imprisonment in the middle, when we get to be free soon anyway? We are free in our dreams, in our imagination, in our exploration of ideas. Heck, I feel free here typing these forum posts.

Also, we are here because of good reasons, and we have all done something bad. We have been given the opportunity to pay our karmic debts. This is one form of freedom, and it will free us even further. So we basically consent to incarnating into a 'prison', so we can be more free later. Only a free soul can make such a choice. Someone that gives their consent to being imprisoned, is still technically free, because they're only imprisoned because of their own choice, and they were free to make that choice.

If I choose to punch myself in the shoulder, it hurts, but I am still free. The same is with this voluntary imprisonment - they are choosing their destiny, so they're free, even if they're imprisoned.

How many different types of freedom are there? If you are thinking about 'mental freedom' or 'freedom of thought', no one can argue against you, can they? Those are definitely freedoms. Freedom to sleep is a freedom.

How free do you have to be, before you can call it 100% free? Is that even possible? Isn't an evolved spirit more free if they actually conform to some restrictions and limitations? Have you ever heard how limitations can be inspiring? Heck, many people wrote books in prisons, even bestsellers. Maybe they would never have done that if they had't been 'restricted' in their freedom. Bruce Lee lost the ability to talk for six months (or so, I think). He was able to write and create so much stuff when he couldn't be focusing on his physical body and exercize, martial arts, etc. in the physical sense, that he might not have done, if he had remained 'free' of that particular, painful incident.

Freedom is not JUST freedom from governmental tyranny (that'd be liberty), it can still exist in people that seem hopelessly enslaved or imprisoned. I am sure there have been actual slaves in history of this planet that have felt more free than many 'supposedly free' people in the modern day do in their office wage slave jobs.

We are free cosmic beings, in the end.

posted on Sep, 24 2021 @ 05:09 AM
I mean, we don't cost much - ha, ha, ha. (Sorry, a little humor)

Now that I have (hopefully) established that freedom is not quite THAT simple, and that we're still free, and that freedom is very multi-faceted and sometimes even relative, there are shades and even colors of freedom, we can move on to the next point.

We have not been [free]

Now, as I mentioned, we HAVE been free. But even if you mean that this modern wage slave culture has been oppressing us for thousands of years (and you'd be right), this becomes a historical debate now. Let's forget (for the sake of the argument) that everything I said up there doesn't exist, or matter at all. There's only one freedom, and then consider this claim that 'we have never had it'. (I am paraphrasing, but that IS your point, isn't it?)

When you look at ancient times, there have almost always been at least SOME people that have been free - at least to some extent. There have been people that work hard, but also get paid well and enjoy luxuries that the non-working didn't have. Are these people with luxuries free or not free, if they work out of their own will and get paid fairly for it?

There have been people that enslaved others, so their own population (populace?) can be free. Ancient Greece was a cruel place in THAT way, but it was also a marvelous age because since their own people didn't have to work in the fields or whatnot, they could dedicate their time to cultivating themselves, philosophy, art, social life, learning, teaching, and so on. This couldn't have happened back in the day so efficiently without the unjust slave system (although from my limited research, it seems they took very good care of their slaves, so much so that I wouldn't probably even mind being a slave in their times for the 'good people' - slavery is wrong, of course, but there are degrees of how bad it can be for the slave).

However, you can't deny the 'masters', even though cruel in their acceptance of slavery, were FREE in so many ways that even modern people are not anymore. They were free to spend their days any way they wish. Can you imagine? They could walk in the fields pondering the mysteries of the Universe, discuss philosophy with their friends, paint, and so on. In my honest opinion, they were free.

Think about the ancient Atlantians, before the calamity struck. Their continent was well organized, very spiritual, with trained priests and everything. I mean PROPER priests, not some superficial doofuses of the modern time that don't even know what spirit is. They were ACTUALLY trained to be true priests, by proper spiritual training with spiritual initiations, how to open psychic abilities without losing your mind, how to control all kinds of energies, from emotions to attacks by other entities, and so on and so forth. They could handle almost anything, even opening up of more + powerful abilities.

(Sadly, most people weren't trained this way, so .. well, it's a long story, but the end result was Atlantis sinking into the sea in three days)

In any case, they were harmonious, they used free energy from a crystal, they were spiritual and loving, they cultivated their society, and even had flying vehicles (research 'Vimana' from ancient Indian Veda-books).

Were the not free? They were probably the most perfect society this planet has ever had, and you call them 'not free'?

I could go on, but I hope I made my historical point by now.

About 'we will never be free' - well, from what I have already said, you could conclude most of this argument defeated, but I want to go a bit further, because now you suddenly claim to know the future!

Are you a prophet, saint, angel or Extra-Terrestrial? Are you a time-traveler or do you get visions? How can you know the future? (Not saying you can't, just curious about the method)

No planet will remain bad forever. Every planet will cultivate to the normal, highly-evolved true human state towards angelic state sooner or later, eventually each planet will be a home for high-level people that don't need wars or murders or media lies anymore.

This planet is just cursed, so it's taking longer, and there have been many setbacks and calamities. But it doesn't mean it couldn't SOME DAY be a place where everyone not only IS free, but FEELS free.

What is being free without the experience of being free? What is imprisonment without the experience of being imprisoned?

If you don't let them imprison your mind and soul, you can be free even in jail.

Besides, even the most imprisoned incarnation ends at some point, and that's when you'll be free again.

So none of these three arguments hold water, could you please at least consider rephrasing them or something?


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