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Alabama Pickers, couple known for reselling and vaccine opposition, both dead of COVID

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posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: Zenchuck
a reply to: igloo
Unvaxxed are dropping like the Indians who first encountered the European.

Ummm... nopey dopey.

Where'd you gat that ridiculously false claim from? Your nether regions?

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: MDDoxs
a reply to: tanstaafl

Your post made me hungry.

Heh, me too,

posted on Sep, 19 2021 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: tanstaafl
I'd appreciate that recipe for the ice-cream if possible.

Here's the one I started with...

Also, admittedly I don't always make 100% carnivore. I actually love fresh made peach ice cream, so I'll add some fresh organic peaches, or lemon puree (lemon ice cream is amazing!)...
edit on 19-9-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 01:02 PM
It is kind of strange.. You have visibility and you reject the Vaccine. All of a sudden you are dead from Covid. Reject the vaccine but shut up I guess is the message.

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 01:15 PM
Sounds like they took a gamble. Guess they fell in the .02%. Sorry to hear they died, people die everyday from millions of different reasons.

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: MDDoxs

The real crime is how stupid a$$ doctors whom care more about getting money from big pharma and are asked by patients to be given ivermectin or other real treatments that have helped millions survive COVID-19, mostly without any major side effects, kick their patients out of hospitals, or deny their patients the treatments that are effective. If anyone is spreading misinformation is the op by claiming those that want to defy vaccine mandates are spreading misinfo...

posted on Sep, 20 2021 @ 11:58 PM
Did they have any comorbidity? it seems that is what is missing in the story. Its tragic what happened to them. But i do think an comorbidity likely played a role.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: MDDoxs

The real crime is how stupid a$$ doctors whom care more about getting money from big pharma and are asked by patients to be given ivermectin or other real treatments that have helped millions survive COVID-19, mostly without any major side effects, kick their patients out of hospitals, or deny their patients the treatments that are effective. If anyone is spreading misinformation is the op by claiming those that want to defy vaccine mandates are spreading misinfo...

There won't be much sympathy for the doctors that just "followed orders" if this narrative is proven to be neglagent. Or the nurses that injected the vaccine.

I always regarded doctors and nurses in the highest regard, to use them in the pawns of the game is dispicable. I will not take back my respect for those people, I'm just ashamed we let this happen.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Kaiju666

I've personally known about 20 people who have had it.
A couple were pretty bad, but no hospitalization.
So the anecdotal numbers I can give you are 0/20 dead.
20/20 miserable for at at least a week, some as much as 2-3
2/20 couldn't taste for over a month.

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