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If you catch covid, and get really sick, what are our options in the USA, Antivacciners.

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posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 07:21 PM
Thank you for the added information!

edit on 09/16/2021 by alex91z28 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 01:48 AM
Well, I'm now sick, first day just sore throat, day two, definitely have that okay, I'm sick now feeling. I'll get a free covid test tomorrow and get more ivermectin as well and take the vitamin cocktail mentioned in this thread.

Is it too late to take ivermectin though on day 3? I wonder if I should have taken it first when I had a sore throat, probably should have, but I'll try it tomorrow and see how it goes. It will be ivermectin used for horses I think so I need to make the dose is okay. Can someone remind me what the dose is again?

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 03:15 PM
Took an at home test and it seems its negative, one blue line, so I guess its not covid, just the flu. I hope so!

I don't ever want to catch this nasty thing, don't trust it. Seems man made so who knows whats going on here even after recovery. Though some part of me is like, atleast now I'll be immune for up to a year, but blah. Just don't catch this sucker.

I got two kits. Im thinking of taking the second one just to verify. Thoughts?

On a side note: Ivermecting is sold out everywhere, atleast 7 different locations where I'm at. Some places said they aren't allow to sell it. It is infuriating. They take the one thing off the shelves that can treat covid, meanwhile the SG and head of CDC admits the vaccine is just hopeful thinking.

What a nasty mess.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 02:57 AM
Is it really safe to take 50-100k iu of vitamin d3. The pills I have are 1000 mu, so I should take fifty of those suckers?

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