posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 09:48 PM
I've only made 5k in 6 months and that's on the W-2 or W-4 that they send back to ya'. Plus, I have no insurance outside of my car insurance my mom
pays for, no dental, no eye care, and no med., no 401k, plus this just benefits the super rich and celeb among us.
Yes, I agree the goverment has been hijacked by a bunch of UN/hippie/satanist-type commies. I wish we could do something better than write and
complain ya' know? Heck, I'm surprised I actually watch the "Newies" every summer and I'm reading legalse and the histories and some of the
writings that made this country. Especially, after they hijacked the NEA.
This is why I want out of retail, plus I hate the work itself and the hours, that and I have zero control enbetween my family and my job. Yep, George
Charlin was right; my generation is totally burned out on structure.
[edit on 3/25/05 by BSB2005]
[edit on 3/25/05 by BSB2005]