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'Farsight Institute' predictions for September 2021 via remote viewing.

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posted on Sep, 15 2021 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: autopat51
Intensifying Seismic Crisis at La Palma Volcano: Mega-Tsunami Potential
September 15, 2021 Cap Allon

The seismic crisis at La Palma of the past few days continues with no signs of slowing.

More than 250 sizable quakes were detected during the past 24 hours, and more than 3000 in total have been logged over the past 4 days, reports

During the past 24 hours, earthquakes have been moving westwards and have become shallower, reveals data coming out of the National Geographic Institute (IGN). This is a concerning development, and likely indicates continued magma intrusion and migration under the surface, a contention which is also supported also by the continued deformation of the surface in the same area as the quakes — in places, the ground has been uplifted by 1.5 cm (almost one inch) already.

everyone should be paying attention to this. this is from Electroverse.

I just read one of the most recent 3s was actually within 1km of the surface. It does seem shes primed to go of soon , just hoping its more like the eruption in the 1970s vs whatever people keep seeing visions of

posted on Sep, 15 2021 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: itswhatev

you've got that right!

posted on Sep, 15 2021 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: itswhatev

Its september 14 and the farsight viewers are suggesting september 15th, so i supoose shouldn't be a long turn around if something happens.

Alert! Alert! Alert!

Temporal Markers! Vaccine/Cumbre Vieja!

You can't make this stuff up!
Anagrams of "The Cumbre Vieja Volcano"

1) Love our vaccine! Jab Them!

2) Um, love job, vaccine hater?

3) Uh, vaccine mort! leave job!

4) Love vaccine, "jumbo heart"? (enlarged heart!)

Probably way more than this.
I don't have time.
You know who you are. Need to jump on this... NOW!

edit on 15-9-2021 by RavenSpeaks because: spelling

posted on Sep, 15 2021 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: itswhatev
I had a dream of a giant tidal wave coming over our mountains awhile back. Problem is, somehow my sense of direction is better in my dream state than my waking state and this wave was coming from the west.
I live in Virginia... don't think it is likely.

posted on Sep, 15 2021 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: itswhatev
I had a dream of a giant tidal wave coming over our mountains awhile back. Problem is, somehow my sense of direction is better in my dream state than my waking state and this wave was coming from the west.
I live in Virginia... don't think it is likely.

Hello fellow virginian lol

Something i found interesting looking around on youtube is kust how many people have bene dreaming about a tsunami hitting the east coast over the lazt few years. Youre definitely not alone....though isk if thats a comforting thought or not nessicarily

posted on Sep, 15 2021 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: RavenSpeaks

Anagrams of "The Cumbre Vieja Volcano"

Also these anagrams:

1) The "cov' jab", income valuer!

2) Jab virulence to havoc me!

posted on Sep, 16 2021 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: RavenSpeaks

The dream was in technicolor, first I was looking down on an Island which had opened up longitudinally where the opening was it was glowing red. Then I was moving along with a massive wave like a surfer but in front of it looking at the green wall in awe. Then I was on a beach in a car driven by my brother in law, I said we had better move fast and he gunned it. As we got higher we seemed to stay ahead of it, and then reached the highest point with the water flowing around about fifty feet below. This was on the night of the thirteenth of sep 2021

posted on Sep, 16 2021 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: RavenSpeaks

The dream was in technicolor, first I was looking down on an Island which had opened up longitudinally where the opening was it was glowing red. Then I was moving along with a massive wave like a surfer but in front of it looking at the green wall in awe. Then I was on a beach in a car driven by my brother in law, I said we had better move fast and he gunned it. As we got higher we seemed to stay ahead of it, and then reached the highest point with the water flowing around about fifty feet below. This was on the night of the thirteenth of sep 2021

Im convincec some people arw remote viewing in their sleep- one thing so many have in common is the belief they are flying or somehow looking down on the earth from above. There are so many people whove been dreaminf about a tsunami and specifically a tsunami hittinf the east coast of u.s that there are atlwast 2 seperate pages keeping track of them. One page has collected over 200 different dreams people have put on youtube about a massive wave/megatsunami of like... "Biblical" proportions. I had no idra until i was looking for more info for this thread... Its quite unsettling tbh. Some of tuem are nearly 10 years old though , but a surprising amoujt are from withij the last 8 months or so.

Search "tsunami dream" on youtube to see what i mean..
edit on 503049411am30America/Chicagov by itswhatev because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2021 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: itswhatev

I am probably alone in that my wave was coming from the west though. In the dream, I was in the city. The city is kind of surrounded by mountains. This wave was towering over the mountains to the west of the city. Maybe if the Madrid gave out at the same time and the whole area west of the mountains all the way down to the gulf dropped and let the wave in maybe. Or down via the st Lawrence,.

Otherwise, the wave could be symbolic for something else. At least in my dream. Maybe in others?
The remote viewers though, maybe are predicting it, but then maybe not. Often the sessions aren't clear enough to know what they are seeing even after it happens really.

posted on Sep, 23 2021 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: itswhatev

I don't quite understand why people seem to confuse 'remote viewing' with 'psychic predictions' or other, completely separate areas.

Remote viewing is JUST that; viewing a GEOPHYSICAL location 'remotely', and thus being able to 'spy unnoticed'. That's ALL it is.

If you start adding some kind of 'predictions' to it, it's no longer 'remote viewing' but something else.

Don't mix things, please. Otherwise 'drinking' will soon mean eating, too, and after awhile, it starts also meaning poopage and evntually loses all meaning.

Remote viewing = viewing things remotely.

Here's an anecdote to clarify the point:

A long time ago, I was trying to find 'ninja movies'. We were in some kind of 'thrift' type store with my friend, who was going through CDs to see what they have there. I happened to mention my pursuit to my friend, who looked around, pointed at some KUNG-FU movies, and said, 'there you go'.

I could only blink in astonishment.

They're a night and day. Kung-fu has nothing to do with ninjas, and vice versa. Ninja is a japanese master of stealth that historically wouldn't know kung-fu but ninpō and maybe some other japanese martial arts. How can anyone confuse these two?

This is how it feels to read topics and threads like this, where people, without shame, just mix and confuse terminology happily without a care in the world.

Come on, you should know better - this is like confusing riding a bike with making a hotel reservation. They're not even REMOTELY (no pun intended) connected!

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