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This is what they are saying about us in the media…

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posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: JefeFeesh

I mentioned this in another thread. What control group was used to compare the results? Here it is : Which group is the control group? Is there or was there a control group? What percentage of the now-vaccinated were unaffected by covid up to the point of the jab? Would that stat be a realistic reference in which group is doing better? Are those that are getting the vaccines avoiding covid, or are the shots preventing it? The same question, with immunity in place of shot, posed at those not vaccinated from covid.

From my understanding that the official control groups in the pharma studies were offered the jab as soon as it got EUA. Very few refused and so there is no longer an official study of any control groups. I mentioned the Amish as a control group due to their resistance to vaccines, but I only found one cursory report on that a while back.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
You make me laugh with your belief that simply denying things makes them go away.

You make me laugh with your dogmatic religious faith and trust in known, well established pathological liars.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 09:24 AM
Let's both sit and laugh then. They say that laughter is the best medicine but you'll most likely say your better off with some tincture of hedgehog urine that's been left under a waxing moon for 12 hours and applied liberally to the affected area with a badger hair brush.

a reply to: tanstaafl

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Delivered in a coconut by a swallow....African Swallow in fact....

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: Dalamax
I'm not challenging what you say.
I'm simply pointing out that, if you say something, you cannot complain if the media report you as saying it. It doesn't count as media bias.

But the media is going farther than that. If you believe that covid was created in a lab or even that covid may be just the flu and a scam, you don't necessarily have to believe 5g is involved or that the vaccines will make you magnetic. For the media to ascribe so many specific thoughts and beliefs to a large umbrella group made up of many people, is dishonest.

And really that one place is their home? Is that where they have the headquarters of their international organization? No it's just sensationalistic journalism; at best bordering on propaganda, created to slander and shame a whole area into compliance with society and the state.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Let's both sit and laugh then. They say that laughter is the best medicine but you'll most likely say your better off with some tincture of hedgehog urine that's been left under a waxing moon for 12 hours and applied liberally to the affected area with a badger hair brush.

a reply to: tanstaafl

Well you might like the hedgehog urine better if they isolate a single compound of it in a lab and concentrate it, bind it with some non active fillers and binders and press it into a tiny pill. As if chemists aren't the same, they just have more sophisticated equipment today.
edit on 13-9-2021 by themessengernevermatters because: typo

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 10:11 AM
But we'd have to have years of testing and then FDA approval for the tablet form.

At least with the moon piss you miss all that bit out.

a reply to: themessengernevermatters

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
But we'd have to have years of testing and then FDA approval for the tablet form.

At least with the moon piss you miss all that bit out.

a reply to: themessengernevermatters

The people that used moon piss had testing too. They used it and if it worked it worked. It's funny you chose urine, because animal urine did have many very real antiseptic uses and could stave off infections in surface wounds, in an era before antibiotics. Modern people always want to laugh at those who were doing the work of healing people in the past, while being completely unaware of their own lunacy. Like using chemotherapy and radiation to treat cancer will one day look barbaric and idiotic to the scientists and doctors of the future.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Let's both sit and laugh then. They say that laughter is the best medicine but you'll most likely say your better off with some tincture of hedgehog urine that's been left under a waxing moon for 12 hours and applied liberally to the affected area with a badger hair brush.

No, that's your thing...

I'll just make do with my daily ozonated water, occasional 7-14 day fasts, and 5 lbs of meat/animal foods (lots of yummy ribeyes, fresh ground chuck with extra fat - all grass fed/finished of course - a day.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 12:58 PM
Who would have thought we have something in common, I'm starting a pretty much meat based diet to try and fix some long term health issues I've had.

Instead of arguing about covid maybe we should be looking for some common ground.....

My other half is currently on her way to reversing her type 2 diabetes and loosing a lot of weight with a keto type diet and some interesting dietary supplements that don't really conform with traditional medical opinion.

a reply to: tanstaafl

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: DaRAGE


Speak for yourself and your fellow deniers.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: tanstaafl
Who would have thought we have something in common,

I'm actually always happy to look for and find common ground, and believe it or not, happy to make new friends in unexpected places, even with those I've had serious disagreements with (not saying we've had serious disagreements though, to be clear)....

I'm starting a pretty much meat based diet to try and fix some long term health issues I've had.

Good for you!

As one who permanently resolved a long standing weight problem (90+lbs) that started after I got clean/sober back when I was about 25 (kept it off for well over a year now) by going mostly carnivore and intermittent fasting (been doing OMAD for about 20 months), I'm always happy to discuyss these kinds of things, but... this thread may not be the best place...

We could take this to the thread I created about my weight loss, or any other one that is appropriate...

Instead of arguing about covid maybe we should be looking for some common ground...

My other half is currently on her way to reversing her type 2 diabetes and loosing a lot of weight with a keto type diet and some interesting dietary supplements that don't really conform with traditional medical opinion.

Glad to hear it! My Dad did the same (his Doc was flabbergasted how fast it happened), as have 3 others I know personally (and know of many others).

Just and fyi/opinion, keto is ok short term, but I'd recommend carnivore, or mostly carnivore, or at least ketovore for the long term lifestyle...

Also, throw in some occasional extended fasts (once you're comfortable with it and off any/all meds, etc) to supercharge things.

There are studies - real studies, that show a 70% reduction (absolute, not relative) in risk of cancer from just a single 7 day water fast each year.

My go to's are currently Dr's. Paul Saladino, Ken Berry and Pradip Jamnadas, with a little Shawn Baker= and a few others mixed in.

But, we each have to find our own way, and keto is far, far better than the SAD.

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: DaRAGE

You know, see this stuff here...

I cannot stress enough in these times how much I wish this was taught as a mandatory class in school. But then, things might not have gotten this bad.

Until then, all anyone can do as an individual is read-up and if asked encourage others to do so. Only way we are ever going to have a built-in bullsh*t detector for tactics the MSM use and spread throughout the populace.

This wont ever change on a large scale till the majority decides to equip themselves with basic logic for starters. I mean, you would think that the majority would want to do this? You can be quite low on the intelligence scale yet still grasp it at a decent level.


Just my opinion on the topic

edit on 13-9-2021 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

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