a reply to:
You are so right.
People have allowed themselves to believe what they are told, and to ignore what they see.
When people are blind to the truth, and what they see, while vehemently believing and trusting, only what is visually/virtually presented, they have
enslaved themselves to those that project the shadows on the wall.
Many have given up their freedoms believing they will lose them if the don't. They think by doing so, they will be allowed the freedoms that they have
relinguished to the government's control. Freedoms which will be given and taken away as rewards or punishment, at the control of the government.
The America of freedoms and liberties is gone. The people gave up their liberties. They were defeated by a well utilized weapon of fear. Fear, the
weapon that killed the home of the brave.
Fear is a very powerful tool. The fear of death for some, is so great they will do anything. It is not a new thing. People once sacrificed their
children to idols, out of fear of death, from that which they believed could be appeased.
The is one true constant, we are all going to die. I understand people that fear dying. The unknown intensifies the fear for some. I don't want to
die, yet. I don't fear it, but I am not ready to embrace it, yet.
But when life stops being about living, and becomes just about staying alive, the fear of death will become less than the fear of not waking up.
What I used to fear, I have come to accept. Like so many others, I too have succumbed to the inevitable. I will die on this hill, even if it does
nothing to change what is to come.
It is not my last act of defiance, it will be my last act of staying true to what I believe. It is not a give me liberty or give me death stance. It
is a life worth living is worth dying for stance.
I am old and tired. Taking the long walk is starting to have a certain appeal. Just, not quite, yet.