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The Matrix And The U.S. Constitution

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posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:45 AM
Ron: I recommend that everyone carefully consider this comprehensive explanation of how the matrix was established and operates in the US if only so that they can make sense of the criminality and chaos that is growing in Amerikka and the rest of the world today. This is how it is folks! Ya better believe it.

The creation of the fraudulent strawman corporate fiction and all the other government and judicial corporate fictions constitute not only the way that the US is governed but the broad control blueprint for the governance of most countries, and certainly all ex-British empire countries. It outlines how the US population is manipulated, enslaved and controlled. Sooo, this information is of interest to everyone no matter where they live.

To place this information in a global context I suggest a rereading of ‘The Matrix, the Strawman and WHO You Are’ at:

I urge everyone to become aware of and fully understand the Strawman Illusion and its place in the continuation of the matrix in order to communicate their knowledge to as many people as possible. If that is done this monstrous scam will unravel as awareness increases and with it global consciousness. That would abort the matrix controllers’ New World Order scheme to formally enslave the whole world in a single feudal fascist state. Esu Immanuel said 2000 years ago: ‘You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.’
Abundant Hope aims to help humanity do this.

By: no name (hidden for his safety)
Posted at RMN By: Shasta
Date: Friday, 14-Aug-2009 14:33:13

During my twelve years service as a Judge, I always insisted on the truth and placed justice above law and order. I could have prepared this article indicia of a research paper; however, people tend to lose interest when articles of this nature become too technical. Science has taught us that “For every action there is a positive reaction.” If your life on earth resembles a Matrix, it is because you’re seeing things for the first time, with eyes wide open, but you feel confused! That feeling of confusion is appropriate because the information you are now digesting, contradicts much of the information you have been spoon fed throughout your life! I named this paper after the movie “The Matrix” written by the Wachowsi brothers. After reading this, watch the movie and you will notice many similarities.

In 2002, my brother ran into a problem with the IRS and to help him out, I began to research the Tax Code. One thing led to another and suddenly I was uncovering information about our government, which was directly in conflict with the U. S. Constitution and what I have been led to believe throughout my life. In time I began to interface with people from every state in the Republic, who were doing the same thing I was doing, some for the same reason and others for different reasons. We began to trade our research and the facts I uncovered were totally in contradiction to the history of America which had been taught to us in public school and the principals of law I had absorbed during my service as a Judge. I began to assist people to prepare and file suits in the courts and I filed several of my own. At one point, because of the information I’m about to provide to you, I became extremely depressed. After about three months, I eventually shook it off and continued on with my research.

My hope in writing this is to help you, the reader, make sense of it all, which will require you to wash your mind clean of the brainwashing you were subjected to by our government, our government-controlled public schools and churches and reeducate yourself. When you understand the actions, the reactions will make sense, and it should anger you! Eventually, you will have a choice to make; a choice that will define “How to survive life in The Matrix?” In ‘The Matrix’ nothing is real; however, your mind has been conditioned to believe it is real! The Matrix is far too big to defeat; no one can escape it, and we haven’t the means or intelligence to beat those in control! Through my research, I discovered that America is a society of functional illiterates! I remind you that this is not my opinion; I’m just the messenger!

The people in charge of the Matrix represent the most powerful and intelligent humans on earth. When gifted children appear in the public schools of the world, they are courted with scholarships, money and eventually memberships into secret societies. They will be introduced to very persuasive intellectuals, who will convince these young gifted people that it is their place and duty to be a part of the elite who rule the world’s population because the rest of the world’s population is too stupid to make decisions for themselves (their comment - not mine

Many early writers researched much of this history and were forced to fund their own publication and the distribution of their work. Most never received the acclaim they deserved and never knew our government was responsible for their failures! I am prepared to supply anyone interested with mounds of research in support of what I have written herein!

When I’ve conveyed parts of this information in court documents, the opposition’s lawyer responds to their clients that “I’m just crazy,” and if the judge is within earshot of that comment, he will nod his head in judicial agreement. Well, I guess that caps it! If a lawyer and a lawyer judge, both contend that I am crazy, then I must be crazy! They wouldn’t lie to you .......... or would they?

THE motive of our Founding Fathers was totally self-centered. It was their personal greed that inspired them to accept the task of writing the Constitution of the United States and not patriotism. In actuality, the United States is not a land or a place: ‘It is a corporation, a legal fiction that existed well before the Revolutionary War.’ [See: Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43 and 28 U. S. C. 3002 (15)].

The Constitution of the United States was written in secret by the Founding Fathers and was never presented to the Colonists for a vote. Surely, any document as important as this demanded the approval of the people it governed! Well, it wasn’t presented for a vote because the Constitution wasn't created for "We the People;" it was created by and for the Founding Fathers, their family, heirs and their posterity. The Constitution is a business plan and any reference contained within it that appears to be the safeguard of a ‘Right’ is there because none of the Founding Fathers trusted each other. The safeguards were intended to prevent any one or group of them from cutting out the others, proving that “There’s no honor among thieves.” Americans are not unlike all other humans who inhabit the earth. All human beings possess malleable minds, which are minds that can be shaped and controlled; and when government shapes and controls a mind, it’s called “brainwashing.” Brainwashing causes the subject to become ‘functionally illiterate.’ In America, our functional ignorance excels in the areas of history, government and law, which really are one in the same. Ninety-eight percent of the officials in public office are lawyers and these so-called representatives set policy and create the laws that govern this society. Their use of Greek and Latin terms in law and the habit of changing definitions and usa
edit on 9/10/2021 by semperfortis because: Corrected All Caps

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: xizd1

What exactly is your point? I'm not going to read through a mountain of text to try and gauge what you are on about.
Make some key points at the very least. Explain what your title is about. Otherwise for me it's a big ol' ...skiiiiip.

Thank you.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: xizd1

So....sovereign citizen stuff?

There are tons of threads in this at ATS.

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: xizd1

Ummm...your link is 404'd...

Please fix and continue...


posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 03:10 PM
Link is 404.

a reply to: xizd1

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 03:12 PM

edit on 9/10/2021 by Klassified because: already posted

posted on Sep, 10 2021 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: xizd1

OK. OP. when you use,"the matrix" people are thinking the computer simulation. Obviously this isnt the matrix specifically. You prolly mean a conspiracy matrix.

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