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Should Alberta use the carrot or stick for vaccine hesitant?

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posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 09:31 PM
Here comes the Media/MSM with their usual flip flopping, lies and demanding with their usual so called "Experts"

In Canada Alberta they are now suggesting what should they do to those who are vax hesitant? Should Alberta use the carrot or stick
Or just maybe.

The Mainstream News Media outlets should just stop lying about these covid vaxs and mRNA ones how that they are able to stop virus transmission when that is not true.

The Mainstream News Media even claiming how they are safe or effective they are.. Meanwhile Mainstream News Media has no problems propping up stories of more covid cases or deaths just so up push up the vaccination.

Maybe you media should problary show everyone of the shady track history of Pfizer past? of course not they arent going to do that.

They are desperate for the stick now. As they are on a timeline.

edit on 8-9-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 09:32 PM
For a vax like the one from AZ, Pfizer that isn't able to stop the virus transmission and you would need it every five months...

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

I dunno, maybe the Alberta government can # off, just like any other government that believes they can over ride the basic human right of bodily autonomy. i was taught it in elementary school.

'🎶My body's nobody's body but mine, you have your own body, # off and let me have mine.🎶'
edit on 8/9/2021 by dug88 because: Reasons

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: dug88

You can easily how our polticans, MSM they seem to be getting desperate and the media not reporting the protests by both vaxed and un vaxed says a lot.

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

Need to have an informed decision and with 185 new options in pre-clinical trial.
It would be good to get the information on the 114 existing ones but not seeing much information on them from the Canadian or Alberta government for any of them.

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

Like a lot of opportunistic politicians, Kenny has been backing down from the stand he originally had against many of these oppressive mandates and vaxports.

I wonder what has been said to him that changed his mind.

I wonder who said it.

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

I’m feeling a bit of the stick already…

I have been labeled an antivaxer.
They weaponized the vaccinated against us.
I am called selfish.
There are places that I can’t go because I’m not vaxed.
I may loose my job.
My wife may loose her job.

All because I MAY have something they don’t want to catch that they are vaccinated against already.

I am “selfish” because I don’t want to put mystery sh!t in my arm so they can go to the movies, ballgame, and restaurant.

They can screw their new normal, I want no part of it.

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 11:14 PM
FYI: USA/BIDEN bringing out a big STICK tomorrow (Thursday).

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

Ask them are they taking Ivermectin?

If they are not then they are selfish 60 million in the USA infected with Worms and they are killing Babies according to CDC

posted on Sep, 8 2021 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: puzzled2

I did not know this. Thank you!

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

Yup You got it.

They can screw their new normal, I want no part of it.

Your better without taking a vax and booster shots for every five months.

Without unknown long term studies.
edit on 9-9-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2021 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

I'll take the carrot and stick it where the sun don't shine up anyone's behind, who is offering me that choice.

They don't even realise how much opposition against this these things are causing. Rightfully so, there is something obviously so fundamentally wrong with having to even bring such things to the table, if this pland.. pandemic is such an overt crisis.

I know I'm stepping over dead and dying bodies, just going to buy milk. It's terrrrrrrrrible.

edit on 9-9-2021 by jerich0 because: (no reason given)


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