posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 01:21 PM
Underwear. It can say "I'm sexy." It can say "I'm confident." But can it say "I'm waiting for marriage?"
That's what Yvette Thomas is banking on. Her growing line of clothing, WaitWear, plasters slogans like "Virginity Lane: Exit When Married" and
"Notice: No Trespassing On This Property. My Father Is Watching" on underwear and T-shirts, and is meant to inspire young people to abstain from sex
until they tie the knot.
WaitWear is currently rolling into more and more retail stores, and Thomas is determined that the company will do a little more than $2 million in
sales this year — up from a mere $4,000 in 2004.
But can panties and T-shirts really help a person wait for marriage? And isn't the whole point of wearing underwear with slogans on it to have it be
Check out the article, there are some other pictures...