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de Blasio, Ocasio-Cortez / New York Democrats ripped by their Constituents

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posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 04:38 AM

"I don't blame climate change. I blame the mayor," one resident said after de Blasio, Ocasio-Cortez, and other officials toured her block, according to the New York Post. "There was absolutely no warning," the resident continued. "I wasn't expecting water from my own drain to be the one that's going to kill me." During their tour of residents' homes, a public school teacher reportedly yelled at the Democrats. "How come you're not in this community? You don't give a s***!" the woman said to Ocasio-Cortez, according to the New York Post.

Well I gave uncle Joe a pass months ago but he failed so now lets look at the rest of Club "progressive". Sooner or later all radicals fail because they simply never worked at building anything. They simply work at blowing things up. So lets take a look at the recent flooding in New York City. Seems like AOC read the talking points as pushed by Climate Change advocates. Sorry AOC but you need to go along with your power drunk Mayor. So now now it seems as if we need a disaster to wake people up and its now beginning to happen.

Here's the article:

New York Democrats ripped by their constituents

Here's another:

‘I blame the mayor’: Residents fume at de Blasio, AOC over flood

A public school teacher in nearby Elmhurst, Queens shouted at Rep. Ocasio-Cortez as she joined de Blasio, Schumer and Criswell to tour residents’ homes where the floodwaters reached 12 feet in some sections. “How come you’re not in this community? You don’t give a s–t!” the woman shouted at AOC.

Ida death toll soars to 52 in Northeast, two NJ college students still missing

New York had 18 confirmed deaths: Five in Westchester County and the rest in New York City where nearly all victims became trapped in basement apartments in Queens or Brooklyn.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:08 AM
Its all party hardy when elected, and when people realize that, then the s... hits the fan. Millions and millions of dollars over 10 years spent on what... office jobs just shuffling papers and conferences . Its true. Had to kept Las Vegas afloat all these years. Sadly , nothing will change if you don't put someone in power to make it change. I understand that was one reason Trump was so HATED because he was very capable of making life better, NOT worse.

AND YES, THERE IS A REASON WHY A FENCE AROUND DC EXIST. We will find out, but when, only the military knows that answer.
edit on 0900000054092021-09-07T05:09:54-05:00095409am5 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Yes, good one as I agree with all you wrote. I wonder how much $$$ flows to them from other countries.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Of course they blame climate change. Everything has to be a blame game. The buck stops nowhere unless they can blame it on a controversial issue or group. Otherwise they would have to actually do something to solve some problems rather than just doing whatever it is they do, which I haven't yet figured out while we pay their exorbitant salaries. And then they would have to admit they do basically nothing. And you know what? I bet Ocasio-Cortez et al. Probably end up getting re-elected ad nauseum because people complain but somehow these are the people who just keep getting re-elected over and over again for 40 years. This is why I don't politic.
edit on 7-9-2021 by Chalcedony because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: Chalcedony

Me too!

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 07:49 AM
I think the obvious answer is that the storm wasn't predictable and considering they can't predict the weather with any accuracy, they sure as hell can't predict long term climate trends. That, coupled with fact that democrats use every crisis to advance their agenda rubs people the wrong way. They show up in their limousines with their personal security details and production crews for the photo op long before the flood waters have receded and the dead have been buried and pretend to have all the answers. "If you have all the answers, why didn't you warn us?" is the logical question.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: oweyoueightone2
I think the obvious answer is that the storm wasn't predictable and considering they can't predict the weather with any accuracy, they sure as hell can't predict long term climate trends. That, coupled with fact that democrats use every crisis to advance their agenda rubs people the wrong way. They show up in their limousines with their personal security details and production crews for the photo op long before the flood waters have receded and the dead have been buried and pretend to have all the answers. "If you have all the answers, why didn't you warn us?" is the logical question.
NYC has had a history of hurricanes, remember sandy? Irene? Politicians focused on painting BLM murals infront of Trump tower, not protecting the city.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: Skepticape

It wasn't a hurricane at that point, it wasn't even a tropical storm, it was just the remnants. Anywhere can flood with enough rain.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: oweyoueightone2
a reply to: Skepticape

It wasn't a hurricane at that point, it wasn't even a tropical storm, it was just the remnants. Anywhere can flood with enough rain.

Doesn't matter if it was a hurricane or a tropical storm, fact of the matter is NYC and the surrounding area HAS a steady storm history (hell, one even ATE AN ISLAND that doesn't exist anymore -- one of the two that made up Hog Island)

The NE, NYC area in particular it seems, is straight up inept as hell at looking at their own history, and building (seawalls/drainage, not homes/offices per se) for mitigating future repeats.
edit on 9/7/2021 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 09:22 AM
My question to the complainers would be "Did you vote for them"" If their answer is "Yes." I'd tell them to shut up and stop wasting my time.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

It wasn't even a tropical depression at that point, it was just a crap load of rain. Despite everything democrats say, they can't control the weather. The blame falls on the people who don't take precautions, whether that's buying the proper insurance, installing a powerful sump pump, or not living in low lying area. Also people who walk past storm drains and notice they're all covered with leaves and keep walking thinking "gee someone should clear that out..."

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 10:30 AM
Maybe not a Hurricane by definition but it sure behaved like one. Tornado on Cape Cod, offshore winds (buoy recorded) to 60 knots, seas of 17 feet, Strong outflow, Barometer dropped like a rock, 8 or more inches of rain in 12 hours, etc etc etc.
I’ll go toe to toe with weather on anyone. I seen more than most....
People should have been better warned.....period!
The whole, “by the way, it may rain tonight“ is BS!
They knew what was coming....IMO

a reply to: oweyoueightone2

edit on 08-19-2021 by PiratesCut because: stuff

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