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Passing on some Covid information-Graphine

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posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: munchinschorn
The goal is to make citizens stupid so they are easy to rule over and will not oppose totalitarianism.

Oh, some people are pretty stupid alright..

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:59 AM
There's a viral YouTube video of a guy from Barbados who lists off all these credentials saying the same thing as the OP. There's so much absolutism in the covid conspiracy world it's a joke. Media, government, CDC, FDA, and WHO are default to wrong, that's absolutism. Then any YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram video is defaulted correct automatically, that is also absolutism. Then the hypocrisy gets worse with covid conspiracy theories claiming to do your own research.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

You know what? I just realized I posted to the wrong person.

I mistook you for someone else.

You have my sincerest apologies.


posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: MDDoxs
a reply to: network dude

Network Dude, did you do any background research on Robert Young? The same one that went to prison for two felony counts of malpractice?

I passed this along as I was asked to do. I was warned about the source, but the person who asked that I share it felt the information was important.

I shared it, and if you notice, I didn't validate the OP, only presented it, and asked for debunking.

It's good to use common sense when looking at questionable sources, but it's bad to ignore everything based solely on the source.

I trust the minds of ATS to pick apart the trash, and they have yet to disappoint.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: MDDoxs
a reply to: network dude

Network Dude, did you do any background research on Robert Young? The same one that went to prison for two felony counts of malpractice?

I passed this along as I was asked to do. I was warned about the source, but the person who asked that I share it felt the information was important.

I shared it, and if you notice, I didn't validate the OP, only presented it, and asked for debunking.

It's good to use common sense when looking at questionable sources, but it's bad to ignore everything based solely on the source.

I trust the minds of ATS to pick apart the trash, and they have yet to disappoint.

Fair enough. No offense intended from my side.

Definitely important to consider all information in a critical manner. Unfortunately, Rob O Young is just someone looking to scam the gullible and spread misinformation.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

thank you for taking the time to review this and share your opinion.
It's members like you that help this place be what it is.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: MDDoxs
a reply to: network dude

Network Dude, did you do any background research on Robert Young? The same one that went to prison for two felony counts of malpractice?

Worth noting in this case there is a different Prof/Dr Robert J Young who lectures Material Science at Uni of Manchester, UK. He's written 50+ papers on Graphene and Graphine Oxide so can easilly be confused with this Robert O Young. Robert Young, Manc Uni

I'd never heard of Robert O Young before and initially wrongly thought it was the world expert Robert J Young: making the claims until I read the paper and got confused why it didn't follow the standard science paper protocols.

Googling 'Robert Young Graphene' brings up results for both - it seems the medical fraud one is trying to Google bomb himself to make it appear as if it's the credible one making the claims

I think there was an ATS thread on the claimed Spanish vaccine ingredient study on ATS a month or two ago - A Belgian ATS poster (Lula Lebelle or similar handle) tracked down the origin of the claim by translating and sleuthing through a video of a French narator in their kitchen claiming to work in a lab and claiming the images on the computer monitor were graphene oxide, despite being published artwork.

It tracked back to some strange cult who believe all illnesses can be cured by someone seeing a microscopic picture of an alleged parasite, infection, illness, blood contamination they can use their minds eye to imagine a cure and treat themselves.

Not 100% on what their username was but certainly Belgian, feminine sounding username and had done some pretty incredible sleuthing in their post.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: bastion

Thank you for that. Good information to help people avoid confusing the individuals.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 02:21 PM
Has anypne ever heard the phrase Magneticotoxic before? He uses it in his conclusion but I can't find any mention of the word or condition existing in any medical literature or journal database.

The only mention of the outside 1000+ reposts/retranslations of his claims on conspiracy sites: Duck duck go search results for meagneticotoxic

There's been several hundred reposts and retranslations into Chinese, Chech, Russian etc... and is mainly posted on really odd looking websites like '8uwotm8 -',

A lot of the links lead to an advert for an online game - link to game pop up advert - warning probably spam

The game company it's used to advertise is

Gameaddik Network / PWN Games
Managing Director: Éric Jodoin 9327-7358
Québec inc 5260 rue de Verdun Verdun,
Quebec H4H 1K1 Canada
email : [email protected] internet :
Tel : +1 514 598 1648

I don't know if this guy is causing the astroturfing (fake grassroots spread of info) but the majority of websites quoting his conclusion redirect to the sign up page for the online game - with my conspiracy hat on it seems to be a co-ordinated effort by the PR company behind the game to spread this info .

it's all very odd and doesn't seem like a natural sprread of info to me. I have no real evidence but to me it seems the word/conclusion phrase is being used as clickbait to advertise the above game or the game is being used as a front for a State Actor pushing the disinfo.


'DR' Robert Young claims the vaccine is 99% Graphine Oxide and the turning people magnetic condition has already caused over 500 million vaccine injuries and will cause over 35 million deaths but there's no use of the word or mention that such a condition exists anywhere outside his paper and the hoax spiritual/new age cult paper.

OVER 500 million current vax injuries would be very noticeable if true and mean over 50% of vaxed people currenlt had severe disabling conditions - how he derived that figure isn't explained at all and there's no mention of what Magneticotoxic is, how it interacts with the body, or how it causes injuries and deaths.

i've tried wrapping my head around how he jumoed to that conclusion and why most google and DDG search results for Magneticotoxic redirect to the above game and can't work out if it''s spread by a spam bot group, state actor, pr/avertising company, organisation pushing an agenda or is a natural spread of info.

If someone is good at search engine analytics or code i think they'd find some very interesting info inspecting them but I'm terrible at that stuff - there's got to be some unifying factor somewhere to explain why the 'academic paper' is submitted to ''

Redirect to a Bitcoin scam that pops up after the game spam - DO NOT CLICK IF YOU HAVE BITCOIN AND DON'T HAVE VERY GOOD ANTIVIRUS MALWARE

It's a terrible fake of a BBC front page that's part of a Bitcoin Ponzi scheme a lot of morons in the UK have lost their life savings to. The bitcoin phishing group could be the reason it spead so rapidly but I'm guessing as I only grasp very, very basic coding.

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