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Remote viewing group September nuke visions

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posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Multiple Remote Viewing organizations and "so called" remote viewers seeing Mushroom Cloud / mushroom smoke in September.

You don't have to capitalize 'remote viewing', it's not a name.

Same goes with 'mushroom cloud' - do people understand the rules about capitalization, or do they just want to randomly emphasize things?

In any case, a 'mushroom cloud' could mean SO many things!

1) A cloud server with lots of Nintendō stuff - Mario games have thousands of mushrooms, probably
2) A bunch of 'magic mushrooms' that 'remote viewer' might be naturally drawn to, arranged in a cloud form
3) A cloud-shaped big mushroom
4) Someone's painting of a mushroom that looks like a cloud
5) Or a cloud that looks like a mushroom
6) A room that has been mushed, that might have a cloud wallpaper on the walls?

Ok, that last one was a bit reaching, but I would actually like to know about this 'remote viewing' business - I thought it's basically a secret governmental thing that very trained and select people practice in dedicated places for very specific and dedicated goals.

It isn't supposed to be 'viewing the future', it's not supposed to be about 'telepathy' or 'telekinesis' or any psychic abilities whatsoever, but 'viewing remote locations and what's going on in them'. So basically just extending and teleporting your observational capabilities in the physical world, and that's it.

It always sounds a bit odd, when people seem to misunderstand what 'remote viewing' even is.

Without seeing the video, maybe it's just people meditating and concentrating on some idea and just trying to get a 'vision', and someone has influenced them all (subconsciously) to 'see' the same thing?

It could be like that Derren Brown show, where he asked multiple different people to design a new logo for an ad or something, and they ended up drawing the same thing, without knowing about each other. Then later it was revealed how they were constantly bombarded with subliminal and sub-conscious messages and images without them realizing it.

In any case, true 'remote viewer' shouldn't be able to 'predict the future' or anything like that, they should only be able to 'peek' into some 'location' somewhere, and that's all. Otherwise, they should be using a different term, like 'psychic' or something.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
I'll bet anyone here $10,000 it won't happen. Any takers?

Nope. I expect the same. Nada

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 01:28 PM
Ive seen somewhere in the Bible a description of an area in Israel being a "no go zone" after a war in the future. When they find the dead, they are not allowed to go into the area, rather, they have to mark that area with flags, so others in protective clothing can go in later and deal with the burials. This was written thousands of years ago.

There is also mention of the " Great City" that the whole world does business with, being destroyed in one hours time. Its a place where people live in luxury, and make costly purchases from the rest of the world. When it is swiftly destroyed, without warning, all merchants stand off, and ships stay back, and the smoke "goes up forever".

The rest of the world mourns the loss of the market value of that great city. The rest of the world laments, and say " now who will buy our wares? Who will we sell to?"

The great city sounds like the US to me, and the best time to hit the US would be a time when it had a mentally ill commander in chief, who would be bewildered at a swift attack, and would be hindered by his mental disease, and unable to respond quickly and appropriately to the assault.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Ezekiel 39:11-16 Thats where it is.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Failed viewing predictions have happened before. The excuse was they accidentally viewed an "alternate timeline". They can predict whatever they want and there's always an excuse.

Guess we'll have to wait and see.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:34 AM
I see the guys from the Farsight Institute also had 4 of their remote viewers see the exact same thing.
They describe bodies being completely evaporated and/or burnt to a crisp. One also noted that there is an aircraft involved... Two viewers also described that they have Asian/Arab-shaped eyes.

The sauce starts at the 9:50 mark.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: thethirdsign
If this be true ... It most probably might be some bombs going off in Afghanistan... Anyway September is a crazy month where lot of crazy event happens.... But nuke going off ... hmmm..

I can see that... no pun intended. That may be why the U.S. left... anticipating a strike in the area.. and mitigating the impact to the boots on the ground when it happens.

There is also Christian prophecies... a lot are false... but some may be right-on... There is one that says that there will be 'disaster at sea'.... which will precede WW III. I've heard this a couple of times. It also has to do with the Rapture occurring on or right before all the missiles start flying around.


edit on 7/9/2021 by MarkJS because: clarification

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: infolurker

You would think .. However when viewing future events it's just the outcome for that moment in time . Things can change and often do . After all a falling leaf can change the course of history .

posted on Sep, 11 2021 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

very well put and in a concise manor

you and I are just posting what the word(s) and concept is.

it seems people are using it as a "catch all" and/or twisting definitions (especially the author of this video) to match whatever agenda .
or at very least trying to ride the coattails (as it were) of the popularity of remote viewing

or at worst trying to use it to legitimize their "predictions"


posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

You are somewhat correct

What they are describing is "astral projection", which is completely different to remote viewing

Even Wikipedia seems to have no idea what remote viewing actually is

Remote viewing is super-seating your conscious on someone else's conscious, so you can use their senses

You see, hear, taste, smell, touch, and everything else through them

You even share emotion and thought with them

It is like waking up in someone else body, like you would your own. Everything as real as you would experience in your own body. Except that you are aware of the fact you are remote viewing someone else

Anything without seating on another person as the primary perspective is "projecting", not "viewing"

I explained it in great detail in my last post

Astral projection is easy. Remote viewing is far more difficult
edit on 13 9 21 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 08:53 AM
you can tell from the replies who has and who has not actually watched the vid. They were doing 'crypto viewing', trying to foresee future events in order to predict the crypto market. One of them seems to have had very accurate visions in the past. (yes, obviously I believe that this is possible)

personally I feel these guys sound sincere enough to say that at least they themselves believe that they all saw the same thing. I believe them when they say they were doing the viewing separate from each other.

At least worth it enough to search in other groups online to see if they had similar experiences.

posted on Sep, 14 2021 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Monkeygod333

Actually came here because of this. Im a skeptic first and foremost but always suspend doubt to entertain things... Its at the very least curious that there are tl2 seperate 'groups' of people having similar results. Remote viewing is pretty fascinating to me and one of those ive always really been on the fence about, but entertained. Also the fact that anyone can supposedly do it, would make the scenario where all of these people were 'seeing' the same event more plausible. I found at least 2 other individual people in quick youtube search claiming to have remote viewed similar events posted around the same time but i know nothing about their validity.

With la Palma rumbling it has me viewinf the RV sessions under the lense of a vokcanic eruption and subsequent tsunami.... And cant lie, is making me a bit nervous here on the east coast lol

Anyone who hasnt watched the farsight institute video i definitely decommend it. I didnt give the OP video much thought until i noticed a comment elsewhere noting their predicitons were similar to farsights. That video is longer, ans is broken up and each RV talks out their session while drawing it on a erase board. Having never watched a farsight video before, it def seemed much more 'scientifc' i guess. Idk how to explain it. After that though it definitely does give me an uneasy feeling 'what if' thought process.

Farsight Video for anyone looking

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