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So, here's an idea

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posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Soooo...uhhhh...why not create a 'vaccine' to address the Delta variant...rather than making people line up for endless boosters?

I had this discussion with a friend when Covid started.
We will not have an effective vaccine for Covid for the same reason, we never had (coronavirus/cold) vaccines
it changes too frequently.

By the time you have one vaccine, three other mutations are out there.

edit on 5-9-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Buvvy

because this was never about keeping people healthy.

It is about money and control.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 11:53 AM
As they continue to push masks ask yourself why haven't we all gotten respirators that work they told us no thats bad it only protects you ... think about that logic its same logic they use for the vaxx

There playing on people's empathy for profit and it seems to be about 60% effective

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22

originally posted by: Uknownparadox
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Soooo...uhhhh...why not create a 'vaccine' to address the Delta variant...rather than making people line up for endless boosters?

Just a non scientific guess here. They already have 100s of millions if not billions of doses made. They gotta sell all those first.

I think the feds already paid for the millions of doses so that wouldn’t matter.
They would probably have to pay millions to dispose of them too…lol

You're right, the feds have nooooo interest in taking our money (insert sarcastic, but harmless, emoji here)

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 05:19 PM
It does sound like a great marketing campaign with 1000's of different strains identified so far.

Perhaps if this technology worked as it is claimed it might even work. But when the blood plasma is useless in treating covid for those that have been vaccinated something is not adding up. Could delta just be a cover for the emergence of ADE? If that is the case, more vaccinations is not the answer. Guess we just have to wait and see what happens with the booster shots?

Readjusting the mRNA code to look for delta makes sense on the surface. Unfortunately not all is as it seams if stopping covid was the real plan.

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