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Bernays dark days

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posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 08:56 AM
Those who created this frankenstein virus under an auspicious of public health are hailed as heroes.
How is this our present reality? Whether your tin foil hat leads you to believe it was intentional, or if your reluctance to accept the absolute certainty of demonic intention leaves you with the mear manslaughter of 5 million souls and incalculable economic and social devistation.

How is it that the only question that will register accross our collective consceince is, "have you had your shots?" No thought at all to look beyond the trough filled with fetid slop.
Humanity, innoculated and staring unfocused with bovine bewilderment.

For decades the message was clearly communicated. "We will be limiting the population moving forward," and we all cheered and clapped and said, "what a marvelous idea." Now that day has arrived and we dutifully stand in line as one by one we are given our ticket down the river styx.
Our only outrage reserved for those who struggle to escape from this global death cult.

We will trust our overlords as we cover those struggling with burlap sacks and beat them until they cease to move.
edit on Sat Sep 4 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: made paragraphs

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 09:52 AM
Very starkly painted Mr. Chuck. Good news though is that the advertising industry is gaily promoting a plethora of Labor Day sales items.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Zenchuck

The EU seems to be programming itself for self-destruction on several fronts. The division of societies all over Europe because of the jab is just the latest blow.

A 2010 book on that topic in Germany caused quite a tempest in the teapot.

Thilo Sarrazin (born 12 February 1945) is a German politician and former member of the SPD, writer, senator of finance for the State of Berlin from January 2002 until April 2009, former member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank until 2010.

He became well known after publishing a controversial book about Muslim immigrants in Germany in 2010. In his book Deutschland schafft sich ab (Germany Abolishes Itself), he denounced what he sees as the failure of Germany's post-war immigration policy, sparking a nationwide controversy about the costs and benefits of multiculturalism. As a result, he is no longer a member of the SPD as of 31 July 2020.

Bolded part reflects your comment on the selectivity of the outrage.



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