posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 04:49 AM
originally posted by: gortex
Great Britain is a democracy we get to change our leadership every 5 years unlike some countries , we are also a Union of countries led by a
Constitutional Monarch who has no actual political power other than to dissolve government when requested.
The sham of ‘democracy’ is definitely slightly more sophisticated in the west than the alternatives in the east. One puppet of the ruling class is
replaced by another every 5 years, each with a mandate to keep the real wealth fenced off from the populace, squishing any upstarts under their
passive aggressive jackboots.
Aren’t East and West just alternate versions of slavery? Isn’t the West all about debt slavery and winning hearts and minds with the always
cutting edge - now bespoke - propaganda from the Hollywood to Facebook, from the BBC to every other outlet motivated by the advertising that
hypnotises us all into handing our hard earned cash back to the corporations that gave it to us in exchange for our lives?
Rant, rant, blah, blah, who the fook cares? My wafer thin gossamer crust of London-disposable income is whispering in my ear like tinnitus to go see
if there’s something I don’t need to own going cheap in today’s Amazon lightning sale. Then I’ll watch some soulless telly, drink a cheap
beer, tell myself that everyone else’s life is probably going down the sh!tter too and before I know it find myself neck deep in the ritual of
cliche laden Sunday night BBC drama spectacular to distract and steel myself to do as I’m told tomorrow and hopefully keep that jackboot from
squishing down too hard. Comfort food for the lost soul. Ain’t the blue pill of democracy great?
Maybe if I lived in Russia under a more obvious dictator I wouldn’t so easily be subdued into accepting my cell. Maybe there’s something less
insidious and therefore less dangerous to future generations in the honesty of having an out and out dictator. Or maybe that’s just a really dumb,
bourgeois thought to have.