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Afghan Refugees Need Clean New culturally Appropriate Clothing

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posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:08 PM
Maybe I’m just getting crabby.

Groups are asking for clean, new culturally appropriate clothing for the thousands of children and families temporarily living at Fort McCoy. John Stuhlmacher, senior operations associate with Team Rubicon, said they’re seeking donations of long-sleeve shirts for men and women, long pants, and crew neck shirts for all ages.

This was on the news tonight and it just rubbed me the wrong way. I understand they are refugees (maybe) that have left with the clothes on their back. I’m not heartless but this is crazy.
Asking to give them better than what a lot of people have is wrong. If it is OK for Americans, the homeless, the less fortunate to wear second hand clothing, it is sure OK for refugees! Don’t even get me started on the culturally appropriate part. They are now in America and have to wear thongs like the rest of us. Ok just joking on that part. Maybe not thongs, but what happened to beggars can’t be choosers? They are going so far as to even asking for specific types of clothing, are you kidding me?!!! Or how about the part of the gift registry, are you kidding me. Yes they want the public to donate to a registry like you do a wedding or baby shower. What’s next, demand certain brands and labels!

I saw so many of them cramming to get on those planes, why? If they want that kind of restricted life they can stay in the Middle East.

Something has happened, and I don’t know when, but we are treating everyone better than American Citizens and it isn’t right.
While we are fighting with each other over abortion and other issues, here are these non-Americans getting healthcare, food, housing, and nice clean New clothes.

edit on 3-9-2021 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

In that group that was taken to the US, no only Americans were in it, but also ISIS, Taliban and Alqueda, this people practice Sharia law, that is more under the lines of sharia, cover the women and girls.

Also in the group is the older man with littler girls as wives, that is also Sharia law.

We have a big problem and about to get worst.

I wonder if the Democrats goes around offering clean and cultural new clothing to the homeless and poor in the US, how about the almost 2 million now that has come across the border.

Are they getting clean cultural new clothing too?

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:36 PM
Sure, but none of that face covering crap. They are fleeing that kind of garbage, so no need to upset Americans by not being able to see your pretty face/smile by covering it up over what some religious zealots halfway around the world demand.

Where can I donate? Still got most of my daughters clothes growing up and plenty of my own. Good shape, most are well known brands. Think they will like 5.11 Tactical brand

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm


Nothing until All Americans are back.

This is bullcrap and distraction.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I'm curious exactly what they would do with donated clean newish second-hand clothes or clothes that do not match their other ridiculous requirements. I'm assuming this group would never even give the refugees the opportunity to accept such donations. But then what? Then give them to other regular homeless shelters, just wasting time and resources moving them around to different locations.

If some of the refugees feel that the second-hand Americanized clothing is not good enough for them, then they can stick with the dirty clothes they're wearing.

I would assume that many of them would not have a problem with it, and may even prefer it, if they could get clothes that made them feel more like they fit in, as opposed to specific types of clothes that others pre-determined they should be wearing.

Seriously though, most of them should be grateful with any clothes they're given. At least they're not still stuck in Trashcanistan.


Especially any undercover sleeper-cell terrorists in hiding. They would probably prefer the hand-me-downs.
edit on 9/3/21 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I got an unwashed face diaper I’m not using anymore. They can have that.

Good deed for the year ✅

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

They can go to the thrift store/shelter and get some damn nice handmedowns, just like our homeless veterans do.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: smh4wg

Nothing wrong with going to thrift stores at all.I haven't
been to Goodwill since before this plandemic we had.I
found a lot of neat things over there and I miss going
over there.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

Thrift stores is where I bought things for my camper.
Almost all of the glasses in my kitchen came from
Goodwill.I always buy blankets and sheets for making
quilts and towels for cleaning.
Goodwill sells new items as well,I bought all of my
husband's diabetic socks there,brand new with tags.
I bought my wool coat there,brand new with tags.I
keep it in my car during the winter months.I don't
like to drive wearing a coat,I wear sweat shirts and

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

Miss it too mamabeth

You can find some real treasures there! You can tell the quality of living has gone drastically up in the US over the past few decades, items you consider discarded are practically new

In my day we threw out clothes once they were full of holes and no longer legally qualified as "clothing"

Nowadays, they change clothes because they get out of "style" or don't look cool enough....or because XYZ person on ABC TV show wore them and they wear it once and discard it

Lots of good finds to be had at Good Wills

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Well, the WEF wants today's refugees to become tomorrow's western CEOs and business owners. Can't do that with used clothes. Only the finest for our future business leaders....

It will be different. In particular, Syria is likely no longer to loom so large. Perhaps many of today’s Syrian refugees will be back home, rebuilding. Many will have made successes of themselves in the West – they’ll be CEOs, often employing fellow Syrians, as refugee businesses have always done. So, if Syrian refugee flows continue in 2030, Syrian-run businesses will help mitigate the problem. Refugees from other current hotspots – Somalia, South Sudan, Afghanistan – have lower average education levels, so their entrepreneurial success stories may be fewer by 2030. But they will exist, and these communities will be more organized than they are now and better equipped to help their countryfolk if the same countries are still producing refugees.

edit on 4-9-2021 by Chalcedony because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I think these are the Afghan allies who helped America defeat the Taliban and ISIS in their country, aren't they?

I have some shirts in my closet they can have. Where is Fort McCoy?

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: JAGStorm


Nothing until All Americans are back.

This is bullcrap and distraction.

Since you're extra-sharp this weekend, what do you advise regarding the 55 year-old men and their 12 year-old wives?

They want to continue sleeping together, just like they did back home.

Should that tradition be honored here in America?

The State Department is in the process of considering their request.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 01:27 AM
Good. I hope transvestites hand them care packages and clothing wearing thick makeup.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

This reminds me of that refugee family in England who along side a bunch of others where placed in villa's. A mother complained that the rooms where not big enough.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I think like a lot of us you maybe getting a little crabby. Not sure exactly what they mean by culturally appropriate clothes as I can wear anything I want. Don’t think they are asking for Tommy designer jeans, long sleeve crew neck shirts and long pants are not exactly something we all don’t have access too.

I spent a lot of years overseas during my military service both in combat zones and regular overseas duty among the local community, in Muslim communities and in traditional Judeo Christian areas and found everyone is the same, we want better lives for our children period. Opportunity that we didn’t have growing up.

And while in those combat zones, I could deal with a crappy MRE or no AC but the most miserable part was no shower and a dirty uniform I had been in for a week. Imagine how those people feel after spending days or weeks standing in line to get on those planes.

No biggie to give them clean clothes and a head start toward a better life. Some of them spent the last 20 years helping us in one way or the other. For the most part they are individuals who work hard, love their families and will celebrate the 4th like many Americans can’t, as they KNOW what they have gained.

I don’t think they want that kind of life as they were literally dying to get on those planes. Are there some who bring a religions restrictions with them ? Of course but we have those here already, home grown Baptist, Catholics or whatever.

I watched one of those man on the street interview videos the other day. They asked predominately Muslim people about Sharia law and the Constitution. Several answered the question of which was more important, many recognized Sharia law as more important to them, but one guy nailed it and said the Constitution allows us to follow Sharia law if we want so it’s the most important.

Many Americans would choose the Bible over the Constitution never realizing it’s the one that allows us to practice the religion we choose. As long as these new future Americans want to be here and make it better for all I say if you can, help them out and help out others too, we can do it and many will pass it along, Americans have always been generous


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