a reply to:
Good post. There seems to be a fundamental divide between those who understand the importance of freedom of choice and sensible legislation, and those
who believe gov't should regulate and control many different facets of our lives through the threat of legal consequence and restriction of freedom of
As an example: Hemp cultivation was not only permitted during WWII, it was actively promoted and encouraged. Farmers were told to grow in support of
the troops and the war effort. It wasn't until after WWII when corporate interests lobbies gov't to outlaw cultivation with the threat of legal
repurcussions, as hemp cultivation threatened corporate interests. Hell, The Declaration of Independence was written on Hemp and some of the men who
wrote and signed that document were hemp cultivators.
The nazis used methamphetamine derivatives in an attempt to create supersoldiers.
The alphabet agencies used '___' in an attempt to create a truth serum. That didn't go so well.
This is a small list and there are other known instances of gov't testing substances in pursuit of various agendas. Lord only knows what other
experiments have been carried out by governments and institutions around the globe.
Some Egyptian mummies have been found to have traces of blow entombed with them, indicating that it was a very important substance to certain high
ranking members of Egyptian society.
There is a great deal of evidence which suggests the development of human civilization was aided by various psychedelic compounds which were
administered by Shamans and medicine men.
This notion that drugs are bad mmkay is a rather juvenile concept. They have been used for thousands of years and will continue to be used for
thousands of years more. Unfortunately, modern chemistry has allowed some really nasty substances to rise in prominence and popularity. It is up to
everyone to make responsible choices and to do their due diligence. Outlawing a drug may make it more expensive and harder to attain, as well as
arbitrarily making the users into criminals under color of law, but resourceful individuals will find what they seek.
One need look no further than the prohibition of alcohol. That was an absolute disaster of a failed policy. It made gsngsters into kings overnight and
we ended up with nascar, where people attempt to drive around in circles faster than anyone else. Alcohol is one of the most destructive drugs that
there is, but huge corporate interests will continue to produce and advertise it, and because alcohol is socially acceptable it gets a pass where
other substances would have been banned. As with many other drugs, alcohol has a large number of indiviuals who use it responsibly, without
experiencing detrimental health affects. It is only certain individuals who lack impulse control or have certain predispositions which cause those
individuals to use alcohol in very destructive ways.
There is a long and often sordid history of drugs being used to pursue agendas, and when the agenda is no longer convenient, those drugs are demonized
and outlawed.