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What if Luciferase via the COVID Vax creates ID recognized by 5G tech?

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posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 03:38 AM
I just had a thought pertaining to an old theory I had about MS Vista. (When it came out, I noticed icons started popping up in the address line in my browsers (e.g. an airplane if a travel web site). I wondered who went through all the work to make that happen and for what reason? Then I had a picture appear in my head of a room like the NORAD command room and on the screens were all these icons in row after row, and I thought wow, if 1984 were real and those monitors wanted to peek in to see what someone was up to, it would be much easier with symbols than to have to interpret what every web address led to, right? So you could look on the screen at the icons for every site I'd visited and see trends, like a bunch of airplanes would indicate I was planning some travel. One glance, easy peasy. It eventually went away, probably because it was replaced by the ai spying algorithms that is quashing free speech.)

So now, I recently read about Luciferase (in the vax) and essentially it "illuminates" certain protein expressions (I just learned about what those are in the Funvax video). Today, I'm reading about Target and Walmart and their forensics labs and face recognition technology deployed in their stores, then remembered the same thing being done by The Gap 20 years ago, then got hot (always am these days) and thought to turn off my phone (started getting super hot when I got 5G, less hot when phone is off). And THAT'S when I had this thought: What if 5G is used to "light up" indicators of potential violent behavior geographically? What if government or whomever has this system can look at a world map now and see the general population's intentions and feelings? They could program the system to look up any protein expression they've identified to be associated with a particular emotional or intentional state. It would give them a view of the immediate future; predictive analysis on steroids, artificial omnipotence.

If so, each body can be monitored and assessed, identified by phone and mRNA injections can be tailored to alter your DNA in the womb or out and about. It could be administered without you knowing in your next flu shot or maybe even in a pill or aerosol delivery. You would be only what "the system" would allow you to be, which may or may not be the you you want to be. Capiche? Near total control. Gyah, this better not be. A quick search turned this up:

Verizon has 5G Labs in five cities where it invites companies to flesh out some imaginative enterprise and consumer use cases for 5G. Each of the labs has a focus.

The Washington, D.C., facility focuses on government and non-profit uses cases for 5G. THE BOSTON LAB WORKS ON ROBOTICS AND PHARMA; New York is for financial tech and publishing; the Silicon Valley lab team works with startups. Finally, the Los Angeles lab focuses on media and entertainment. And the carrier plans to announce a non-U.S.-based 5G lab soon. s-test-holographic-medical-imaging

Anybody want to hash this one out?

edit on 3-9-2021 by GammaD because: added a title

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 03:49 AM
When the mentally ill homeless people start not wearing shoes, then I'll begin to worry that finally mankind got something right.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: GammaD
When it came out, I noticed icons started popping up in the address line in my browsers (e.g. an airplane if a travel web site). I wondered who went through all the work to make that happen and for what reason?

This is known as a favicon Favicon on wikipedia and is usually created by the web site owner/designer.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: Darkstar2

Thank you, I only shared that part of my train of thought to inform of how I arrived at this wild notion. I posted as soon as I had the thought.

But I remember all of these icons showing up within a day. At the same time, we had something of a British invasion. All my searches were turning up British sites. News and various magazine shows suddenly had British hosts. This was all when Bush took office. From your Wikipedia link:

The favicon was standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in the HTML 4.01 recommendation, released in December 1999

Now I was just a young'un not caring much about these things back in those days, but I did take notice and casually wonder because that's how my brain is, you know. But I also answered a telecall in that same time period requesting I sign a petition to break up the Microsoft monopoly and told the nice lady I would rather everyone use the same system so there was 100% compatibility across the world. She hung up. So I've always been a conspiracy wonderer, but have been less informed.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 04:56 AM

When the mentally ill homeless people start not wearing shoes, then I'll begin to worry that finally mankind got something right.

Not sure I get your meaning. But I look more kindly upon the homeless now that I know so many were "manufactured" by a ritual abuse system deployed via many channels, one being the foster care system. There was a seemingly incoherent rant accompanied by a large baton that a homeless man was loudly bashing about on a train one day and everyone around us moved to the far end of the car. I stayed and offered him my spare change. He sat down and counted it and blessed me, saying it was enough to get a puff from someone's blunt and that's all he needed to keep regulated for the day. I told him I had no say in how he used my gift, but that I thought it was ill-used for drugs. He went on to tell me that he lives his life of deprivation because if he had a job, he would be a meth-head and would kill. He'd been through severe trauma in foster care that caused a wildness in his mind that only settled with marijuana, and he only needed one puff to settle him for about a day. Homelessness is big business with both GO's and NGO's sometimes raking in tens of thousands annually PER HEAD, so they're completely disincentivised to get anyone out of the system and on their feet. Criminal!

Jon Wedger is an ex-Scotland Yard detective who is a whistleblower about Ritual Abuse through the care system in England, (it's done the same way in Canada and the USA, too). I speak with him occasionally. He's a genuine hero, brave and powerful. He has posted several interviews with survivors and has explained how he learned of this system while serving on vice.

Next time you look upon the homeless, I hope it's with compassion. Until we all understand, their plight will continue.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: GammaD

When the mentally ill homeless people start not wearing shoes, then I'll begin to worry that finally mankind got something right.

Not sure I get your meaning. But I look more kindly upon the homeless now that I know so many were "manufactured" by a ritual abuse system deployed via many channels, one being the foster care system. There was a seemingly incoherent rant accompanied by a large baton that a homeless man was loudly bashing about on a train one day and everyone around us moved to the far end of the car. I stayed and offered him my spare change. He sat down and counted it and blessed me, saying it was enough to get a puff from someone's blunt and that's all he needed to keep regulated for the day. I told him I had no say in how he used my gift, but that I thought it was ill-used for drugs. He went on to tell me that he lives his life of deprivation because if he had a job, he would be a meth-head and would kill. He'd been through severe trauma in foster care that caused a wildness in his mind that only settled with marijuana, and he only needed one puff to settle him for about a day. Homelessness is big business with both GO's and NGO's sometimes raking in tens of thousands annually PER HEAD, so they're completely disincentivised to get anyone out of the system and on their feet. Criminal!

Jon Wedger is an ex-Scotland Yard detective who is a whistleblower about Ritual Abuse through the care system in England, (it's done the same way in Canada and the USA, too). I speak with him occasionally. He's a genuine hero, brave and powerful. He has posted several interviews with survivors and has explained how he learned of this system while serving on vice.

Next time you look upon the homeless, I hope it's with compassion. Until we all understand, their plight will continue.

I am in no way degrading the homeless. My thoughts about my writing was that if the vax comes with some kind of mind diminishing drug in it, it could be used on the homeless. Not to back track at all on this, but it was my thought that it could be possible, although I meant it NOT to be negative against any homeless people, but I wonder why so many now are homeless and acting so weird on the streets. Is it in the food or street drugs they take?

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: musicismagic
Were you trying to say that:

When the homeless start not wearing shoes it's a huge red flag in the sense of that they know best what shoes are worth?That there has to be something wrong for them to not wear shoes anymore?

A bit far fetched but I get it.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 08:06 AM
I had a similar line of thinking in regards to how the graphene oxide will eventually settle into the receivers body's. It appears to be reactive to the electromagnetic spectrum and may create a very unique signature within the body when scanned. On a deeper level, I feel this is linked to altering our organic energy signature to one that is artificial and more easily manipulated electronically.
edit on 3-9-2021 by starshift because: Add

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: starshift
I had a similar line of thinking in regards to how the graphene oxide will eventually settle into the receivers body's. It appears to be reactive to the electromagnetic spectrum and may create a very unique signature within the body when scanned. On a deeper level, I feel this is linked to altering our organic energy signature to one that is artificial and more easily manipulated electronically.

The link won't work for me, just keeps timing out.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 12:15 PM
OP. mark of the beast will be VOLUNTARY and they will tell you when you get it YOU worship the AC. they will be no trickery. you have to take it knowing full well what you are doing. You have to renounce your faith as well when you get it.

posted on Sep, 3 2021 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: GammaD

Luciferase was used as an indicator during testing of several vaccine components.

It isn't in the vaccines themselves.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 02:42 AM
a reply to: yuppa

I'm not contending this as the mark of the beast, just a new tool in the control apparatus. I want to know if anyone has techknowledge to share on whether this scenario would be possible.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Luciferase was used as an indicator during testing of several vaccine components.

It isn't in the vaccines themselves.

There's some conjecture on that. Please note the link is for an English translation of a Greek site, so you have to pay extra attention to the context as some of the wording seems to oppose the meaning in the communication. Best I can decipher, the writer is reporting both sides of the issue, with "anti-vaccines" (meaning opposers of the vax) contending the vaccine contains Luciferase because these people had been identified by this new identifying system (the notion of which I proposed in this thread) a criminal case pending against the doctor responsible (and the writer reports the doctor in the suit didn't actually inject them, just entered into the record system that he did?).

Luciferase: scientists have found a way to recognize vaccinated... in Volos, a doctor who allegedly “vaccinated” 20 patients, but in fact simply issued a certificate (with entry into the system), the patients were identified, and now he faces criminal liability. In principle, there are 2 options: either someone “passed” the doctor, or … the vaccine really contains “luciferase”.

Okay, I think that could have been better written, but I have to go. Just wanted to respond to you.
edit on 4-9-2021 by GammaD because: added quote

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: starshift

Sure, everything in our bodies affect our emotions, which effects our thinking. Food, hormones, chemicals and metals, even sound vibrations and light waves--everything.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 03:19 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

You know, there are some nefarious deed-doers out there. There was a whistleblower a few years back out of a security firm in Seattle who confessed that they were the persecutors of "targeted individuals," many of whom number the homeless contingent. If you haven't heard of this phenomenon, investigate TI.

posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: GammaD

So, you guys think that they are going to try and identify who has been vaccinated by shining a UV light on people and seeing who glows? Additionally, how long does Luciferase stay in the body, a couple of hours?

Seems that a vaccine card or certificate would be a better identifier.


posted on Sep, 4 2021 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: GammaD
a reply to: Darkstar2

Thank you, I only shared that part of my train of thought to inform of how I arrived at this wild notion. I posted as soon as I had the thought.

But I remember all of these icons showing up within a day. At the same time, we had something of a British invasion. All my searches were turning up British sites. News and various magazine shows suddenly had British hosts. This was all when Bush took office. From your Wikipedia link:

The favicon was standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in the HTML 4.01 recommendation, released in December 1999

Now I was just a young'un not caring much about these things back in those days, but I did take notice and casually wonder because that's how my brain is, you know. But I also answered a telecall in that same time period requesting I sign a petition to break up the Microsoft monopoly and told the nice lady I would rather everyone use the same system so there was 100% compatibility across the world. She hung up. So I've always been a conspiracy wonderer, but have been less informed.

Older OS's and web browsers didn't display FAVicons. When stuff was updated to support it, you could suddenly see them.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Yep. I'm not claiming to know whether or not this was of tactical use as I had described. I didn't even care about such things back in those days, but it caught my attention and nothing is without purpose. Someone worked to make those Favicons a reality and it would be interesting to know why, (and "fun" is not a credible reason for a business move, IMO anyway).

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

I don't know. And I'm looking at it from the perspective that there is a war between bloodlines, so it plays more credibly with that lens. Actually, almost everything happening makes sense with that perspective. So, Occam's razor, right?

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