posted on Mar, 18 2007 @ 11:27 PM
So its like this right,
I had an English teacher that me and my girlfreind would always try to prove subliminal messages to. He never belived us but he did infact argue back
with us. You see, he would always tell us that there is a power of menipulation in the mind. Basically he said that if he played a bunch of backwards
butll# and it said nothing to anyone he could convince me that it says something by simply telling me what it said. For Example:
"David, listen to this recored backwards"
"Mr. H I heard nothing in that"
"ah, you see, actually it said, worship satan you douche bag"
"well play it again"
"ah I see now"
so there you go, once i suposedly knew what he heard, I began to hear it. I.E. power of persuasion. I dont believe that entirely. I think theres a
deeper spiritual meaning in subliminal messages in music. I think it is also possible that our subconsciene could be putting messages in our very
speach to send to another subconsciene mind, to maybe say what were REALLY thinking. Maybe thats what gives us the sense of "reading" people.
Ponder this, any questions maybe even a more profoun explanation, the Email me on this site.