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Goal of vaccinating 90% of Ontarians possible with targeted measures, public health officials say

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posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:43 AM
Looks like the pro vaxs bots on the news commenting news sections are in full force by defending Ontario's public health decision and stance of going after the 90% vaccination rate.

One example really shows how fear mongering has worked really really good. While ignoreing the data from Israel of the mRNA vaxs lowering its efficiency.

This is about a really nasty virus that would be far far far worse if we did not take measures against it ... and the foolish people who oppose those measures

Anyone who opposes these measures you are evil and bad. Yet they ignore the data from Israel which the majority of cases that are happening are from the fully vaxed.

The Ontarian public health officials already know and are already lying about it. Saying how important it is to get vaxed in order to prevent more cases yet while ignoring the full data from Israel.

Goal of vaccinating 90% of Ontarians possible with targeted measures, public health officials say

They know something will happen from six to 8 months while they are desperate targeting everyone and the hesitant.

Dubey said she thinks the province's new vaccination goal will be reached. "I think we can plan to achieve more than 90 per cent," she said.

Yeah it can be achieved while they are threatening and bribing people that's for sure.

Another lie.
"In the short term, vaccine certificates can help to reduce transmission .

"Vaccination is currently our best defence against severe illness or death from COVID-19 and may also support short and long-term business continuity and a safer workplace environment," Loh said.

They keep lying.

Moore, for his part, said he is convinced that when Ontario reaches a vaccination rate of above 90 per cent, that level of immunity will limit community spread and will benefit children, those who cannot be vaccinated and those who are immune suppressed, including people undergoing chemotherapy.

Is that why the covid cases had surged heavily in Israel after six months and 8? and with the vaxs losing their efficiency? as what the data says in Israel.

As for the vaccine hesitant, he said: "We know we have to answer questions for these individuals. It's going to take longer. We want them to build their confidence in immunization. The early adopters have all been immunized."

dont worry i am sure the majority of the vaccine hesitant already know of your lying of these mRNA vaxs.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:46 AM
They know what is happening in Israel while ignoring the data for the general public to see while pushing them to get vaxed.

"It will reduce the overall risk, and instead of having waves we're going to have to tolerate, we'll have small outbreaks that we'll learn to live with that will have a smaller impact on the health-care system and allow us to start to pull away some of the public health measures ... That could happen as early as six to eight months from now," he continued.

That could happen as early as six to eight months from now
Yes problary its going to happen in UK and other countries to just like what has happened in Israel

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:47 AM
90% vaccination rate wont happen unless you start bribing or threatening people with those VAXX bus clinic by directly lying to people how effective these vaxs are.

edit on 26-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

It's insanity. If the numbers were to be believed cooties 19 would have obliterated insurors with payouts. Insurance was front page news in the aidsy 80s

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

When it's all said and done and they start seeing the truth about vaccines not working, I wonder how they'll feel.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 10:54 AM
It's only a matter of time until the cat is out of the bag that hospitals are filling with, primarily, vaccinated people, as has been reported out of Israel. No amount of lying propaganda will hold, when the reality becomes clear. We're in a countdown to how long the lie will hold, and how long people silenced, in the medical profession, can live with a consciousness of cowardice and blood on their hands, as they stare at the ghastly reality of what their silence, and complicity, is doing to people.

edit on 26-8-2021 by Scrutinizing because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 11:12 AM
Coming soon to a location near you... mass vaxx chambers. Just come in and hang your clothes over here, nothing to worry about...

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 11:19 AM
This may be a better option than vaccination, a treatment for those at high risk.

It will take a year or two to do more testing to see if there are long term side effects.

I wonder if the common cold coronaviruses protect us from something else much worse? Maybe they protect us from cancer or something, some common colds trigger the body to fight cancer when we get them.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I heard the Balkan covid cases had being low because of the TB vax.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Scrutinizing

No amount of lying propaganda will hold

This would have worked problary 30 years ago? 25 years ago? but your right when news media journalists start having issues as well or are getting impacted as well that cant bond well for those who are trying to defend it in the press.

I heard an BBC journalist had died because of the AZ vax sad.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 01:02 PM
divide and conquer

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
This would have worked problary 30 years ago? 25 years ago? but your right when news media journalists start having issues as well or are getting impacted as well that cant bond well for those who are trying to defend it in the press.

I heard an BBC journalist had died because of the AZ vax sad.

Fear that's one of the first of many sad, unnecessary deaths, and we shouldn't forget the many more living, suffering serious diseases.

Was thinking that no amount of propaganda can obscure truths, once they're in peoples' faces. It's easy to fool some, let's face it, some idiot that thinks Sunday Night Football is more important than the Bible, Constitution or other peoples' health, for that matter, as long as nobody suffers catastrophic disease or death on their block, or even under their roof, the edge of their known universe. I was more thinking the likes of healthcare workers, when the narrative breaks the vaccine is safe, beds filling with vaccinated people, with a host of problems: that's all she wrote for the propaganda. Same with the families that know their loved one was killed, murdered, really, by the vaccine, or greatly suffering serious illnesses. Let's put it this way. You can't just say, "Move along, people. Nothing to see here," when people are beginning to see a panorama of scorched earth. These irreversible side effects, on course to do what they do, people are going to freak out when it's seen the problem has come to their town. A lot of the worst of the diseases can take years to manifest, but I suspect we're, over coming months, going to see some real eye openers.

Anyway, quite the opposite, the idiocy of these times would not have floated, at all, years ago. The 21st century is uniquely blind, spiritually, perhaps hopelessly stupid and corrupt, that any of this lunacy is possible, in the modern USA. If there were such evil about, in, say, our parents' generation, no amount of propaganda could turn obvious darkness to light, because most people could tell the difference. Again, we're living with, last I checked, over 12,000 vaccine deaths, only a fraction even reported or allowed reported, serious, serious death figures, when, in the 1970's, around 50 people were killed by the bogus swine flu vaccine, about 450 sick with a neurological disorder, and that was a scandal, the vaccine banned, of course banned.

Don't kid yourselves anything has gotten better with time, on the intellectual or moral front. This is decidedly not the case. Just in my life, I've known old people with keen minds and splendid character, articulate, not 21st century narcissistic, texting bores, myself can remember most people were intelligent and some level of moral: I can't recognize what's out there, anymore. Tens of thousands, likely ten times that, murdered by the clot shot, and 21st century morons only take notice of football, Dancing with the Stars, or download porn. Think about it. Where's any intelligent outrage, over crimes against humanity? How many people are even researching whether they should eat the lying, perverted, Satanic, Biden government's rat poison? I'd love to approach a number of old people I once knew, get their take on how there should be a law against gender pronouns, or we should teach little white children they're evil, or how rioting is peaceful protest, the HHS secretary is a butt ugly, perverted man, in a blond wig, that would like to castrate children, or there's a pervert flag being flown at U.S. embassies. I know they'd tell me those are really dumb jokes, that I need to come up things absurd that are funny. Consider this, ask your Grandma or Grandpa about how good an idea it is to graduate people from school that can't read, write, or do math, as an article from the Left Coast reported is now the program. Why bother with a credential that churns out people with no, even most basic, skills? Who's benefiting from this, at all? That's how very stupid we are, that anybody suggesting such things isn't carried off to an asylum. Sad part is that twisted cretin is more likely to be re-elected.

The primary reason we're in the spot we're in is that people have become so decadent and moronic it's blinding. Empires become hedonistic, rudderless and moronic, piss away anything that was once great, become decadent and fall. New does not mean better, on the intellectual or moral front. Today's fertilizer was yesterday's smelly pile of the unmentionable, as a matter of fact.

edit on 26-8-2021 by Scrutinizing because: (no reason given)

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