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Plans after vaccinated die off

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posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:33 PM
No point if your going to be dead.

I wonder how people would have reacted if you'd made a thread about what we vaxxed would do when all the unvaccinated died of covid 19?

a reply to: chr0naut

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Ive had my TB shots both in School and as a baby.

Ive also had both Pfizer shots with no adverse effects whatsoever bar a sore arm.

If its manipulation you wanna know about i recommend looking into what old Edward Bernays got his paws into.

edit on 25-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:40 PM
He's the chap that paid models and actresses to smoke in public to encourage women to smoke to increase sales for tobacco companies right?

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: sapien82

Ive had my TB shots both in School and as a baby.

Ive also had both Pfizer shots with no adverse effects whatsoever bar a sore arm.

If its manipulation you wanna know about i recommend looking into what old Edward Bernays got his paws into.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

And a fry up being good for your breakfast(Bacon and Eggs) etc etc.

Dude made a lot of people think in a certain manner.

Made a lot of money for some very nasty people, including himself.
edit on 25-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
No point if your going to be dead.

I wonder how people would have reacted if you'd made a thread about what we vaxxed would do when all the unvaccinated died of covid 19?

a reply to: chr0naut

Yes, but I appear to be immune to the vaccine, because I haven't even had the slightest of symptoms, and its been a few months.

Also, in my long life, have survived several things, without a scratch, that would have killed others.

I have been shot, and the bullet bounced off without breaking the skin (it hurt though!). I have been in a car accident that cut down a reinforced concrete telephone pole and totaled the car (I had the steel crumpled around me, but not a scratch or broken bone, but I did get a bruise on my wrist, and a sore back for a day or so. I also didn't get electrocuted by the wires all over the car, when i climbed out. You should have seen the look on the face of a truck driver that saw the whole thing, when I climbed out, and was even jumping over the wires). I have even fallen into a volcano (how many can boast of that!).

So far, it's only old age, and Type 1 diabetes complications, that look like they might do me in. Or my own stupidity, which I'm trying hard not to do.

So my guess is that I'll survive this vaccine, based on past history.

edit on 25/8/2021 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:49 PM
I saw a "today I found out" video on him the other day.

I was kind of sickened and in awe of his genius at the same time.

a reply to: andy06shake


posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: sapien82

Oh we are all slaves, hence the national insurance/social security numbers we receive when registered at birth.

A commodity to be bought sold and traded just like any other really.

Ive not heard "mark passio", or i may have but cant place the fellow.

Ile give him a look.

i think you will enjoy it , I did and I even learned some stuff while I was at it.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
No point if your going to be dead.

I wonder how people would have reacted if you'd made a thread about what we vaxxed would do when all the unvaccinated died of covid 19?

a reply to: chr0naut

WHy bother , just go for it in here>? what do you plan to do ? Oh yeh thats right continue living your slave life whilst the rich destroy the planet and force you into even further ridiculous systems of control , and then watch as you see rich people dining in clean air domes, while you struggle to breath and have to drink contaminated water and brush up all your dead skin and hair that peels off from the radiation and acid rain.

Or maybe you will be lucky and not have to suffer that and maybe you will be transformed into a human cyborg that has no free will and you will be the transhumanist 4th industrial revolution and you will mine the moon and mars but never get to enjoy the beauty of it all as you have no free will and cant think for yourself as you are a mindless drone for the system.

Ok its definitely time for bed
sweet dreams hahaha

again I hope none of that # actually happens but, I wouldnt put all my eggs in one basket

edit on 25-8-2021 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-8-2021 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

why havent you written a book already , sounds fascinating
do you play the lottery , you should you sound incredibly lucky

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

The fellow was a smart man, not any real doubt about that.

His motivations and goals on the other hand were rather questionable.

For a start i have to wonder how many poor woman have died down to lung cancer or COPD over the years since he made the particular trend of smoking cool and somehow a show of freedom.

The guy knew people that's a given.

Guy that made the vid is a member i think, or was at one point.
edit on 25-8-2021 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 06:00 PM
That's a bit far fetched isn't it.

If that did happen it would take.many generations to go from here to there.

I'll be dead sometime in the next 30 years and things will be pretty much the same.

It's not as bleak as you seem to think and that's sad as your.gpimg to miss out on life if you spend it all worrying about a dystopian future that may not happen.

a reply to: sapien82

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 06:03 PM
Closed for staff review.

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edit on Wed Aug 25 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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