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Will You Comply?

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posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I don't think that they will mandate it, simply because of the people that will have to do the enforcing like the Police, and Army will likely have to have the jab first. The side effects will kill a few of them off along with family members and then the problems will start. We are talking about informed detectives who are forced to use logic and have as much information as we have. If they exempt these people like the White House staff and Pfizer staff.Then force the rest of the population to submit. Then the guns will come out, we haven't seen any organized resistance yet but I am sure it's forming just for such an event as compulsory shots. Mabey that's what they want some sort of insurrection so they can just shoot people but it's unlikely as the formidable numbers that they would be up against are dicey. Social media and propaganda would be their weapon of choice. You can bet they have thought about it by the lack of ammunition, but this would be a nightmare scenario, as you cant win a guerilla war, especially not one on your home turf.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 03:35 AM

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 05:15 AM
No, I won’t comply. This IS the hill to die on.

No one who tries to come into my home will be happy with their decision.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 07:17 AM

Note, if you've already acquiesced and taken a vaccine this thread is not for you - my question is specifically to un-vaccinated people.

Not only are you promoting division, you are also missing the point. Of course, this thread is mostly aimed at answering the question posited regarding vaccine mandates, but you should never automatically exclude a group of people who are actually on your side in a lot of cases, because they may have regrets, they may be able to contribute to the discussion, they may be able to take what is learned here & help others to make better decisions than they did.

The enemy wants to divide us, into vaxxed vs unvaxxed, but the most admirable protest I've seen thus far is in France, where vaccinated people expressed solidarity against the vaccine passes which were being rolled out by Macron - they gathered together, all of them, and burned their passes in front of civic buildings.

Don't pander to the enemy we face by deliberately seeking to divide & exclude people who may indeed now be fully aware & concerned about what they allowed to happen to themselves, they a re a key driver in ensuring it doesn't get given to our kids! Surely that should be obvious!!!???

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 09:35 AM
There is no logical reason for me to take the shot, and plenty of reasons for me NOT to take it.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Division is not the point with my OP request - rather it was to avoid it.

Having already made your decision there's not much to say to us unvaxxed that'll add to this thread, in fact, I believe vast majority (use bell curve please) already vaxxed would disrupt this thread by mostly arguing a justification for their mostly knee jerk act. Most vaxxed I've run into out in public get angry if someone brings up the danger they've put themselves and others in by acting on MSM/Gov/NGO driven fear. Basically they ignore or refuse all data contrary to what they've allowed to be done and will not accept any logical debate.

In fact other than places like ATS there is no debate or publishing allowed by authorities to the point now we're called terrorist's by the DHS for believing other than the corporate line.

You might be an exception far down one side of the bell curve. Maybe since you're vaxxed you can have a discussion with your fellows about calling off the wolves of censorship to even allow a civil discussion much less one using logic.

You call it division, under current circumstance I call it useless endeavor as it truly is case of fox calling hound or more plainly "shut up and all will be kumbaya"

I base my opinion on majority trends not individuals such as yourself.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 10:53 AM
There is a coordinated effort by government, broadcast media, social media to paint un-vaxxed as subversives - witness last weeks declaration by DHS making out vocally un-vaxxed people as potential terrorists. Media blaming unvaxxed for variants, blaming unvaxxed for full ICU's - all demonstrably false.

But the narrative seems set upon a sleeping public.

Now we have FDA (bought owned) ready to lightspeed approve vaccine with no long term study data and plenty of data available that says vaccine is a maimer or killer itself.

So how are the screws to be tightened going forward ultimately forcing/coercing many to take the shot even with knowledge of its potential harm.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: Phoenix
There is a coordinated effort by government, broadcast media, social media to paint un-vaxxed as subversives - witness last weeks declaration by DHS making out vocally un-vaxxed people as potential terrorists. Media blaming unvaxxed for variants, blaming unvaxxed for full ICU's - all demonstrably false.

But the narrative seems set upon a sleeping public.

Now we have FDA (bought owned) ready to lightspeed approve vaccine with no long term study data and plenty of data available that says vaccine is a maimer or killer itself.

So how are the screws to be tightened going forward ultimately forcing/coercing many to take the shot even with knowledge of its potential harm.

I was heavily pressured by work to get it back in March. It is now officially mandated by work to have your first dose by at least Septemeber 1st or whatnot. ...or else lose your employment. All in writing. Going to be really interesting to see what happens very soon.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Kaiju666

If in the U.S. businesses are between rock and a hard place as potential lawsuits can be had from either side of the issue.

They can be sued by employees claiming they got Covid in workplace due to lack of rules or Be sued for unjustly firing employees not wanting take vaccine and top it off if mandated privately by the business and employee is injured by vaccine.

Big Pharma riding everyone elses back totally avoiding any responsibility.

ATM legal backflips are being done various jurisdictions to enable business mandates and although one may sue it doesn't mean one will get standing or prevail as things are manipulated.

Some are getting religious exemption but for how long?

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: Phoenix
a reply to: Kaiju666

If in the U.S. businesses are between rock and a hard place as potential lawsuits can be had from either side of the issue.

They can be sued by employees claiming they got Covid in workplace due to lack of rules or Be sued for unjustly firing employees not wanting take vaccine and top it off if mandated privately by the business and employee is injured by vaccine.

Big Pharma riding everyone elses back totally avoiding any responsibility.

ATM legal backflips are being done various jurisdictions to enable business mandates and although one may sue it doesn't mean one will get standing or prevail as things are manipulated.

Some are getting religious exemption but for how long?

They mentioned something about 'they'll continue working on doctor's notes and religion' (paraphrased). There are hundreds if not over a thousand (more?) of black people employed by my employer. Seeing they have the lowest Mark of the Beast rate, it's going to be very interesting. I was working at 2 sites, one in 'the hood' until a few weeks ago. No one probably past admin level had the Mark and didn't plan on getting it.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: Phoenix

"Opponents of mandatory vaccinations have cited the emergency approval as grounds for not requiring inoculations"

That reasoning is last on my list.
1. I won't allow my genes to be mutated.
2. I will not become intellectual property.
3. I will not take any vaccines for a virus that has never been isolated.
4. I don't take vaccines.
5. Germ theory is unproven.
6. The fake virus has a 99.7% survival rate. I wouldn't take it if it was only 75%. I'll take my chances.
7. Cases are meaningless.
8. The tests are meaningless.
9. They have openly stated their depopulation plans.
10. They want to use it to put microfluidic devices in our heads to control us absolutely. They want to return to Pharaoh style rule - f them.
11. They had to redefine pandemic and cases just to make it work.
12. They lied about deaths.
13. No other treatments are authorized and it has nothing to do with our health.
14. You don't need a police state to battle a fake virus.
15. Everything covid is under patent. This includes the S1 spike protein (patented in 2000 by Pfizer), and test kits (patented in 2015 by Rothschild).
16. There is zero research proving transmission.
17. Everything was preplanned, including variants. Politicians and their families invested in long term covid enterprises long before there was any indication that it would continue.
18. 3 pandemics in 17 years, all from Coronavirus, and just after research began. Total BS.
19. Regulatory officials have stock and royalties from covid.
20. The virus, which only exists in labs and vaccines, required gain of function abilities to infect human cells.
21. Everyone involved has full liability immunity.
22. Zero actual safety studies have been performed, and epigenetic risks take years to appear.
23. The elites (royal family, old money names, Rothschilds, etc...) are behind it, and they owe $2.5 quadrillion in derivatives gambling. Covid is their cover.
24. Elections don't need to be stolen and economies don't need to be crashed to fight a fraudulent virus.
25. Premeditated murder through geoengineering and manufactured famines aren't needed to fight a fake virus.
26. Warp speed was preplanned years in advance.

Not approved? Still emergency use? Who cares? That is the least of the issues. Covid is a lie and that is blatantly obvious. I don't care what lying deceitful agency or authority approves it. Covid is bull%@&t and they need to give it up.

posted on Aug, 25 2021 @ 07:28 PM
Just because the vaxs had gotten the FDA seal of Approval i am still not getting them because of the unknowns with these mRNAs.

The same FDA sure loves giving drugs to children and then children having issues later on. This fall and winter should be interesting how many in the attendance would occur in schools.

edit on 25-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 08:03 AM
I don't see any sense in being injected with Graphene Oxide.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Phoenix

I will not comply. This vaccine is completely new, no matter how much testing has supposedly been done in a past that doesn't exist. I will not ever take it due to preexisting conditions I dont want worsened.

posted on Aug, 26 2021 @ 08:44 AM
The people pushing this vax need a high powered Pb injection. It works best if applied directly to the forhead.a reply to: Beach Bum

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