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Virus Expert Just Issued This "Deadly" Warning

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posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

It's simple. You get the booster, for the next one, and then the next. For the rest of this viruses life. And then your immune system just suddenly becomes dependent on it or something ... like you know every other substance people shove into their bodies over a prolonged period of time.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Less effective at stopping the spread or less effective at lowering the chances of serious illness?

Or both?

a reply to: ketsuko

Doesn't matter. If it doesn't do both without pretentiously potentially causing me health issues, I am not interested.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 04:17 PM
It's your choice.

Instill say you guys over there must be getting different stuff in the needles though.

ADR is really low in the UK other than the minor known side effects really.

a reply to: incoserv

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: HawkEyi

Nobody's sticking anything in my body unless I've kissed it twice is what I told my quack when he tried to bully me into getting cooties 19 vaxed. Then I canned him.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

The first line will always be. "Our" experts looked at the data and found that there might be some mild problems, nothing to be concerned about. but surely if you have a vaccine, the problems are over. Oh, wait you have to have a shot every six months? why are they using the same PR agency for promoting vaccination as they did for the Gulf war? The answer is obvious as they would have to spin any problems away for as long as possible. think that they want everyone to have the vaccination so there is no control group of unvaccinated, so when the SHTF nobody can prove the unvaccinated survived better with natural immunity with each successive strain.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: ConcernedCanadian
Good. I still think a number of doctors are afraid of losing their jobs if they speak out agaisnt the mRNA which one of them is getting approved by the FDA very soon. Keep refusing it.

They are still rushing this and doing everything before the fall and winter for some reason.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: anonentity

The first line will always be. "Our" experts looked at the data and found that there might be some mild problems, nothing to be concerned about. but surely if you have a vaccine, the problems are over. Oh, wait you have to have a shot every six months? why are they using the same PR agency for promoting vaccination as they did for the Gulf war? The answer is obvious as they would have to spin any problems away for as long as possible. think that they want everyone to have the vaccination so there is no control group of unvaccinated, so when the SHTF nobody can prove the unvaccinated survived better with natural immunity with each successive strain.

So I'm not sure what you are suggesting the end game here is when about 15 different countries are all doing their thing though somewhat related to each other but still independent. In someways there is overreporting on both sides with the vaccine and virus and it isn't doing anyone any good. Israel's study is being used like a weapon with the anti-vaccers while they are not reading the whole study and just see "myocarditis is affecting vacced young people" and run with it not caring about anything else but getting a headline.

At the State level they are reporting the vast majority going to hospitals as being unvacced. OR is reporting less than 2% out of 900 in hospitals are unvacced. Old people are not dropping like flies anymore with 85% of them vacced.

There are control groups types out there if one looks. Also the whole thing with booster shots is still up un the air and is only being suggested for the very high risk, kind of like the flu shot, but then that is another weapon type narrative "wait until your 2 or 3 boosters a year for everyone on the planet" total BS statements.

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