posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 03:53 AM
Every time I think I know the level of insanity, ignorance, stupidity and sheer hostile demonic nature of the evil inhabitants of this wretched mud
stain of our solar system, someone just HAS to shatter that level of optimism to dust so I have to start anew, and ten times lower level.
Enough philosophy, let's get onto the rant. This is a true story, and it's not for the faint-hearted.
If you are easily triggered, offended, insulted, or just come to these forums to cause pain to other people, just go elsewhere, this post is not for
I am rarely as angry as I am right now, I feel like I can't help clenching my teeth and feeling like I am at some kind of boiling point, ready to
explode. I want to punch every wall I see, I want to scream at every idiot that blocks my way or causes my any kind of frustration.
The bus drove SO slowly, that almost drove me insane. People were getting in and out like in slow motion - has my internal time sped up, or was I
whisked to a circle of hell where torture is caused by everything being slow?
This was the least of today's troubles - let me get to the main point of the story.
I am having a 'nice walk' outside, as one often does in the summer/autumn time, when the nature is still displaying lots of beautiful green shapes
and the gentle breeze caresses the skin, beautiful clouds move about the sky, creating variation in atmosphere and lighting, while also inspiring a
Thinking about my life, I approach a residential area, and immediately I hear some kind of screamy commotion. I think nothing of it, except that it
must be some kind of 'daycare center' (though how do you take care of a 'day' is beyond me).
I have passed by numerous daycare centers in my life, so I don't think it's going to be a big deal to do it once more to get to where I am going.
The area is slightly 'notoriously bad', but everything seems peaceful, except those screams and general sounds of youthful unrest permetiate the
I glance at the general direction of the 'daycare center', which turns out to be around five male children. They look almost human, but little did I
know, they were the typical pure demonic feces as the populace of this planet consists of very little else these days.
Now, I know about bad parenting. We all have presumably suffered from it in one way or another all our lives - we all know the screaming, spoiled brat
in the supermarket that 'embarrasses' their bad parents, we all know the yelling kids that don't understand there's an 'inside voice' and
'outside voice' that you should consider when you're in a bus or library.
What happened next, STILL took me by shock and surprise, and my mind is still trying to construct a 'what I SHOULD have done' scenario after
another, in an endless loop in a vain attempt to soothe the overflowing flamy anger that's causing me to see red - at least figuratively.
What do you do in a situation like this? Seriously? Without having time to prepare or think, when life completely surprises you - what do you do? What
are your options as adult vs. kid, where the presumed 'supervisor' that I think I saw briefly, simply looks the other way and disappears?
I noticed one of the kids pick up a rock from the ground and stupidly throw it - thankfully, not towards me, I thought. My next thought was alarming,
though - if they start thinking it's a good idea to pick up things from the ground and start throwing them around, this can escalate into something
Well, surely they .. would.. not.. WHAT is that kid doing? As in slow motion, even now I see in the front of my mind's eye, that black cap-wearing,
fully-clothed-in-black (how typical - colors aren't suddenly allowed anymore) brat sees me passing by - the distance between us is around 15 meters
or so - remembers the other kid throwing that rock earlier, 'gets an idea' - and I can already predict what he's going to do, and praying
internally he's NOT doing it.
I am thinking if I just look at the brat sternly, as an adult, they won't think I am some wimp who won't do anything, but they might stop and think
twice what they're doing.
No such luck.
The brat looks at me like it's a normal thing to do, and then proceeds to WHISK that object DIRECTLY at me, as if this is what our family always
does. We just see a stranger, and immediately throw something at them. What? Doesn't your family participate in this sophisticated ritual of
constructive philosophical intellectualism and wisdom sharing, loving thy neighbour as yourself, and all that?
What .. the .. !@#%*"?
(That's actually more or less what I angrily yelled at the demon spawn brat after the fact)
WHAT kind of parenting allows, encourages, or at least leaves without ANY consequences, THROWING ROCKS AT INNOCENT BYPASSERS?!
The adult was either long gone, or didn't want to get involved - but what I want to know, is what was that absolute #!"*head thinking, what were
their God damn (this is not swearing, I actually am asking the Creator to damn those people) parents thinking when they raise someone to be like this?
Thinking you can just throw rocks at bypassers and receive no consequences is a ridiculously dangerous way to live as a kid, and the parents should
know better, even if they're the stupidest parents on the planet. You should NOT EVER raise your kids SO BADLY they proceed to think it's OK to
throw things they find on the ground at bypassing adults!
Only a kid that does mischiveous crap and NEVER receives consistent punishments or consequences can think this is a feasible lifestyle, a good idea,
or a way to treat fellow people on this horrible planet.
Every time this planet can't get worse, it shows me it already IS.. much worse than I apparently even think.
And anyone that has read my posts, should know I really do think this planet is absolutely horrible prison.
Imagine how bad a planet has to be to still be able to shock someone like me!
This example shows how bad parenting can be LITERALLY dangerous! Someone can die from sheer shock of the event (a bad heart, for example) - a properly
thrown rock can split someone's skull, cause brain damage, amnesia, loss of motion, etc. Your badly-raised kid can put someone in a wheelchair for
the rest of the life just because you let them pick up things from the ground and think it's a normal and good thing to throw those things at
Why don't people at least watch a couple of episodes of Supernanny?
What boggles my mind, is the information is out there, it's SO EASY to get to, I know more about parenting and raising dogs than I will ever need to
know, but these bad parents and dog handlers - and they're everywhere - don't know the FIRST thing about either!
How can it be that difficult to watch two episodes of two TV shows? That would give you the basics, and then you should be curious to gather more
knowledge about these topics.
I can't imagine buying a pet, getting a kid, or purchasing a friggin' TOASTER without first researching the topic THOROUGHLY so I am fully prepared
and know what I am doing. Do these morons think it's good enough to just pump one out and just wing it?
Holy cow, what's the thinking process when they decide to NOT research anything, but just buy a dog with completely wrong energy and personality for
your lifestyle, because
"it's cute", or get a kid because "I want one"?
WHAT is wrong with people? Not even a single-cell organism can be THIS STUPID!