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The MSM Outlets arent reporting What is Happening in Israel with The Vaxed.

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posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: hombero
Frankly I hope it does kill me so I don't have to live in this clown world.

a reply to: HawkEyi

Dont say that I will be stuck with clowns for sure if good people die.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Torlin
Look at Iceland, they have over 90% vaccinated. HUGE spike in covid cases since the mass vaccination started: Iceland Covid Data

Obviously, vaccination is completely useless in stopping the infection or transmission. However, the number of severe cases is not as high, so maybe the vaccine does something good?

Based on those numbers it is clear that the vaccine doesn't do what it was promised to do: stop the infections and transmission.

Strange. In the UK we were told the vaccine wouldn't stop transmission or infection, but would reduce serious symptoms.

So that's the opposite of what you are saying.

So repeat, vaccine does not stop infections or transmission. Just reduces symptoms.

Weird that your country is saying the complete opposite. Maybe you are confused.

posted on Aug, 21 2021 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: HawkEyi

Yes, Delta is more transmissible than Alpha. We know this.

Regarding the numbers from Israel: Here, I'll do the math for you even though it's pretty simple:

Let's say 10,000 Israelis who are tested each day. 650 infections gives a positivity rate of 4.5%, not unreasonable.

7,800 (78%) of them are vaccinated.

Let's say that 52% (more than 50%, right) of the cases are in the vaccinated group.

4% of the vaccinated group are infected. (338/7800 = 0.04)
14% of the unvaccinated group are infected (312/2200 = 0.14)

Which group is doing better?

I wonder which group has more in the hospital.
what test is performed to distinguish delta from alpha?

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 12:34 AM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
The Mainstream News Media Outlets arent reporting What is Happening in Israel with The Vaxed.
If you go to google and search for what is happening elsewhere.
You would find it surprising that in Israel the situation is becoming interesting as there are more covid cases are rising.

Israel has among the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine.

I was actually disappointed in Israel's mass vaccine campaign. Traditionally, large numbers of Jews are anti-vax due to what happened in WWII with forced injections of Jews by the Nazi's.

To learn that they had coerced so many people that were traditionally anti-vax into getting the jab was disheartening. I thought they had learned about them being used as guinea pigs by what Bayer did to them. But instead, in modern times, they let Pfizer do it to them.

I was really hoping for a large number of Jews to not be vaccinated to show that natural immunity was better than the vax. Instead 78% of Jews in Israel were coerced into being Pfizer guinea pigs.

And now the statistics are clear that Pfizer's vax doesn't work.

Israel’s sobering setback

Israel, which has led the world in launching vaccinations and in data gathering, is confronting a surge of COVID-19 cases that officials expect to push hospitals to the brink. Nearly 60% of gravely ill patients are fully vaccinated.

Israel's Grim Warning on Vaccinations

If 60% of the gravely ill hospitalizations are among the vaccinated in Israel, then CLEARLY THE VAX DOES NOT WORK.

But instead of Israel learning from this, they are forcing their citizens to get a 3rd dose. What for? If 2 doses don't work, why bother with a 3rd?

Odd that they know what Bayer did to them in WWII and they haven't let the world forget, yet they are letting Pfizer do the same thing to them now. Why?

Already 1 million in Israel have gotten the 3rd dose, just like a bunch of litlle guinea pigs. They need to learn that Big Pharma monopolies are a bad thing. Not just Bayer, but Pfizer too.
edit on 22-8-2021 by MapMistress because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Torlin

Gee it almost seems as if the vaccine is the cause of the spike in cases...

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: MapMistress

I dont blame the Jews for being cautious i see their reasoning and its a shame for what their govt and other western govts are doing this and even as far by threating students as well.

"Oh you want to return in class learning? get vaxed or no school" at the same time while the covid cases are surging again.

You know i heard an Israeli report how the previous govt put tracking devices onto children in their leg or feet if they broke the covid lockdown orders.

Now that is 1984. And rightful so.
edit on 22-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: and14263

Strange. In the UK we were told the vaccine wouldn't stop transmission or infection, but would reduce serious symptoms.

Yet in Canada, in provinces you have the local media and local ADs lying to people saying to them if you get vaxed this would help prevent the transmission.

posted on Aug, 22 2021 @ 02:59 PM
Sounds like the real way to control the third world strains is to close the borders. Nobody gets in, full stop.

Yet they don’t do that. The US, France, UK etc. All allow third worlders to swarm in by the tens of thousands so clearly they don’t care and want it to spread quicker.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: HawkEyi
a reply to: and14263

Strange. In the UK we were told the vaccine wouldn't stop transmission or infection, but would reduce serious symptoms.

Yet in Canada, in provinces you have the local media and local ADs lying to people saying to them if you get vaxed this would help prevent the transmission.

They are missing out on serious detail... The theory is that you are vaccinated therefore ill less seriously, therefore carry the virus for shorter time, therefore less 'chance' of transmission. It's a trick they're pulling with words.

HOWEVER there is beginning some research that suggests it does stop transmission. Research done in April being verified now.

posted on Aug, 23 2021 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: HawkEyi

Yes, Delta is more transmissible than Alpha. We know this.

Regarding the numbers from Israel: Here, I'll do the math for you even though it's pretty simple:

Let's say 10,000 Israelis who are tested each day. 650 infections gives a positivity rate of 4.5%, not unreasonable.

7,800 (78%) of them are vaccinated.

Let's say that 52% (more than 50%, right) of the cases are in the vaccinated group.

4% of the vaccinated group are infected. (338/7800 = 0.04)
14% of the unvaccinated group are infected (312/2200 = 0.14)

Which group is doing better?

I wonder which group has more in the hospital.

As a vaccinated person myself, with a 0.04 chance of getting covid, why do I care much about the final fate of the unvaccinated?

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: dandandat2

As a vaccinated person myself, with a 0.04 chance of getting covid, why do I care much about the final fate of the unvaccinated?

I have no idea why you think the vaccination gives you a magic bubble to surround you from the air, but whether vaccunated or not, there is an equal chance of transnission. The vaccinated just might not know they have it and the vaccinated are far less likely to be tested for it.

And you should care about the unvaccinated. Er. Um. Here's another analogy. Something that commonly happens is that sometimes newborn babies are exposed to HSV-2 at birth because their mother has an infection. But newborn babies sometimes develop an immunity to HSV-2 that becomes a lifelong immunity. (HSV-2 is Herpes Simplex Virus 2). So the memory t-cells in the newborn baby lasts for life. And as adults, they never get herpes sores.

Now, if you as an adult have HSV-2, then for the rest of your life, you have to take medications. Wouldn't you prefer to find someone with a lifelong immunity to HSV-2 and get a transfusion of their memory t-cells to give you immunity as well?

Same for Covid. Those taking the vax will become dependent on booster after booster. Do you really want to take booster shots every 6-8 months for the rest of your life?

OR...Would you rather find someone who refused the vax that built up their natural immunity to Alpha, Beta, Ganma, Delta, Epsilon, Iota, etc. AND THEN if you find such people, you can simply get a transfusion of their memory t-cells and you'd never have to be vaccinated again.

Your choice. A jab every 6 months for the rest of your life? OR find an anti-vaxxer with natural immunity and get a memory t-cell transfusion and never have to get vaccinated again.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: dandandat2

Are you following the news out of Israel? the vax Pfizer efficiency is well. Hm not 95% as they claimed.
edit on 24-8-2021 by HawkEyi because: (no reason given)

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