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It May be Easier for ‘Vaccinated’ to spread Delta than Jab-Free People

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posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

Well I wouldn't do that either. But I will look upon them with disgust for their selfishness. What, they think just because they got a shot they can walk around and spread their germs everywhere? Why don't they care about other people enough to keep wearing their mask to protect them? Just like everyone else, they don't feel symptoms so they will spread it everywhere and not even notice or care because they don't believe in science and refuse to just wear a freaking mask. It is not that hard.


posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
The info on the mRNA vaccines is all over the place, from what I surmise it works for about half the people to stop them from getting really sick with Delta, but it could make some people have worse outcomes.

I can't take it for incompatibility reasons. But from reading about it and the fact that it was never tested properly, I probably would not have taken the mRNA vaccine even if I was tolerant. I would consider the Jansen vaccine if I wasn't allergic to the ingredients in it too...but I am so it is not an option.

I still have a decent immune system so I am not worried, I am sixty five, if I get covid....I get it. If I die, oh well, it is all downhill now anyway. I just did the brakes and brakelines on a car we gave to the granddaughter and it sucked, I am getting too old for that kind of stuff. Dying doesn't sound too bad, but I am not going to take a medicine that I am aware of will possible cause me to get sick and die. I have been at the auto store for four days in the road, one of those jobs where everything that can go wrong goes wrong. But it is now finished, just got to have someone get into the car and then look for leaks from fittings and it is done. Once the car is up I might as well do an oil change, got the oil and filter from a while back. Only take maybe a half hour or so to do, only three grease fittings. My sixty seven buick is a dead horse on top of the heavy duty scissor lift....need to find a different place for that so I can use it.

Many have learned so much with your research into alternatives to the normal poison medicine. TAT there is no "may be easier" it's happening. I would add that most deaths are vaccinated, there's no delta when anybody just thinks of the experimental vaccine. The vaccine is delta, boosters coming up are the next variant. Is it Epsilon next? or another I'm just asking for a friend.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
And I forgot to add, is not available test for on site testing of the soo called Delta variant, for what we know this could even be the same covid is been infecting people all along, but because the jabs stop working if they ever worked at all, something needed to be created to blame it for the infections among vaxed.

But hey is all the unvaxed fault, they are the ones infecting everybody and the vaxed too.

Agree completely, the unvaxxed always to blame. I'm trying to be a friend here when I say change your avatar, it's not difficult to connect twitter and here, just looking out for you. I follow you both by the way.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:40 PM
If I understand correctly Dr Malone seems to be going more with the common narrative now.

These are all things that have been known for some time now.

He's even said "may" where he could have easily said "will" in relation to being more infectious if vaccinated if not as I am pretty sure that's still an unknown.

a reply to: IAMTAT

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: MirrorrorriM

I do not have accounts with any social medias, never had and never will, something about social media that always kept me away from them.


posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: MirrorrorriM

Many have learned so much with your research into alternatives to the normal poison medicine. TAT there is no "may be easier" it's happening. I would add that most deaths are vaccinated, there's no delta when anybody just thinks of the experimental vaccine. The vaccine is delta, boosters coming up are the next variant. Is it Epsilon next? or another I'm just asking for a friend.

Actually is interesting that, when the covid seems to be ebbing back a few months ago, the jabs started in full gear and just a few week later, full blown covid again, you may be into something, but as usual the pro jabs will deny any wrong doings, they trust pharma "science" and CDC is great at brainwashing that the un vaxed are at fault.

posted on Aug, 24 2021 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: Encia22
Here's an article I read this morning that basically describes the same thing, adding that herd immunity may not be achievable.

It is precisely just as achievable - and always has been - as it is for the common cold, the flu, and all other seasonal viruses that come and go throughout the year.

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