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this happened today in Japan

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posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:53 AM
The weather is changing. Fires in Turkey, drought in the west of the USA. Here is a video today that we are facing which is real.

edit on 0800000023542021-08-19T05:54:23-05:00542308am5 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0800000050542021-08-19T05:54:50-05:00545008am5 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

edit on 0800000051562021-08-19T05:56:51-05:00565108am5 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

Are you scared? It smells extinction... You'll get used to it.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

The first video shows water being pumped from somewhere to somewhere else, in Japan spoken in Japanese.

The second video doesn't work.

The third video looks like the news, it's been raining, there was a fire somewhere, in Japan spoken in Japanese.

Do I really have to spell out where the problems exist in the compilation of this thread?

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 06:26 AM
I don't do video, but it seems you are commenting on the "climate change" issues. However, IMO, floods, droughts, fires and similar events have more to do with the way humans change the environment to suit their own needs. Altering water ways contributes in a big way to flooding, forest mismanagement to fires, city scapes to toxic pollution, etc. There is climate change, but our contribution isn't just carbon emissions. Governments with short sighted agendas make laws and issue permits that help fill the government treasuries at the cost of the natural systems.

When I had moved onto my swampy domain, it was a maturing forest with little in the way of ecological diversity. Deer would pass through and bed down, but with little browse, if the swamp was dry, they never even passed through. After I had the best trees cut and radically opened up the forest canopy, the deer over ran the place and all kinds of different animals called it home now.

That was good, so I thought, a diversity of plants and animals, what can be bad? Well, I never had a problem with ticks before that, never a one until after the logging. Now, years later, even with all my landscaping around the homestead, ticks are a problem every year. In the spring, you're lucky to go outside to take the garbage out without having a tick crawling on you or hitching a ride into the house. Other pest insects are also a problem now. Guess who's fault that was? I can give you a clue, but it wasn't about carbon dioxide.

It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature and she will let you know it fairly quickly.
edit on 19-8-2021 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 07:12 AM
"drought in the west of the USA"

That's not change- that happens.
it's been happening for many, many years.

California was a wasteland until the wind blew nutrients over from... was it Africa?
With the ocean currents changing, the winds will change too- and california will return to the wasteland it once was.

The world is in flux- it looks a lot like we're heading into another ice age based on the real science, but the current crop of old senile old men in charge won't live to see it, so they don't care. the current hysteria of 'global warming' allows them to keep the masses afraid, which is all it takes to steal from them.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

This crap is brought to you by cutting down the rain forests. Fix that, and we all can sleep well. Do not fix that? Then we dance in hell.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: musicismagic

Are you scared? It smells extinction... You'll get used to it.

This made me chuckle a bit.

A juxtaposition seeing you post in this brand of thread. I always find your posts interesting and this is no exception.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: lordcomac

Is been happening since I was a littler girl and before I was born.

The problem is that now we have more population in areas that in the turn of the last century populated areas were limited due to the extreme dryness of the land.

Once the rivers were manipulated to bring water to areas that did not have any, population expanded, and land sale became big money income.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: musicismagic
MIM you better build you and your little lady a boat.
On a serious note the climate as of late is changing. I won't join the man vs. not man made climate change debate. It's much more complicated than that I feel. And I don't really trust "authority" l.

I know where I live the weather is no longer the same. Summer is longer, hotter and more wet. Winter is much milder with less snow. So I dont complain much aside from the humidity. I was built for colder regions anyhow.

I will agree with MichiganSwampBuck, we do a fair bit of fiddling with the natural environment. That is a large factor. The other is the cyclic nature if weather. You hear it all the time 10 year floods, 100 year snowstorm etc. We build in p*ss poor places to build cities and homes. We also consume on a scale unseen or remembered in history. Theres a factor there too.

On the flip side, we are a blip on the timeline of this planet. All things being equal we are at best, taking educated geuss at the past weather of this planet. I'm sure it's closer to we have no effing idea what really happened in the past. And we really have no way of checking out what's really happening down the line.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: SwampFox999

We also consume on a scale unseen or remembered in history. There's a factor there too.

It's not just a factor: it is the factor. And it is not just that you consume in excess and irrationally: it is that you even throw away the surplus. You could very well adapt to a Martian climate, no matter how hostile. But you cannot escape your greediness and irrationality. Those have nothing to do with the climate; they are part of your genome, it seems.

You could duplicate or triplicate your population and still have a rational behavior without depleting your resources. But the moment you behave irrationally your fate is doomed. Messing around with the environment instead of adapting to it like all other species is always a very bad idea. Geoengineering won't solve the problem: you'll die. And there are no gods and no aliens to come to the rescue. Let's face it: you'll become extinct. Uploading your minds to a superintelligence it's not gonna work either: your greediness and irrationality is what your mind is made of. In the end, it is not even your fault. It is just a design error. Time to rinse and repeat.

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 08:46 AM

After all this climate control...and posturing by politicians to people like all the progressives can think about is passing public transportation bills so we can have even more empty buses driving around at 3:30 in the morning burning critical fuel supplies!!! What a bunch of freaking maniacs!!!!!!

edit on 19-8-2021 by Qlone1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2021 by Qlone1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2021 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: deckdel
a reply to: musicismagic

This crap is brought to you by cutting down the rain forests. Fix that, and we all can sleep well. Do not fix that? Then we dance in hell.

To some degree that is true. However, there are a couple more things:

A) More and more people live in ecological sensitive areas and thus are more prone for disasters
B) More and more surface area becomes covered with concrete, compacted, or changed in such a way that rainfall cannot permeate into the ground and massively accumulates to huge flooding
C) The earth magnetic field is drastically weakening causing a change in weather patterns with more rain (cosmic rays as condensation seeds), fires (more lightning due to an increase in the global electric circuit earth/sun), and more extreme weather.

In short, some is self-inflicted, some is a change to the worse.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: musicismagic
Oh Mary, don't you weep don't you mourn.
Oh Mary, don't you weep don't you mourn.
Pharoah's army got drowned.
Oh Mary, don't you weep .

God gave Noah the rainbow sign.
No more water , but the fire next time.
Pharoah's army got drowned.
Oh Mary, don't you weep .

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: RavenSpeaks
a reply to: musicismagic
Oh Mary, don't you weep don't you mourn.
Oh Mary, don't you weep don't you mourn.
Pharoah's army got drowned.
Oh Mary, don't you weep .

God gave Noah the rainbow sign.
No more water , but the fire next time.
Pharoah's army got drowned.
Oh Mary, don't you weep .

I live in a 40 year tsunami flood zone. It has has happened in the past. Not builders are building in this zone, sadly I didn't know about it after I had our house built.

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 08:05 AM
The ecological crisis is probably 1/2 man and 1/2 erupting volcanoes. Get big stoppers for all the active volcanoes... currently around 40.. and that would help a lot.

Actually the real culprit is magma movement underground... which triggers erupting volcanoes.

The ultimate blame,... what some are saying.. is that the CME's we get.. and other interplanetary energy waves coming through... plus the general weakening of our magnetosphere... is really the culprit.

The summary, is that it's all kind of way beyond our collective control. But of course scientists don't want to admit that they lost control...


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