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Why I’m Not Getting a Flu Shot

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posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: Trueman

Natural immunity lasts longer, the highest I heard is 17 month and ongoing. How does that 'vaccine', that only lasts 6 month, beat natural immunity if you had it already?

Then there is this little important detail, T and B cell responses. Some T- and B-cells act as memory cells, persisting for years, even decades. These memory cells, will not show up on an antibody tests. We don't understand the human body completely, but we think we are still smarter than nature.

You can expect getting sick every 6 month because of the vaccine. I think you got that twisted.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: myselfaswell

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: HawkEyi

You’re choosing artificial immunity over natural immunity

What's the difference?

Quite clearly, one is artificial .... and one is natural .... jeez mate lift your game.

One is significantly easier to administer.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: HawkEyi

You’re choosing artificial immunity over natural immunity

What's the difference?

Phage, I would have thought, by your overly assertive, (passive aggressive) remarks you had at the very least, the basic understanding of the immune system.

The antibodies your immune system produces after you’ve had COVID-19 aren't the same as the antibodies your immune system makes after you’ve been vaccinated. This is a fact.

The innate/natural immune cells are far superior. They last a long time in comparison to the Jab induced (unless you are very, very weak and immuno-compromised) Nor do they cause variants, unlike their ugly cousin.. the Jab induced immune cells.

This is why different Antibody tests are available, to get either Anti N (nucleocapsid) or Anti S (spike Protein) test, or to test for both.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: Trueman

Natural immunity lasts longer, the highest I heard is 17 month and ongoing. How does that 'vaccine', that only lasts 6 month, beat natural immunity if you had it already?

Then there is this little important detail, T and B cell responses. Some T- and B-cells act as memory cells, persisting for years, even decades. These memory cells, will not show up on an antibody tests. We don't understand the human body completely, but we think we are still smarter than nature.

You can expect getting sick every 6 month because of the vaccine. I think you got that twisted.

You are correct. Unless the person suffers from some serious immune compromising illness and/or is very old with a serious health condition and has therefore has poor immune response.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Phage

Natural, some call it 'acquired' immunity is superior to that provided by a shot.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain
a reply to: Trueman

Natural immunity lasts longer, the highest I heard is 17 month and ongoing. How does that 'vaccine', that only lasts 6 month, beat natural immunity if you had it already?

Then there is this little important detail, T and B cell responses. Some T- and B-cells act as memory cells, persisting for years, even decades. These memory cells, will not show up on an antibody tests. We don't understand the human body completely, but we think we are still smarter than nature.

You can expect getting sick every 6 month because of the vaccine. I think you got that twisted.

I think all this is uncharted and we are learning how to deal with it. I read somewhere that natural immunity last longer but is not strong as the vaccine. Considering my asthma and arthritis, I'm one of those who need an extra layer of protection.

Anyway, I think 17 months of natural immunity sounds like a lot, maybe that happens if you have an excellent health condition, only affected by the virus.

The immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection.

The results provide hope that people receiving SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will develop similar lasting immune memories after vaccination.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Trueman
Some bugs you get one time and you are immune forever, like mumps or measles. That's how vaccines work normally, just not recently anymore.

Yes the 17 month I too think is exceptional for antibody still being there. However see my T- and B-cell sentence, these can AFAIK not be tested for, or are not currently.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: HawkEyi

I've had one flu shot in my life, it was a request from a client (hospital) at work. I felt kinda rough for a few days and then got over it. Haven't had one since and have never tested positive for the flu, my wife has though. No precautions on my part, I just didn't catch it from her, not sure why.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: HawkEyi

You’re choosing artificial immunity over natural immunity

What's the difference?

The difference is that with natural "immunity" you could end up dead in the process of becoming immune. Like catching COVID19 to become immune to it is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Don't worry Phage, the Trump supporters on this forum will be killing themselves off anyway. You and I are better off.

This is just an example of survival of the fittest, where the dumb philosophies hurt themselves so much that they can't compete against competent philosophies.

How do Republicans plan on winning elections if they are all dead?
edit on 18pmWed, 18 Aug 2021 13:22:13 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: darkbake

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: HawkEyi

You’re choosing artificial immunity over natural immunity

What's the difference?

The difference is that with natural "immunity" you could end up dead in the process of becoming immune. Like catching COVID19 to become immune to it is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Don't worry Phage, the Trump supporters on this forum will be killing themselves off anyway. You and I are better off.

This is just an example of survival of the fittest, where the dumb philosophies hurt themselves so much that they can't compete against competent philosophies.

How do Republicans plan on winning elections if they are all dead?

Charming and compassionate you. OOOOFT.
Anyway, back to reality. Maybe Conservative types make healthier life choices and live healthier lives????

Most people are relatively healthy, and even had the virus, to no ill-effect, way before the vaccines came on the scene.... along with the politicized hysteria.

Hey, you and your buddy Phage might enjoy a perusal of my prediction for the Covid Jab caused variants over the coming 24 month period...


posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 06:49 PM
I have never gotten the flu shot *shrug*
I have gotten sick...but I just take Nyquil, sleep, eat soup, and get thru it.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: shaemac
I have never gotten the flu shot *shrug*
I have gotten sick...but I just take Nyquil, sleep, eat soup, and get thru it.

Well then, you're a racist MAGA supporting white supremacist.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes

originally posted by: shaemac
I have never gotten the flu shot *shrug*
I have gotten sick...but I just take Nyquil, sleep, eat soup, and get thru it.

Well then, you're a racist MAGA supporting white supremacist.

haha I have heard that before! Oh I have I managed to stay alive?

posted on Aug, 20 2021 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: darkbake

Are you aware of how many have been killed from the shot? Maimed?

Natural immunity is far superior to anything provided by these experimental drugs.
edit on 20-8-2021 by Salander because: (no reason given)

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