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Why Is It Taking So Long to Get Vaccines for Kids?

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posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. This is about uptake, not safety.

You're right the vaccine is not about safety at all at all at all.

You know why?

Because they don't care about you at all at all at all.

You can't even identify perfect madness when you're looking at it.

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 06:56 PM
It is simple young people do not need a fake vaccine. Well no one needs a vaccine. 66% of young people that take the shot develop heart problems that can kill them.

posted on Aug, 17 2021 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Except that you're ignoring the evidence within this very thread that all the current jabs are experimental, regardless of method of inoculation.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Village Idiot

The unvaxxed are spreading it to each other...

So are the jabbed. See linked to above post as well.

...and I'm being restricted because of that.

You're being locked down because you're allowing them to lock you down.

Either get yourself vaxxed or accept a two tier system where you are locked down and the rest of us aren't.

No. Caste systems are inherently evil and lead to terrible things. Ask the Tutsis. Ask the Dalit. Ask the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa tribes. I can provide further examples without choosing the obvious go-to.

If you understood statistics you would know that you need to look at the percentage of people who get sick from each group, not the total number of people.

vaxxed adults outnumber unvaxxed adult. Therefore it only requires a small percentage of them to get sick to outnumber the vaxxed in total.

This proves the vax is effective.

So as of typing this, Worldometer has about 209 million China Virus cases in the entire world. This is of a global population of about 7.89 billion people (also Worldometers). Of those 209 million, roughly 4.39 million have died with China Virus.

This stands to reason that globally, only about 2.65% of the global population have had China Virus.

This stands to reason that globally, only about 0.556% of the global population have died with China Virus.

This is fewer annual global deaths than each heart disease and stroke. Close behind are COPD, lower respiratory infections, and neonatal conditions.

This proves that the jab, the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, and your proposed caste system and not necessary.

a reply to: Dalamax

Is that what this is? If so, it would make a lot more sense.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

I've got a friend who is travelling to another stste just to get a non-mRNA shot, because apparently Tennessee doesn't have any of them.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: Village Idiot
I think ArrrghZombies lives in Australia.

If they live in NSW that woukd make sense. The government there is cracking down on people and imposing lockdowns for even longer and heavy fines.
They've got the police AND the army enforcing it.

There are a lot of angry people over there. I hope they resist.

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Village Idiot

The unvaxxed are spreading it to each other, and I'm being restricted because of that.

Either get yourself vaxxed or accept a two tier system where you are locked down and the rest of us aren't.

If you understood statistics you would know that you need to look at the percentage of people who get sick from each group, not the total number of people.

vaxxed adults outnumber unvaxxed adult. Therefore it only requires a small percentage of them to get sick to outnumber the vaxxed in total.

This proves the vax is effective.

Damn, what is it? You got that kool-aid with extra extra sugar? Or do you just eat up whatever the state tells you?

Are you sticking your head in the sand about the information that vaccinated people can still get and pass Covid? You're just going with the narrative that it's alllll the "unvaccinated" people's fault.

I'd ask if you felt bad you got suckered into taking a Bs shot, but you probably don't. Probably on a high horse, thinking you "did your part." You want applause? A cookie?

posted on Aug, 18 2021 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: rsvpzxc

In my hone country it's considered to be a finished product. We have a faster and more efficient system that allows us to validate it as being safe and effective much more quickly because we do things concurrently and allow overlaps between trials.

Our safety standards are also higher, and we have a chain of responsibility baked into the system which means that if the shot is dangerous heads will role. There's serious jail time waiting for anybody who attempts to rig the system, and our prisons are NASTY.

So when my government says it's safe it's a fair bet that it's safe.

All your vaccines are provisionally approved which is not the same as fully approved.

All COVID-19 vaccine applications are being treated with the greatest priority as part of the Department of Health's response to the pandemic. Under normal circumstances, TGA's assessment (for both provisional and general registration) begins once all information to support registration is available. For COVID-19 vaccines, the TGA has agreed to accept rolling data to enable early evaluation of data as it comes to hand.

Many of the large-scale clinical trials that will provide evidence of safety and effectiveness are still progressing and these results will be provided to the TGA as they become available. The TGA will also evaluate quality data (such as how the vaccines ...

How can it be considered finished with the trials still ongoing not to mention no long term data?

As well the only vaxs provisionally approved are mRNA or viral vector. Where are these alternative choices you speak of?

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